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:dance: Up to 16 followers now, and not all of them are pity follows I think. :dance:

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My voice teacher showed me this video. He said there's a part where she's singing two different notes at the same time. I just looked at him like "What? That doesn't make sense." But yeah, scroll to 6:12 - 6:26. :shock: It's as if she's two people harmonizing.
yummybrownfox said:

My voice teacher showed me this video. He said there's a part where she's singing two different notes at the same time. I just looked at him like "What? That doesn't make sense." But yeah, scroll to 6:12 - 6:26. :shock: It's as if she's two people harmonizing.
Overtone singing, also known as overtone chanting, or harmonic singing, is a type of singing in which the singer manipulates the resonances (or formants) created as air travels from the lungs, past the vocal folds, and out the lips to produce a melody.
The partials (fundamental and overtones) of a sound wave made by the human voice can be selectively amplified by changing the shape of the resonant cavities of the mouth, larynx and pharynx.[1] This resonant tuning allows the singer to create apparently more than one pitch at the same time (the fundamental and a selected overtone), while in effect still generating a single fundamental frequency with his/her vocal folds.
Another name for overtone singing is throat singing, but that term is also used for Inuit throat singing, which is produced differently.
Barilla Pasta Won't Feature Gay Families In Ads, Says Critics Can 'Eat Another Brand Of Pasta'

If you eat Barilla pasta, stop:

The chairman of Barilla Group says his company will not feature gay families in advertisements for his products because he likes the "traditional" family. If someone disagrees, well, they can go "eat another brand of pasta."

Guido Barilla made the anti-gay comments during an interview with La Zanzara on Radio24 Wednesday. The radio host asked him why his company does not have ads with gay families.

"We have a slightly different culture," Barilla said, per a Huffington Post translation of the interview. "For us, the 'sacral family' remains one of the company’s core values. Our family is a traditional family. If gays like our pasta and our advertisings, they will eat our pasta; if they don’t like that, they will eat someone else’s pasta. You can’t always please everyone not to displease anyone. I would not do a commercial with a homosexual family, not for lack of respect toward homosexuals – who have the right to do whatever they want without disturbing others – but because I don’t agree with them, and I think we want to talk to traditional families. The women are crucial in this."

It also tastes terrible.


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NaNatasha said:
Barilla Pasta Won't Feature Gay Families In Ads, Says Critics Can 'Eat Another Brand Of Pasta'

If you eat Barilla pasta, stop:

The chairman of Barilla Group says his company will not feature gay families in advertisements for his products because he likes the "traditional" family. If someone disagrees, well, they can go "eat another brand of pasta."

Guido Barilla made the anti-gay comments during an interview with La Zanzara on Radio24 Wednesday. The radio host asked him why his company does not have ads with gay families.

"We have a slightly different culture," Barilla said, per a Huffington Post translation of the interview. "For us, the 'sacral family' remains one of the company’s core values. Our family is a traditional family. If gays like our pasta and our advertisings, they will eat our pasta; if they don’t like that, they will eat someone else’s pasta. You can’t always please everyone not to displease anyone. I would not do a commercial with a homosexual family, not for lack of respect toward homosexuals – who have the right to do whatever they want without disturbing others – but because I don’t agree with them, and I think we want to talk to traditional families. The women are crucial in this."

It also tastes terrible.
I make my own pasta anyway. :mrgreen:
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At the skydiving place I like, a couple just got engaged. :) Awww. I'm looking at the FB picture of them with their skydiving equipment on (I guess they had just landed).
NaNatasha said:
Barilla Pasta Won't Feature Gay Families In Ads, Says Critics Can 'Eat Another Brand Of Pasta'

If you eat Barilla pasta, stop:

The chairman of Barilla Group says his company will not feature gay families in advertisements for his products because he likes the "traditional" family. If someone disagrees, well, they can go "eat another brand of pasta."

Guido Barilla made the anti-gay comments during an interview with La Zanzara on Radio24 Wednesday. The radio host asked him why his company does not have ads with gay families.

"We have a slightly different culture," Barilla said, per a Huffington Post translation of the interview. "For us, the 'sacral family' remains one of the company’s core values. Our family is a traditional family. If gays like our pasta and our advertisings, they will eat our pasta; if they don’t like that, they will eat someone else’s pasta. You can’t always please everyone not to displease anyone. I would not do a commercial with a homosexual family, not for lack of respect toward homosexuals – who have the right to do whatever they want without disturbing others – but because I don’t agree with them, and I think we want to talk to traditional families. The women are crucial in this."

It also tastes terrible.
I sort of understand where they're coming from - they're largely aiming their product at families and mothers etc; call that homophobic if you want, it's also sexist and patriarchal I guess lol.

He flat out said his company is aimed at the 'sacral' or fundamental/foundational family. I don't care about your sexuality, you're not going to convince me that the most fundamental human family group is two adults with children - that's not a value judgement on other relationships or saying that they're 'less' or 'more', it's just apples and oranges.

If he'd said 'our target is normal households' I'd object because homosexual relationships fit into the category of 'normal households' obviously.

Barilla is an Italian company based in Italy that primarly aims at the Italian domestic market lol. They just want to sell their product I doubt they give a damn about sexual politics.

Nor did he say homosexuals can eat another brand. He professed respect AND understanding, besides his personal beliefs are largely irrelevant to those of the company he represents most likely. Yeah, it's sexist to aim home-cooking ingredients to women, so your next target should be no gay men represented in laundry powder commercials.

It's certainly no worse than the sexism of many alcohol ads, and how come no-one's asking Mercedes-Benz why their latest catalogue only features white families? It's advertising. Save your energy for discrimination that matters.

Also, I buy barilla pasta lol, cos I like the 'taste', or rather the texture etc. Personal taste.
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If you use an opponent's own infrastructure and tools to undermine them, where is the line drawn between using them and becoming them?
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I saw a video of a couple having sex while climbing a mountain or rock face of some kind. The were strapped in and dangling from a cliff. He was laying back in the air and she was riding him in a cowgirl position not touching the side of the mountain, just hanging in the air. It makes me wonder, what's the next step? Fucking under water while on the back of a great white shark? When did sex become so mundane that one has to cheat death to get off?
ILikeUonTop said:
I saw a video of a couple having sex while climbing a mountain or rock face of some kind. The were strapped in and dangling from a cliff. He was laying back in the air and she was riding him in a cowgirl position not touching the side of the mountain, just hanging in the air. It makes me wonder, what's the next step? Fucking under water while on the back of a great white shark? When did sex become so mundane that one has to cheat death to get off?

To each their own. Whatever floats their boat in the outdoors is fine by me providing it's respectful of others that may be around. We only have one ticket to ride in this merry-go-round life, so might as well make the best of whatever you believe will make you happy.

Don't knock it until you try it. :lol:
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ILikeUonTop said:
I saw a video of a couple having sex while climbing a mountain or rock face of some kind. The were strapped in and dangling from a cliff. He was laying back in the air and she was riding him in a cowgirl position not touching the side of the mountain, just hanging in the air. It makes me wonder, what's the next step? Fucking under water while on the back of a great white shark? When did sex become so mundane that one has to cheat death to get off?
Yes, aside from the 'to each their own' etc, the fact it was on video suggests it was at least partly for the viewer's benefit but I agree, if you need to do shit like that to get-off just stop, before it escalates heh.
Jupiter551 said:
ILikeUonTop said:
I saw a video of a couple having sex while climbing a mountain or rock face of some kind. The were strapped in and dangling from a cliff. He was laying back in the air and she was riding him in a cowgirl position not touching the side of the mountain, just hanging in the air. It makes me wonder, what's the next step? Fucking under water while on the back of a great white shark? When did sex become so mundane that one has to cheat death to get off?
Yes, aside from the 'to each their own' etc, the fact it was on video suggests it was at least partly for the viewer's benefit but I agree, if you need to do shit like that to get-off just stop, before it escalates heh.

I think these two took it as high as it can escalate.

Shaun__ said:
Jupiter551 said:
ILikeUonTop said:
I saw a video of a couple having sex while climbing a mountain or rock face of some kind. The were strapped in and dangling from a cliff. He was laying back in the air and she was riding him in a cowgirl position not touching the side of the mountain, just hanging in the air. It makes me wonder, what's the next step? Fucking under water while on the back of a great white shark? When did sex become so mundane that one has to cheat death to get off?
Yes, aside from the 'to each their own' etc, the fact it was on video suggests it was at least partly for the viewer's benefit but I agree, if you need to do shit like that to get-off just stop, before it escalates heh.

I think these two took it as high as it can escalate.

Yeah I remember when that was in the news (the skydiving stunt) - he's a porn performer and she's a part time performer and they were instructors/employees of the skydiving charter. They claimed it was the first time anyone had done it - not sure about that, seems like a pretty dumb statement to make since you can't prove it. First time filmed. Plus it's not exactly conclusive that he's inside her lol.
ThunderWeasel said:
... how the hell does one post ANYTHING that's going to seem worthwhile after someone puts Skydiving Sex in the thread? :shock:
I should think that's obvious. Scuba diving sex! :lol:
Who would think to make this? I'm not sure whether to laugh or be horrified.


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Adrian Peterson has got to be the best runningback in the NFL. Even after that knee surgery this dude still brings it.
*I've been looking online for different opinions and reviews on iPhone vs. Android smartphones.

*Part 2 of Justin Timberlake's album hits the stores tomorrow (deluxe edition at Target)! :dance:

*The prisoner on this Law and Order SVU rerun is creepy yet sexy. But he attacked Dr. Huang. :naughty: Asshole! And I miss Christopher Meloni being on the show. He and Mariska Hargitay were made for each other.

*Time for a cold root beer.
ILikeUonTop said:
yummybrownfox said:
*I've been looking online for different opinions and reviews on iPhone vs. Android smartphones.

Me too. Are you leaning a certain direction yet?

I just got a Samsung Galaxy Note tablet, and I'm feeling pretty good about Android. The reason why I got it over an Apple product is that I'm not too keen on Apple's proprietary software or how it plays with Microsoft interfaces. I'm also not too keen on the fact that you pay about 30% more for hardware bearing the Apple logo than you would for non-Apple hardware of comparable specs. Obviously, if you're into apple products, or have anything else in this world with an "i" in front of its name, then the iPhone would be a viable choice. However, Android is solid as far as I can tell, and it's far more abundantly available, which means you have the capacity to really shop around for the hardware that will best suit you, rather than just going with an iProduct for the sake of a more straightforward and simple purchase.

Seriously, though, this Galaxy Note is pretty awesome.
Galaxy Note in my opinion is the best tablet on the market. Great sound with stereo speakers pointing forward, good processor and video chips and of course the android market. The S-Pen puts it way over the top. Pressure sensitive writing and drawing. Battery life that lasts me all day using it at college. Can't say enough good things about it. If you have the money to go for a full 10" tablet you will never regret this at all.

If you want to try an android tablet that is smaller and less expensive, try a Hisense Sero Pro 7" tablet. Only at walmarts (they have exclusive on it). I have this one too. Online it says it's going for $129.00 but in my store they have it for $119.00. I think it's comparable in speed with the google nexus but it has more features for much less money.

Yes, i'm an android fan.

My main problem with iPad is the apps market for it. Severely limited. With android I can compare several to look for features I really like. Plus LectureNotes is not available for iPad. That rules it out right there for me. That's pretty much the only app I've used for taking notes in all my classes.
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I just bought a Kindle Fire HD 7" for Maggy as an early birthday present (the fourth) and she loves it. We got it for $149 at Best Buy and it works great for her. She uses it as a reader which is why we went with the smaller unit as it is easy for her to hold with one hand when necessary. The picture quality is amazing and it streams Netflix and Prime flawlessly. Really good speakers too. Much louder then her Acer notebook. Well worth it especially if you are a Prime member.