Welllll, didn't win the Powerball last night, so I guess I'm going back to work...............
I was thinking I'd have fun doing it as well, then I realized I'd at best get 1 like/fact and be totally embarrassed. That's *at best* if I timed it right.I have to admit I really enjoy reading those "if I get a certain # of likes for this tweet that I'll list that number of facts about myself!" tweets from cam models. Those ladies really are interesting and it's great to know them a little better. Now, if I were to do that same thing I wonder how many people would read facts about my
The things that make you go "hmmmm..."
I bet Imans heart just hurtingYeah very sad to read this morning that David Bowie passed away after an 18 month battle against cancer.
Murderers always "find God" in prison, don't they? This made me think of that Karla Faye Tucker woman who was on Death Row (she said she experienced multiple orgasms as she was murdering her victims with a pickaxe), and "found God" while imprisoned, and claimed to be reformed.
Case denied. Can I get an Amen Brother Hinson! Praise Jesus!!!
After asking MFC for this for years, they finally included the option for permanent bans mid-2015 or so.I thought models had the option for 60 day bans, but one told me tonight it's either 6 hours or permanent. I was hoping to ask for 60 day bans from my favourite models, but instead I had to tell them to 6 hour ban me if they see me online for a month or two.