AmberCutie's Forum
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Daily Thoughts

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I'm excited! They do SWAT team (Bust the door down) trainings in my neighborhood a few times a year, and the leasing office just called to give me a heads up (Since it's LOUD) that tomorrow they'll be doing it at the vacant townhouse NEXT DOOR TO ME! I looove watching that shit! I'm gonna record it again like I did last year when I watched them do it at two other vacant units.

Fuck Yeah Yes GIF
Awww! My DoorDash delivery person is gonna be so scared when they see all the SWAT guys at the house next door to me. They’re about to do their training, and bust the door down. So exciting! Shit’s gonna be loud af! Lol.
  • Funny!
Reactions: MarieElise
Ugh this trial is going to be crazy. Did you see the whole body cam video? I just watched it for the first time today.
Are you talking about possible appeal or the other 3 officers' trial that'll be later this year?
Are you talking about possible appeal or the other 3 officers' trial that'll be later this year?
Yes I doubt it will go well for the rest at this point. I can’t believe he was convicted after watching the body cam video
Yes I doubt it will go well for the rest at this point. I can’t believe he was convicted after watching the body cam video
Wait, what?
Did you watch the full body cam video?
Only what was released a few weeks ago during the trial. Did you see something different?
I wish his bosses who never took significant action on the 17 prior complaints were being charged on something too. My 2 cents. I am happy with the verdict though, but I feel like a lot of others were complicit also, who will get to slide away Scott- free. He should have been disciplined/ fired a long time ago IMO.
Only what was released a few weeks ago during the trial. Did you see something different?

This is the video I saw. And from what I see is he did not want to get arrested and there was a bystander telling him not to get in the car encouraging him to resist arrest. George was agitating the situation by throwing himself out of the police car and asking to lay on the ground for some reason. He didn’t seem like he was sober they was he was acting. Yes it’s very sad that it happened but resisting arrest from an officer is dangerous and everyone knows that. George Floyd had a violent criminal history ...
Guess that's where I end the discussion.

Best of luck to you.
Ok what do you see from the video? You can’t have a discussion with someone whose opinion differs from yours?

Regardless of whether or not he initially resisted arrest doesn't justify Chauvin remaining on his neck for minutes after he was handcuffed and no longer moving. Floyd has ceased resisting because he was literally dying underneath Chauvin's knee, yet Chauvin refused to get up. Obviously we don't know what was going through his mind in that moment, but in my opinion, he refused to get up simply because there was civilians begging him to get off of Floyd and he refused to have his authority questioned and be told what to do by civilians. It was no longer Chauvin trying to detain someone who was resisting, it was felony assault at that point.

The most serious conviction, second degree murder, is by law, when someone is murdered during the commission of a felony. The murder doesn't need to be premeditated or even intended.

I for one, think it's a good thing that a cop is finally being held responsible for his actions. Just because someone is resisting arrest, especially when they are not posing a lethal threat to the officer, does not warrant a death penalty. Cops should not be able to play judge, jury and executioner and get away with it. Qualified immunity is bullshit and a criminal is a criminal, even when they have a uniform and badge.
Right now I don’t understand why don’t we torture people like Chauvin. I really don’t understand.
Wish he could be strapped to the floor with something pressing his neck down. Then people like him would think twice about mistreating people.
Part of me is ashamed of this but other part seriously doesn’t understand. He can kill a man like that and get to live out his days?
Right now I don’t understand why don’t we torture people like Chauvin. I really don’t understand.
Wish he could be strapped to the floor with something pressing his neck down. Then people like him would think twice about mistreating people.
Part of me is ashamed of this but other part seriously doesn’t understand. He can kill a man like that and get to live out his days?

Torture is a direct violation of the Eighth Amendment.

I understand the feeling people get when they want to see violent criminals, murderers, rapists and the like tortured for their crimes. I think it's just human nature to want to see pain inflicted upon those who have caused pain. But, I also don't think that we can function as a civilized society if we are torturing criminals. Also, when it comes to living out the rest of their days, anyone who receives the death penalty has the right to appeal their conviction or sentence. It's a fundamental part of our justice system, just like anyone who is charged with a crime has the right to legal representation and a public trial.

Benjamin Franklin said "It is better a hundred guilty persons escape than one innocent person suffer" or something along those lines. If torture was constitutional and those convicted weren't allowed to appeal, innocent people falsely convicted would suffer. And we can't just make exceptions for people who are blatantly guilty, like Chauvin. In my opinion, our entire justice system and society would crumble if we allowed our government and prison systems to have that much power over guilty people.

Chauvin is going to be in jail until he is a very old man, that's if he doesn't pass away during that time. More than likely, he is going to be put in isolation to protect him from other inmates. So while, yes, he will be alive and get to live out his days, it won't be pleasant at all for him.

Edited for grammar, because I'm a lightweight who had a Jameson and ginger before I got online.
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@Marceline thank you. All stirred up emotions make me think that it’s good idea to torture people like him.
But other part of me knows nothing good comes out from violence.
I have that same reaction, I can totally relate. It's impossible not to get emotional and upset when faced with all of the injustices and evil things that happen in this world.
I was just reading about a guy in the paper who is getting a caning plus prison time for something he did to his step-child. A part of me was so happy to know he will be getting a good beating, and the other part of me was disgusted and mortified that I would take such joy from that.

I do think it's natural to have that reaction when hearing about heinous crimes though, especially at first.
I can’t believe he was convicted after watching the body cam video

*Sigh* Wow.....

I was walking around the house singing "Hit the road, Jack!" when they found him GUILTY on all three counts.

Ray Charles GIF

Dude had this look on his face like it's the first time in his life he's ever had to deal with CONSEQUENCES for his actions.
Are you also one of the people who literally CHEERED when George Zimmerman was found "not guilty?" after he murdered Trayvon Martin?
*Sigh* Wow.....

I was walking around the house singing "Hit the road, Jack!" when they found him GUILTY on all three counts.

Ray Charles GIF

Dude had this look on his face like it's the first time in his life he's ever had to deal with CONSEQUENCES for his actions.
Are you also one of the people who literally CHEERED when George Zimmerman was found "not guilty?" after he murdered Trayvon Martin?
When she first replied to you I was like "she's probably confused about something, or means something else... there's no way she'd be this rude".

But then it dawned on me that her post history has proven that she's not in the proper mindset when it comes to political stuff and racial justice.

Thus why I stopped replying to her as soon as I realized what was happening. There's no "discussion" with people who think that way. It's just beyond unacceptable.
Man, I wish I'd known about these live vogue competitions sooner, and maybe could've even seen this Inxi Prodigy girl live! I posted a video (in this thread) a few days ago of her in a vogue competition wearing a Sailor Moon costume.
Here's one more video of her "popping." I love it!

When she first replied to you I was like "she's probably confused about something, or means something else... there's no way she'd be this rude".

But then it dawned on me that her post history has proven that she's not in the proper mindset when it comes to political stuff and racial justice.

Thus why I stopped replying to her as soon as I realized what was happening. There's no "discussion" with people who think that way. It's just beyond unacceptable.

Stories like these break my heard I am not happy or sad Chauvin is convicted; I’m sad the whole thing happened. I feel like there was a lot going on there and he probably was not trained to deal with that situation nor were the other police officers.
Like how does someone stay on someones neck for 10 whole minutes! That’s a long time for no one else to have changed the situation. What could they have done different? Clearly chauvin was struggling to get Floyd under control and he did not know what to do, he did not know how to deal with a crowd of people watching him. If they were trained better in dealing with situations like that maybe he wouldn’t have died.
Or maybe he is a killer and his other officers were scared; but then again lack of training and officer mental health screening. The problem is there is more than one problem. The police need more training, and resources to look into past records in detail of other police officers who have had complaints and move them to a different department or something.
They need more training in dealing people with mental health problems and better mental health screenings for officers.
How have I ever been on the wrong side of racial justice? My biggest thing is investing more money into schools. But ok thanks for that.
Also my political opinions have been unacceptable? Partisn much?
what did I say that gas prices were going to go up because we would have to be importing gas from other countries instead causing more pollution transporting all of that oil. Two days into office Biden signed a bunch of executive orders making the supply for oil in the future less than expected. Causing prices to go up so quickly.
Also, we now have a flood of immigrants coming in because of the trump policies he tried to undo, but now he doesn’t even know how to handle the situation.
You can’t have a discussion with me because I like to think outside of the box 📺 and have progressive conversations.
What could they have done different?
How about not kill people? Other developed countries don't really have this problem.

The problem is there is more than one problem.
Nice, we're in agreement there. Fortunately, there are solutions to the multi-faceted problem, but Republicans don't like many of them.

You can’t have a discussion with me because I like to think outside of the box 📺 and have progressive conversations.
Really? Could you please respond to my post that you pretty much ignored here:
I feel like there was a lot going on there and he probably was not trained to deal with that situation nor were the other police officers.

Derek Chauvin was a law enforcement officer for 19 years and had 18 misconduct complaints on his official record, though he was only officially reprimanded for two of those incidents. He had a history of using excessive force, or a

violent criminal history

, if you will. The situation with Floyd was not his first rodeo. It was just the first time he actually faced serious consequences for his actions.

Yes, better (and more regular) training along with mental health evaluations can help with the problem. Holding cops accountable is also another huge step. I said it before and I'll say it again: qualified immunity is bullshit.
Derek Chauvin was a law enforcement officer for 19 years and had 18 misconduct complaints on his official record, though he was only officially reprimanded for two of those incidents. He had a history of using excessive force, or a

, if you will. The situation with Floyd was not his first rodeo. It was just the first time he actually faced serious consequences for his actions.

Yes, better (and more regular) training along with mental health evaluations can help with the problem. Holding cops accountable is also another huge step. I said it before and I'll say it again: qualified immunity is bullshit.
I don’t have time to reply to everyone (especially those with non-peer reviewed sources) but let me say this. It’s a good thing for people have different opinions and perspectives; if not there would be one political party, no checks and balances, and a government run country. I’m a republican but I promise you I come from a good place. But I will not have a conversation with someone who doesn’t have an open mind and only wants to negate everything I say.
why was George Floyd resisting arrest? Things could have been different if he did not resist. The precedent this sets now is scary. We’re basically saying that it’s ok to resist arrest and fight back with the police officer, whatever happens will be the cops fault. That’s why people like me are worried.
being a cop is a dangerous job. There are good cops and there are some really bad cops. There are also bad people, and everyone knows that you’re not supposed to resist arrest with an officer things can escalate.

17 police officers have been shot this year 50 white people (never saw in the news) 30 black people, 20 Hispanics (never mentioned) and over 100 more unknown.

But all you see is stories of black people getting killed on the news. Almost like the media is looking for these types of stories.
I don’t have time to reply to everyone (especially those with non-peer reviewed sources)
Yes, I posted some opinion pieces (which, btw contain peer reviewed sources within them), but I also posted actual peer reviewed sources. Funny, I haven't seen you post anything (peer reviewed or not) to back up your claims.
It’s a good thing for people have different opinions and perspectives
Sure, of course it's good that people have different opinions and perspectives. But when someone has an opinion that is not backed by any type of rational reasoning, then this is bad for society. "Women and black people shouldn't vote" "Why? "Because of reasons" "Gay people are bad" "Why" "Reasons" Do you get my point?
I will not have a conversation with someone who doesn’t have an open mind and only wants to negate everything I say.
If someone is negating everything you say, then perhaps you should take a closer look at the things you say, especially if there are multiple people negating. Do you feel you have an open mind? I don't feel you do considering that you are coming off very strong and stubborn with your views, but have zero reasoning to back them up. It feels (maybe I'm wrong) like you only get your info from facebook, fox, and other people who think like you do. There is no questioning on your part, nor is there any sort of trying to understand other views that do not coincide with your own.
why was George Floyd resisting arrest? Things could have been different if he did not resist.
This is such a bad take I don't know whether to cry or yell. It does not matter if he was resisting arrest or not! Let me repeat that just so it's absolutely clear: IT DOES NOT MATTER IF HE WAS RESISISTING ARREST OR NOT!

Just curious, let's do a hypothetical situation. Your white grandma goes to a store, buys something with a $50 or $100 bill, gets change back in some $20's, maybe a couple $10's, whatever. She then uses one of the $20s to buy something at a different store. Come to find out, it's counterfeit (which, btw, is super common. I worked at a bank). Police are called, she's confused and scared, they try to arrest her, she's now terrified, especially since there are FOUR of them and she and her friends have often had bad experiences with cops. She needs to get out of the situation. She's not thinking clearly because of fear and anxiety. Next thing she knows, her worst fear is coming true. She's being pinned to the ground with all 4! cops around her and she feels her life escaping. She tries to call out, begs them to let her breathe, cries out for her own mother as she just gives up completely. If this was your grandma, how would you feel? "Oh, well my grandma shouldn't have resisted" Nah, you wouldn't say that because it's dumb as fuck because IT DOES NOT MATTER IF SHE WAS RESISTING ARREST OR NOT. What matters is that she was killed by a cop who was preventing her to breathe for 9.5 minutes. This is what matters. Not "oh, well look at the victim's past history" or "shouldn't be resisting" or "the victim could've been faking it" or any other stupid victim blaming shit. A cop murdered someone. That is what matters. It wasn't self defense. It was murder. Plain and simple murder.
The precedent this sets now is scary. We’re basically saying that it’s ok to resist arrest and fight back with the police officer, whatever happens will be the cops fault.
Christ, another bad take. The only precedent that it now sets is that yes, all you cops who enjoy killing people can possibly now be punished for it after getting away with it for so long. This is good. Literally no one is excited about being arrested, resisting arrest, getting killed, but hey! at least the cop who killed me will go to prison.
That’s why people like me are worried.
Explain why you're worried. In detail please.
being a cop is a dangerous job.
Yeah, it is, which is why there should be better training involved and cops should be selected with higher criteria and psych evals. It's ridiculous that people require more training to be a hairdresser than to be a cop in America. Additionally, cops should be paid more.
There are good cops and there are some really bad cops. There are also bad people
Yup, I've had good and bad cop experiences as well as good and bad people experiences.
everyone knows that you’re not supposed to resist arrest with an officer things can escalate.
No matter if someone is resisting arrest or not, they should not have their life ended, especially ONCE THEY HAVE ALREADY BEEN SUBDUED!
17 police officers have been shot this year 50 white people (never saw in the news) 30 black people, 20 Hispanics (never mentioned) and over 100 more unknown.
Source please (since you apparently love sources, yet never give any)
But all you see is stories of black people getting killed on the news.
Hmm, I wonder why that would be? (Sorry, I like to source things when formulating and then sharing my thoughts. I tried so hard to not do it in the post since sources are apparently irrelevant, but couldn't resist at the end. Whew, close one, had I resisted more, perhaps I also could've been killed, but hey! at least the person who killed me would see justice for doing so.)