Ok, I'll be good.
I didn't mean to offend AmberCuite.
I love you all.
I'm impressed, because clearly you were so "shook and triggered" it must have been hard to resist!I had a really snarky comment all typed out for him, but decided I'm just gonna "cool it"...as my mom used to say. Lol.
Don't get so shook and triggered if you read an insensitve post on a forum.
You're a smart girl.
I;m jus a dumb fuck with a good heart.
Pleae don't read deep into my current brain farts.
I'm impressed, because clearly you were so "shook and triggered" it must have been hard to resist!
The 'crock of shit' post was when I had quite a few beers. I didn't intend to kick the hornets nest.
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This is my phobia...except for the "seeing someone else vomit" part. All this talk about the second dose of the vaccine having worse side effects than the first...I'm just like oh, man...PLEASE don't let nausea/vomiting be one of them (I'm not throwing up at all from this first one...thank goodness). I'll take a sore arm...the chills...body aches...and a fever over nausea/vomiting any day.
I'm gonna have saltines...ginger ale...Pepto chewables...etc. here, just in case.
In January of 2020 I got a stomach bug that was going around at the daycare center where I'd worked, and it was the worst day ever.
Any NA'ers feel like explaining to me if there's any similarity to how whites get treated in the same sorta situation?
I have the same exact phobia! Back when I was younger I couldn't even be around someone who was throwing up without having an anxiety attack, because I was afraid it would make me want to throw up. I got over it after I had been bartending for awhile, since I was around my fair share of vomit during those days. But, I still absolutely hate vomiting. The feeling of being nauseous will still send me into anxiety mode, and the thing that sucks about that is that part of my anxiety symptoms is getting nauseous, so then I feel even more like I have to get sick.
I read awhile back that people with severe emetophobia generally never really throw up, unless it's something extremely serious, because we've basically re-programmed our brains and shut down that part of the brain that allows us to vomit, or something like that. Not sure how valid that is, but I know over the past fifteen years I've vomited less than a handful of times, despite how I used to get very drunk quite often. I think I've thrown up less than four times in my entire life from alcohol or hangovers, which is wild, and I think it lends some credibility to the "vomit part of brain turned off" theory.
Last year when I bought peppermint oil (because I'd read it's a good mouse repellent, and I freaked out and bought a bunch of stuff after my son told me he saw a mouse...LOL), I learned that it's also good for nausea. When I get my second Pfizer shot, I'll have that little bottle of it in my purse...and probably some of those Air Wick peppermint plug-ins in the wall. And I'll eat light things like fruit instead of the greasy stuff I tend to get via DoorDash delivery. Lol.
I basically had hyperemisis gravidarum though (during my first trimester), literally, nothing would work for me. Even prescription Zofran (used for people who have chemo) barely put a dent in it. So I'm an outlier there. At one point it was so bad I was losing a pound a day, but that has passed nowI've never tried peppermint oil (I have heard it's also great for headaches if you rub it on your temples, though), but I always carry around peppermint candy. I'm basically like an old lady with it, haha. Peppermint tea or ginger tea is also good for nausea! There's these ginger lemon honey drops on Amazon, the brand is Upspring, that can help with nausea, too. But, I know it doesn't work for everyone. I believe @EliMarie717 tried it and it didn't help at all for her, but it's worked for me in the past.
Also, my go to back when I was still a bartender was lemons. I'd suck on a lemon whenever I was working and nauseous from a hangover and it would help a lot. Plus, it keeps away scurvy, hahaha.
Be careful putting something out like this and then people really taking advantage of it, creating a ton of followup work for yourself.Would it be ridiculous to (temporarily?) offer an incentive such as...each member who spends a total of 500 tokens/$50 during the month of May automatically gets a 5-minute custom video? Or custom pic set?
She was going about 20 over the speed limit when a cop turned on their lights, got on the car loudspeaker saying to pull over. At the time she was driving a really beat up old car, something that anyone would assume someone from a lower economic status would drive. She pulls over on the side of the interstate and the cop says over the loudspeaker to get out the car with her hands up. At this point, he obviously didn't know who was in the car and had to make assumptions based on what the car looked like. She gets out and he has a gun pointed right at her. For speeding.
It doesn't matter how many times I listen to this...I still get chills every single time. I was in Chorus in high school, and we sang this at my high school graduation in 2000.
I'mmmmmm abbbooout toooooo loooooose myyy minnnnnd. Itttttt's thaaaat kinnnnd offfff dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggghhhhhh!
@yummybrownfox I feel ya on the wig issue. I have some really nice ones that I never wear anymore, because of the heat issue. I should suck it up and wear them because they cost me, and some are super cute. Love your new profile pic!!
I hate when that happens. It's like no matter how much you try and bend and bash it back into place, it never seems to go quite right again. My mother-in-law is a good enough sower/ seamstress where she can replace hooks like that, but idk how she does it. All I know is she replaces those tiny hooks completely w a new one. She mended a couple of Summer dresses that way for me, that had that tiny hook, up top the zipper (that had bent)., but one of the hooks in the back is all jacked up/broken...and I can't use it anymore. Ugh.
I'm theI hate when that happens. It's like no matter how much you try and bend and bash it back into place, it never seems to go quite right again. My mother-in-law is a good enough sower/ seamstress where she can replace hooks like that, but idk how she does it. All I know is she replaces those tiny hooks completely w a new one. She mended a couple of Summer dresses that way for me, that had that tiny hook, up top the zipper (that had bent).
Please do, sounds interesting. Is it really difficult, and time consuming to replace those little bra hooks?I'm thesewertailor in the family. Had to fix the odd bra hook for my ex (because they were her good ones). Stitched a Prince Purple Rain jacket from scratch for a fancy dress party. Will have to dig out a photo.