AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!


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Loslonelyboy said:
I was told once that I "wasn't as much of an asshole as they had previously thought I was." I guess that is a compliment, although... the jury is still out on this one! ;)

Defiantly falls in the category of "backhanded" compliment :lol:

I was once told "you really live up to your nickname, well the first part of it anyways"

Which was all rather lovely :-D
sweetiebatman said:
I was once told "you really live up to your nickname, well the first part of it anyways"

Which was all rather lovely :-D

I do think that you're a sweet guy. :thumbleft:
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Bump for compliments!

My new favorite: "I like your face, it looks good. It matches your body." :lol:
People keep telling me this like it's a compliment, but I'm pretty sure they just don't know what a compliment is. "You don't look pregnant."

....... :woops: Thanks random dude. I'm glad that since you're only looking at my face, and nothing else, that my face doesn't look pregnant.

This is usually followed by, "Oh wow, I guess you do look pregnant" as soon as we get to paid chat and I stand up. :lol:
Is it bad that I have a compliment filter on? I enjoy any compliment related to my personality :) Compliments on body parts are nice too but sound almost like a reflex on a site like mfc.
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My best ridiculous compliment was last night...

Member:You have a huge mouth.

Me: I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or not...giggle.

Them: Nah, it's great, means you can fit my cock in it!

LOL. I nearly fell of the bed from laughter.
I just got this in PM chatting with a long-time regular.

LilyM: good night.
LilyM: thanks for talking to me even though I'm not on cam naked.
regular: remember, I'm a total fan, not just one of your perfect body
regular: I think most of the guys are missing out on your best attributes by not getting to know you
LilyM: haha that's not what they're here for
regular: I know, I'm at least partially here for those reasons too, but I appreciate your body more because I know the wonderful mind

I thought that was really nice.
One of my highest ranked regulars compliments me all the time and I always appreciate it but I think this one comment from him, easily trumps all the others.

"You know, I bet your absolutely stunning without all that shit (meaning makeup) on your face. You're just fucking gorgeous."

Several nights later on cam after a horrible day with no make-up on and horrible hair, my regular popped in to say hi.

"see i knew it"
me: "knew what?"
"you're absolutely perfect just like that too. I wouldn't change a thing"

:-D :love7:
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LondonRae said:
I get "aww you're so cute" often, makes me feel like I'm a puppy or something :DDD

Just a head up, neither your MFC or Twitter links work, and you are very cute. :lol:

I got this one last night during my insomnia shift, and maybe it was the sleep deprivation but it made me all stupid smiley and blushy. I love compliments that honestly acknowledge my ungraceful awkwardness XD
NovaNirvana said:

I got this one last night during my insomnia shift, and maybe it was the sleep deprivation but it made me all stupid smiley and blushy. I love compliments that honestly acknowledge my ungraceful awkwardness XD

I just came in here to question something along this line. I was just perving on a model- one who visits this hallowed forum- and her mannerisms were just.....nerdy and slightly awkward, but not even awkward, just...nerdy. I found it absolutely adorable and endearing and I wanted to mention it, but then I thought, "That can be taken as an insult." So I refrained.

I'm one who views what society or whatever may consider a negative trait to be wonderful and endearing sometimes, but find that if you mention such things, if the person is a bit obsessed with it in a negative way, it causes... drama, for lack of a better word. (I sleepy) I hate this. I hate censoring myself, even if I do it all the time. But especially when I want to tell someone, "NO! That thing you hate about yourself is what makes you awesome and unique and the best you that exists in this often fucked sidewards universe."
There is a model who cams from the coffee stand she works at during mornings.

One day I watched her room for awhile and how she was interacting with the customers. She was very friendly. She managed to have a unique conversation with every customer while she was making their coffee. She also knew her regulars very well and could recall facts about them and ask them questions based on previous conversations which is great because it makes those customers feel special and will keep them coming back. And she seemed to be pretty good at making the random coffee drinks as well.

So after watching this, the next time she came back to the computer I told her I was super impressed with her customer service skills and her ability to make every interaction different. She could easily be a robot that makes coffee, but instead really connects with people.

She seemed to really appreciate the compliment because I had never tipped her at that point, yet every time I came in the room she would notice and say hi to me before I would even have a chance to do so :)
lordmagellan said:
NovaNirvana said:

I got this one last night during my insomnia shift, and maybe it was the sleep deprivation but it made me all stupid smiley and blushy. I love compliments that honestly acknowledge my ungraceful awkwardness XD

I just came in here to question something along this line. I was just perving on a model- one who visits this hallowed forum- and her mannerisms were just.....nerdy and slightly awkward, but not even awkward, just...nerdy. I found it absolutely adorable and endearing and I wanted to mention it, but then I thought, "That can be taken as an insult." So I refrained.

I'm one who views what society or whatever may consider a negative trait to be wonderful and endearing sometimes, but find that if you mention such things, if the person is a bit obsessed with it in a negative way, it causes... drama, for lack of a better word. (I sleepy) I hate this. I hate censoring myself, even if I do it all the time. But especially when I want to tell someone, "NO! That thing you hate about yourself is what makes you awesome and unique and the best you that exists in this often fucked sidewards universe."

If you put a "you're so cute" when you see something like that, it's almost never taken as an insult. You don't have to specify the why of the cuteness. But, if the girl advertises herself as a nerd or a geek, she shouldn't mind a compliment oriented on such things. If she doesn't, then you probably did the right thing.

Or, if you put the compliment in a tip-note, it's never a bad thing ;)
ConnerJay said:
New favorite compliment I have received whilst on cam: "The pictures on the wall behind you are very symmetrical"

:eek: :-D :dance: :banana-rainbow: YES! Thank you for noticing!

Ha! I knew you had to be another Libra! :-D
I got these two in a relatively short timespan.


:oops: :oops: :oops: I don't even know who the 2nd person is (which is killing me, lol) and I think the @AdultworkProbz is actually a model who runs that twitter...?
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One of the best compliments ever I think!
Member: You've been on a lot lately
Me: Haha yeah I know. Not good really, need to get out more!
Member: Good for me though, good for my soul

He couldn't see me, but I was blushing like crazy!!
Nicest compliment I have ever gotten is a member telling me I made him feel connected and desired.

And it doesn't matter how often I hear nice things, I seem to always blush. I love that feeling.
The best compliment I can honestly get on MFC is that I've brightened their night & made them smile/giggle along with me. :) When I hear that, it honestly means SO much more than telling me how "hott" or "sexy" I am.
I been given 2 compliments that have stuck with me.

A model who is no longer camming that I speak with almost daily even when she was taking time away from mfc recently told me, "on days we don't speak, I feel like the best part of my life is missing."

The other was from another prem. Not regarding same model above but another. He told me "You are her white knight, not in an mfc room police or hype man, but a real life white knight." He was referring to how I helped her get away from a brutal studio and hooked her up with another model who taught her how to be an independent model. Her camscore went from 500 to 4000 something for awhile. While I disagree with degree of importance in helping her, I appreciate the compliment and it does make me feel good. The model who took her under her wing deserves the real credit.
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