I can't edit that post anymore, sorry for the double post.
The following is non-trollsky-related. :mrgreen:
I agree with what ThePioneer said about it being better to donate directly, rather than donating via tipping. I mean, it's obvious. It's basic math.
That's why I linked to the page where you can donate directly to the hospital in Boston I'd picked for my 2 charity nights last week.
I donate to Unicef every month, and to the WWF every week, outside of anything camming-related.
I'm just saying this to demonstrate that I don't give to charity to get my camscore up, like some people in here are suggesting. :icon-rolleyes:
However, I still think it's a cool idea to specifically spend a camming shift or two collecting money for a cause, every once in a while. It feels good, it makes me feel like I really only worked for that cause during that/those shift(s), and it makes me feel less helpless in the face of tragedy.
Sorry if this sounds dramatic, but I'm the type of person who wants to do something, anything, to help when things like Boston happen in the world, and clicking a few buttons (i.e. donating directly, without camming specifically for the donation) doesn't feel the same as the feeling when you're actually working to help others. If that makes sense. So yes, in a way it's selfish; working for the charity while knowing I'm doing it 100% for them makes me feel good.