As for Ibuprofen and Tylenol, I am deploying every pain management technique that I possibly can. Pills, "herbal medicine"

, physical therapy stretches, applying heat and ice, etc. Altogether it brings the pain down from a 10 to an 8, where a 10 is "in so much pain I'm not actually able to form words" and an 8 is "gasping, groaning, writhing in agony." It's not been a great couple of days for me and if you told me I had to live like this for the rest of my time I'd say, "No thank you" and walk into the ocean. Without going too deep into the details I pinched a nerve doing nothing in particular, which doesn't sound extreme but it's worse than any migraine I've ever had, and worse than recovering from any surgery I've ever had. I'm not able to take care of myself at all. So I don't recommend it!