Do you feel like sharing more about the verbal man haters? I am really curious about this. I wonder if some women are saying things that are not intended to be man hating, or are they really expressing hate for men? I hear this term now and then but I don't know any man haters. I know a lot of feminists though. I also know a lot of women who hate some of the stuff men do. Where do you come across verbal man haters? Do they actually state that the hateful things they are saying are feminist? I know this could be a can of worms, so if you don't want to get into it that's cool.
This is interesting because though I know there are women who hate men, I have met far more men who actively hate women. I've only met a few women who could be classed anywhere near man hating and they're usually those who've suffered from extreme abuse/rape on top of the derogatory comments we hear on a daily basis. While I've met a lot of active women haters who hate all women and claim all women are evil because they've been cheated on our their partner has left them. The strangest part is they haven't been necessarily openly attacking me but they have accused me directly and seem to be expecting agreement and an apology.
I assume that there are some women who are the same but tend to share their feelings with men.
All I can say is these people are disturbed individuals who need help with their issues.
I think there are quite a few very messed up men, many who have rather volatile personalities and therefore have a hard time with women who have found it easier to blame women and feminism than accept responsibility for their failed relationships.
I think there are also lots of normal lovely men who hear women bitching about what some men do and take it as man hating.
I recently wrote a Facebook post about some of the on street harassment I received in a few days and how it was effecting me. A guy I knew years ago basically took it as a post against all men. It literally didn't say anything to do with "men" as a whole, just a few incidents that bad occurred that had led to me having a panic attack. He then said he believes I have a psychological problem and am just imagining it as he'd never heard of that sort of thing happening.
When I was younger I was hurt a lot by men, actually members of acf really helped me through it as well as meeting a few men who changed my opinions completely.
From my point of view as a teenager though most men would try to rape, harass, abuse or use me and other girls. When it happens repeatedly and consistently it's natural to assume that's the norm. So you can understand where these women are coming from. They're not right, but they are fighting a battle they've been forced into. Their battle may be bigger than someone else's.
I have realised that it isn't normal now and believe pretty passionately in removing this stigma from men so the awesome, respectful dudes can shine through, while still raising awareness.
Statistically there are plenty of men who still do really shitty stupid stuff. There are women who do it too which isn't any more acceptable, but it's more common men on women so it's more in focus, and it should be in focus.
It can be incredibly hard to get your point across as a woman/feminist and not offend someone. Some people are particularly bad at this.
My assumption with some of them is they assume that decent guys have a decent level of intelligence and they'll get that they're only talking about the men who actually do this stuff. Most of these women have loving supportive male partners and don't hate men in the slightest. But it doesn't work this way. And I get it, I resent the butthurt guy bitching to me and expecting an apology from me because he got cheated on 5 years ago by some girl I've never met and still hasn't gotten over it. So yeah if I were a guy I could see the fear of being painted with that brush. Especially if I personally had never harmed a woman.
There are a lot of trolls on the Internet, male and female and this is an argument that's so personal that some of them feed on it. It's hard not to get annoyed.
My only observation is I've seen women mocking men who write anti feminism posts, often using sex as a way to mock him, but I've never seen them directly saying "all men do this", but I have seen a lot of posts saying "all women cheat. Men don't" "all women check they're partners phones. Men never do that" and random shit like that. But I do try and avoid posts like this... So maybe I've just been unfortunate!
Anyways this is all just from my personal experience. I tend to avoid sexist people whether sexist against men or women so it may be why I've see more sexism towards women, because I've been the direct receiver of it and I've been sought out to project feelings of hate.
It is a real pain in the arse, and though I believe in complete equality, as in male issues and rights are just as important as female rights, I feel sometimes mra's just end up belittling or sidetracking the very real issues going on which stalls progress on both sides. Just like I feel feminists who don't allow men into this journey are also slowing it down.
Ahh rant! Sorry guys
I'm on one! Forgive me, I've been ill enough to read the comments section on articles and been overthinking!