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CB Support and CB vs MFC

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Which site do you prefer?

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Jul 20, 2015
I see a lot of girls talking about how long the wait is for a reply from Chaturbate support.. I don't understand it.
I emailed support with a couple of questions about what IDs are accepted, and got a reply within 10 minutes, and continued to get responses under 30 minutes.
Maybe I just got lucky?
Also, I'm planning to start camming soon and I've looked around at CB and MFC, and I'm really liking CB but I see that a lot of girls get banned for no reason or have a lot of problems, however MFC's layout and system is very confusing to me.
I think I'll go with CB, but does anyone have any tips and information for me?
Thank you!
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I prefer the video quality of CB, along with the tip noises and smaller stuff like that. MFC takes longer to learn your way around, but is loaded with features CB doesn't have.

I am speaking from a member's perspective, so I don't know which site would be easier for you to make more on. But something to consider...there have been several nights where I had money to spend, found a model I wanted to give it to, only to have CB pull the plug on the whole deal by curtailing my ability to buy tokens. Their token buying set-up is every bit as asinine as their banning procedures.

If you think you are intelligent enough, I would say MFC. If you prefer the simplicity offered by a company that does not care to (or does not know how to) retain its customers (and one that may well screw you over to boot), then CB all day long.

Maybe you did get lucky. Maybe the complaints just come from people who were unlucky. Maybe you are in the mood for a little fugu, idk...
I've actually had greys on CB buy tokens and tip when I've told them that I would oblige their requests for a tip. Never had a basic on MFC do that.
Not going to lie, my favorite thing about CB is the "No grey graphics" bot. You can set it to disable any emotes anyone posts, which means no gross cock gifs, if they even have those (it also means people can't use the fake tip emotes). I REALLY wish MFC would add an option to disable those, because none of the ones on there are remotely appealing.
If you think you are intelligent enough, I would say MFC.

MFC is not rocket science.

MFC support is basic and not fast. CB support is supportive, sympathetic and quick.
Hey, I can only speak from experience!
I fully understand and if youve had a difference experience with CB than the mass majority of people that's amazing and you're very lucky :) It just make me actually laugh out loud cause so many have reported differently.
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I found the CB broadcaster interface to be extremely difficult to use compared to MFC's model web broadcaster.

CBs is all one webpage with terrible scrolling issues and difficult private message access. And of course you have the hundreds of reports of bannings and terrible support. I have an account there just because, but would only use it once in a blue moon to try something different, or if MFC goes down for any length of time.

MFC's broadcaster can be a bit intimidating, but there are a lot of options and features on it once you learn your way around it that make your broadcasting time much simpler.
I can't speak to CB model support as I haven't had to use them as of yet *knock on wood*. Things have gone pretty smoothly for me there. My two cents: CB members are cheaper but more frequent. Also the million and one apps and bots can be confusing for a noob, whereas MFC is pretty straightforward for me. Or at least it seemed that way when I was a new model. CB was rather intimidating with all of the choices there were for models on the various ways to run his or her room.
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I think the OP is smart to start with CB just to gain experience with camming on site with tokens/public nudity. It is important to make a good first impression on MFC, while you still have the new model tag.
I think CB is more forgiving of newbie mistakes than MFC is.
And of course you have the hundreds of reports [on CB] of bannings and terrible support.

Playing devils advocate for a minute....MFC don't ban you, but if you new and make mistakes - which some newbies do, they are new after all; e.g. split camming, go away for long periods, or enable guests to chat; then after a while you get a low camscore and lose the irriversible new model status. MFC camming is then ineffective for earnings. So you might not be banned on MFC, but you effectively excluded.
I think the OP is smart to start with CB just to gain experience with camming on site with tokens/public nudity. It is important to make a good first impression on MFC, while you still have the new model tag.
I think CB is more forgiving of newbie mistakes than MFC is.

Playing devils advocate for a minute....MFC don't ban you, but if you new and make mistakes - which some newbies do, they are new after all; e.g. split camming, go away for long periods, or enable guests to chat; then after a while you get a low camscore and lose the irriversible new model status. MFC camming is then ineffective for earnings. So you might not be banned on MFC, but you effectively excluded.
Get comfy with camming on CB, if it is working, stay there. If you want to venture into MFC territory, take full advantage of new model status and hopefully don't tank your camscore!

Both have their positives and negatives, as has been discussed.
Since everyone has been really focusing on the interface and their personal preferences...

I am forced to work on CB, as MFC does not allow male models. I have never had any serious issues with it except for the competition, which I sorta trained myself from day one to try my hardest to ignore and just do my own thing.

On CB, you are not only competing against other female models, but also male, trans and couples. This has sparked a massive trend towards hardcore being the default and raised a lot of the customers' expectations and their sense of entitlement. If the room next to you is hosting a free gangbang and you're just trying to get your top off... it can be rough. In addition to this, you are also competing against "Exhibitionist" models, who essentially give everything that you are trying to make a living off of... 100% for free... Something to keep in mind.

Despite all that, from what I have heard from my peers, the inter-model competition is much more directly fierce on MFC. The MFC Premium Member system can allow members to lead you on for ages without ever tipping (CB actually just instated a new policy that requires members to spend their tokens within a set period after purchase - so no sitting on that one token), and they can PM/MFCMail you whenever (a double-edged sword). On CB, PM's are initiated either by those who pay for the privilege (not incredibly common), have mod status (who shouldn't be harassing you when you're working anyway), or by you, the model.

I obviously don't have experience on the model-side of MFC's interface, I can't really speak on that topic... but CB is pretty straight forward once you dial in your settings and figure out what bots/apps you want to use (if you even want any, I didn't use any for pretty much my whole first year). I think there are some recommendations on the Chaturbate Thread if you're interested. Also, I'm 90% sure you can just hit Tab to switch between public chat and PM; not that the interface is ideal by any means but you can sift through them pretty quickly that way.

Support... oh boy... To be honest, I don't think I have once heard back from MFC after putting in any kind of report. Harassment/stalking, underage (with documentation), abusive behavior, models breaking model policy, models obviously scamming members - nothing, not a peep. This is no smoking gun that they don't take action, I've simply never personally heard anything back at all. With CB, usually you go through a lot of the same crap you would with any Customer Service: automated responses (which will get thrown into a pile and addressed when they get around to it), severely delayed responses, dismissal, etc. I have, however, had many very quick and efficient solutions with CB. My guess is that they get overflowed with reports for literally anything you could possibly imagine because CB's traffic can get a little toxic, so it can be hard to sort the wheat from the chaff - but if you speak clearly and professionally, it tends to yield better results. Keeping them on your issue until it's completely resolved is not a bad way to go about things either.

Each venue has its advantages and disadvantages; since you have the option, why not try both?

Wherever you end up, good luck!
I guess, as in all things, people will relate the bad stuff but not the good.

The press is full of bad experiences with airlines, banks, hospitals but few people shout about a great one.

I've needed to contact support three times on both MFC and CB. The latter responded within the hour with detailed help. MFC sent a three word email within a week.

So from a support point of view, I've had a better experience with CB. From every other aspect, I don't think the sites can be compared as beyond being camsites, they are so different from each other.
My humble opinion is very very biast but:

MFC is a wonderful place full of rainbows and sunshine and tokens and a tip noise that sounds almost like a work of musical art. Also, it's full of beautiful creative peoples. And... tokens! Lots of tokens. (Well... not lots for me... but still... :D). And while all that is great and, the main reason I love MFC is because they are the only camsite I personally tried that pays within hours of the pay period being done... It's like magic! :D
the main reason I love MFC is because they are the only camsite I personally tried that pays within hours of the pay period being done... It's like magic! :D

Ah yes, MFC does pay within hours whereas CB can take a few days. One other site I use though, pays at approx 30 seconds after midnight and support is only ever a Twitter dm or Skype message away. And the MFC tip noise is very special...I have it as my message alert on my 'phone.
@DeezNA I can't find any info on a time-frame for spending tokens. Do you know how long one can hold onto their tokens or what happens after this deadline is reached?
(CB actually just instated a new policy that requires members to spend their tokens within a set period after purchase - so no sitting on that one token)

Well, this pretty much assures that CB will never see any business from me, anymore, then. Not because I like to sit on 1 token, but because I am very rarely on the site (truth be told, I'm not on MFC as much, right now, either, any model who was used to seeing me a lot can confirm), and I do not always use all the tokens I have at the time when I am on the site. There have been times I've logged in months apart, and still had tokens from my last visit. If this is no longer going to be the case, then CB can take a flying leap off a cliff. I only know a few model on CB, and if they're not on, then I don't stay logged in when I do go there. So removing the tokens from my account after some arbitrary time limit, which I might very well exceed between visits, means I will no longer be bothering with them.
-CB actually just instated a new policy that requires members to spend their tokens within a set period after purchase - so no sitting on that one token , ..........

Where does one find this info? I looked a bit but found nothing and there was never any notice sent to email. I have a few thou sitting in my acct waiting for my fav model to return from summer vacation.
@AerynShade @UncleThursday @SoTxBob - Sorry, was hibernating. Okay, so it appears that CB had instated and has already repealed this policy. From what I found:

"Any Virtual Money purchased by you that is not used within ninety (90) days of purchase will expire and be deemed forfeited to the Service."

This was from Term 13 in the ToS, followed up with an edit which removed this from the ToS: it is null and void. Sorry for the confusion.

To be completely fair (without going into the topic too deep because this is easily, and likely already is already, another thread), there are way more people who abuse token-hoarding as a 'negotiation tactic' than those with 'benevolent intent'; also many more sitting on 1 token than thousands. The policy was put in place to encourage people to spend their money rather than sit on it by... requiring them to spend it... but from what I saw - models didn't read the amendment thoroughly, thought the policy applied to their income as well and starting going all mob-mentality over it. Community went into an uproar; amendment removed.

TL;DR - I was wrong, my bad.
Where does one find this info? I looked a bit but found nothing and there was never any notice sent to email. I have a few thou sitting in my acct waiting for my fav model to return from summer vacation.

No worries, I'm back now :cat: I'll take them off your hands.
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@AerynShade @UncleThursday @SoTxBob - Sorry, was hibernating. Okay, so it appears that CB had instated and has already repealed this policy. From what I found:

"Any Virtual Money purchased by you that is not used within ninety (90) days of purchase will expire and be deemed forfeited to the Service."

This was from Term 13 in the ToS, followed up with an edit which removed this from the ToS: it is null and void. Sorry for the confusion.

To be completely fair (without going into the topic too deep because this is easily, and likely already is already, another thread), there are way more people who abuse token-hoarding as a 'negotiation tactic' than those with 'benevolent intent'; also many more sitting on 1 token than thousands. The policy was put in place to encourage people to spend their money rather than sit on it by... requiring them to spend it... but from what I saw - models didn't read the amendment thoroughly, thought the policy applied to their income as well and starting going all mob-mentality over it. Community went into an uproar; amendment removed.

TL;DR - I was wrong, my bad.

The entire thing with the pre-paid for tokens expiring, though, leaves a bad taste in my mouth, even if they did rescind it. It sounds greedy, because the site makes its money when the tokens are bought, just like MFC, or any other site that uses some form of buying credits. But by trying to implement them only being valid for X amount of time, the greedy part comes from them sounding like they want to make the money up front and then not have to worry about paying any models at a later time.

Again, I'm not saying I would have thousands of tokens in my account that weren't spent, maybe a few hundred at most, but, I already paid for them. And then they would be used to pay models, when I was ready to spend them.
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The entire thing with the pre-paid for tokens expiring, though, leaves a bad taste in my mouth, even if they did rescind it. It sounds greedy, because the site makes its money when the tokens are bought, just like MFC, or any other site that uses some form of buying credits.

On the other handle, I've heard that some people on MFC haven't spent all there initial tokens after 12 years. I think expiring tokens is fine, but not in 90 days. Would say 12 months or more is a reasonable time.
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On the other handle, I've hear that some people on MFC haven't spent all there initial tokens after 12 years

Although its a bit weird, I dont really see what harm it does that the tokens need to be taken away. I do think that if you havent bought any tokens for so long then you should go back to being a basic until you top up again, but maybe a new type of basic with tokens.
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Although its a bit weird, I dont really see what harm it does that the tokens need to be taken away. I do think that if you havent bought any tokens for so long then you should go back to being a basic until you top up again, but maybe a new type of basic with tokens.

It's not a good use of a models time to be talking to a premium that isn't going to spend tokens. I like the idea of making into a basic with tokens, but currently that would negate the message that MFC give to basics "Basic members have been temporarily muted by the model. Buy tokens once to become a Premium Member for life. "
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