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Camscore ???

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It is quite easy to get yourself a 10.000 cam rate actually but it will cost you money and the question is : how long will you keep it :
The trick :

1) start a new account
2) talk to all your regulars and let them tip all in first 2 hours you are on in the new account
3) buy 40.000 tokens yourself > cost = $ 3200 - $2000 ( your cut) = $1200 nett investment
4) tip 20.000 in those first two hours
5) get out and log off and watch what happens > you will get a 6000-8000 cam rate
6) repeat the second day > your cam rate will be around 9500-10.000

Problem: you will have to invest ! And you will need to build a tip base very fast on that rate as otherwise you will drop as fast as you got there ..I hope it gives some models an idea of what actually happens on MFC by studios...[/quote]

Hello:)Im new here:)Are u sure it will work?
shineblondy said:
It is quite easy to get yourself a 10.000 cam rate actually but it will cost you money and the question is : how long will you keep it :
The trick :

1) start a new account
2) talk to all your regulars and let them tip all in first 2 hours you are on in the new account
3) buy 40.000 tokens yourself > cost = $ 3200 - $2000 ( your cut) = $1200 nett investment
4) tip 20.000 in those first two hours
5) get out and log off and watch what happens > you will get a 6000-8000 cam rate
6) repeat the second day > your cam rate will be around 9500-10.000

Problem: you will have to invest ! And you will need to build a tip base very fast on that rate as otherwise you will drop as fast as you got there ..I hope it gives some models an idea of what actually happens on MFC by studios...

Hello:)Im new here:)Are u sure it will work?[/quote]

**NO Thank You - I will just remain at the pages I am on - I dont have that kind of money nor do I want to tip myself!**
I'm happy with my 800 camscore now. I can be on for 12 hours and not make much, and it only goes down a little, it's not gone below 800 yet so I'm happy. :D I like being online for long hours if I'm bored/wanting to reach a goal, so I don't think I could keep a higher camscore for very long!
I think with a lower camscore, you have to stay online a bit longer to make money, but I'm fine with that. :D
But it sucks that the people with lower camscores who need money AND want to make their camscore higher, can't really stay on for hours without making anything.

As long as I can make enough money for rent and food, I don't really care what my camscore is. Paying my bills is more important than some stupid number!
I been working hard for the last 3 1/2 weeks and got my camscore from 263.5 up to (tonight) 800.9 WOOT!
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Eva_ChangeN said:
I been working hard for the last 3 1/2 weeks and got my camscore from 263.5 up to (tonight) 800.9 WOOT!
:dance: :clap: :dance: :clap:
Thanks Amber!! and in the words of so many (role) Models here "SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!"
I want to freeze my camscore, it's currently 777.5 and I love the number 7 so want it to stay on that number forever, but I know it wont so I've took a screen shot to remember this occasion, lol. :D

And cor blimey Eva that's amazing! I hope it continues to go up. :D
I've been working all month to boost my camscore, and took it from mid-high 5000's to nearly 7000 in 13 days. I was hovering around 6900 +/- depending on how the planets were aligned in the heavens on a given day, and FINALLY broke 7000, up to 7013!!! I worked 13 days straight to get it to 6900 and WHAMMO it broke 7000 YESTERDAY, the day i *didn't* log on bahahahahahaahahhahahaha *heavy sigh, shakes head*
Don't worry, it tanked back over night to 6913
Thanks Girls and good job to you guys too!!! See, it can be done :) :dance: :mrgreen:
Congrats Lemon! You deserve - yours is one of my favorite rooms to watch and makes me wish i could take you pvt and group :)
ok, silly it possible to have a camscore of "0" or even -10? the lowest i've ever seen was 50ish.
wooohoo way to go lemon and eva! even i start noticing my score is slowly catching up.. :D
glad were all going better instead of worse.. yaay
Mikeythegeek said:
zilaz said:
ok, silly it possible to have a camscore of "0" or even -10? the lowest i've ever seen was 50ish.

If that was to happen, I think the model would have to go seek a new line of work at that point.
Yeah it's true. Once your camscore gets to a certain level, you can't fault the game, gotta fault the player. Sure the camscore system ain't great, but if you're below, say, 300, you probably don't know the you're doing and would be better off elsewhere. Or at least start over, and if it happens again, you're not meant for MFC. It's the sad truth.
AmberCutie said:
Mikeythegeek said:
zilaz said:
ok, silly it possible to have a camscore of "0" or even -10? the lowest i've ever seen was 50ish.

If that was to happen, I think the model would have to go seek a new line of work at that point.
Yeah it's true. Once your camscore gets to a certain level, you can't fault the game, gotta fault the player. Sure the camscore system ain't great, but if you're below, say, 300, you probably don't know the you're doing and would be better off elsewhere. Or at least start over, and if it happens again, you're not meant for MFC. It's the sad truth.

lol wish you could start over.. you cant if your camscore is that low.. atleast the girls i talk to who got a new account.. and the girls that didnt.. always had the camscore thing in common.. its sad... *shakes head*
Girls, you are so useful with these posts! :clap:

Thank you for sharing. I came in MFC with big hopes, watching the most visited girls, who makes really good tips.
Before i worked for myself with the shows and i wasn't used to tease and flirt with my clients, because most of them were watching the way i look and nothing more could make them willing to buy show from me. Now it's much different, took me something like 2 months to feel comfortable here, but it looks like i can't take that as business so much. I love talking to people and i start to think for them as friends, not as clients. That's when the business part is going on second place and i chat and chat and chat without tips.

What i decided today is to make one month plan with keeping my schedule up, trying for better earnings and cam score. I went down to 430 soon, after few true privates, but now it's 360 again. I'll work more hard.

Thanks for your inspiration. :dance:
So overnight while I was offline it rocketed up to 7177.6,
Hold your applause, I'm going to log on now for my normal shift and crush it, crash it, burn it, and drive it into the ground again.
I do SO MUCH BETTER on MFC while I'm sleeping lol.
Cassidy Nicole said:
I hate cam scores. I will make 700 tokens in 2 hours and my score will go up 100 points or make 5000 tokens in a few hours and it will go down. IMO, the cam score is a lie. :lol:

LOL> im glad im not the only one thinking this. All i know is recently i had 1 really good night , then the next day was really slow, i dropped from 2000 ( after a slow decline) to like 1500!!!

and its been crappy getting back up there. im thinking maybe asking my tippers to rate my tips if they havent might help. lol xoxo
hey girls :)

i have no clue how this camscore works
i always thought that the camscore goes up when i earn more in my online time
but i started in nov. 2010 on january 2011 i had over 1000 camscore
i was online for about 14 hours a day - i didnt earn much around 1000 - 1500 token a day

now april 2011 my camscore is stuck at 840 - 850
and i earn way more than in january
im online now about 12 hours sometimes more
but i usually dont have less than 3000 token a day
if its a good day i have around 6000 - 8000 token

so the way i understood it is that it must go up
but it doesnt
it keeps falling even when i get high tips or offline tips its always less than i started with

is there anything else i dont know?
what about user in my room? does that count aswell?
cause im gettin so sick of those freeshow waiter, basics and guets that id love to ban them all
but if i do is that bad for my score? should i let them open?
they could still rate me down
and thats also bad for the score

i really need some help
im getting more and more frustrated day after day :(

kind regards
AdorableBrina said:
hey girls :)

i have no clue how this camscore works
i always thought that the camscore goes up when i earn more in my online time
but i started in nov. 2010 on january 2011 i had over 1000 camscore
i was online for about 14 hours a day - i didnt earn much around 1000 - 1500 token a day

now april 2011 my camscore is stuck at 840 - 850
and i earn way more than in january
im online now about 12 hours sometimes more
but i usually dont have less than 3000 token a day
if its a good day i have around 6000 - 8000 token

so the way i understood it is that it must go up
but it doesnt
it keeps falling even when i get high tips or offline tips its always less than i started with

is there anything else i dont know?
what about user in my room? does that count aswell?
cause im gettin so sick of those freeshow waiter, basics and guets that id love to ban them all
but if i do is that bad for my score? should i let them open?
they could still rate me down
and thats also bad for the score

i really need some help
im getting more and more frustrated day after day :(

kind regards
My best guess as to how to fix your camscore is to minimize the amount of hours you're on each day, and maximize the amount of tokens you're getting in those few hours. I'd think at least probably 3000-4000 tokens per hour to start to raise it. Being online for 14 hours a day sounds insane, not sure how you survived that. 1000-1500 tokens per day? You need around that per hour to maintain 1000 camscore. I wish more girls realized that when they start so they don't tank their score immediately. :(
AmberCutie said:
AdorableBrina said:
hey girls :)

i have no clue how this camscore works
i always thought that the camscore goes up when i earn more in my online time
but i started in nov. 2010 on january 2011 i had over 1000 camscore
i was online for about 14 hours a day - i didnt earn much around 1000 - 1500 token a day

now april 2011 my camscore is stuck at 840 - 850
and i earn way more than in january
im online now about 12 hours sometimes more
but i usually dont have less than 3000 token a day
if its a good day i have around 6000 - 8000 token

so the way i understood it is that it must go up
but it doesnt
it keeps falling even when i get high tips or offline tips its always less than i started with

is there anything else i dont know?
what about user in my room? does that count aswell?
cause im gettin so sick of those freeshow waiter, basics and guets that id love to ban them all
but if i do is that bad for my score? should i let them open?
they could still rate me down
and thats also bad for the score

i really need some help
im getting more and more frustrated day after day :(

kind regards
My best guess as to how to fix your camscore is to minimize the amount of hours you're on each day, and maximize the amount of tokens you're getting in those few hours. I'd think at least probably 3000-4000 tokens per hour to start to raise it. Being online for 14 hours a day sounds insane, not sure how you survived that. 1000-1500 tokens per day? You need around that per hour to maintain 1000 camscore. I wish more girls realized that when they start so they don't tank their score immediately. :(

thank u for ur quick answer amber :)
yea hours are killing me sometimes but its fun - in that time i meet up people from different places
also i have no chance of earning 1 token when the top 20 girls are online :/
its hard to have less time online - with same token amount
i dont have that much tipper to help me

but 1000 - 1500 sounds not possible for me
the highest i had in one hour was 4500 but there was a 4000 token tip in it
just looking at my stats for tokens and cam score and i have come up with this as a prediction method for cam score:

total tokens earnt / total time on line = tokens per minute
tokens per minute x 60 = tokens per hour
tokens per hour for the last 60 days added up / 60 = 60 day average
(or as i only just started doing this)
end of each pay period token per hour rate for the last 4 pay periods added up / 4 = 60 day average

60 day average * 3 = current camscore

i have just done this in an excel document and my predicted cam score for today is only 50 point off my real cam score! i did it using pay periods, but im gonna start inputting daily data.
maybe this is a fluke, but i will keep you informed.
and it makes me feel like the cam score finally makes sense and is fair!
weight off my mind.
In the last two weeks I've brought my camscore up from 2300 to 3398. I'm really proud of myself and I really hope I can keep making progress. :)
so glad i saw this thread! good dose of reality and let's see if some of what i've read can help me improve my cam score. :D
I am doing about $80/hr (my cut) and my camscore is around the 3700 mark. I was doing $100/hr for a while and it was closer to 4000 but I can't seem to maintain that momentum. Its really difficult! I am hoping being online scheduled hours will start to help me. I feel like I can do better and I always have 200+ guys in my room. I really need a plan of attack. There are other camgirls from my old site who I would consider to be on-par with me but they have 5000-6000 camscores! Does anyone have any advice?

Also, if I am online more hours but I earn less per hour, is that going to negatively affect my camscore? For example, if I am on only once a week, I get more per hour than if I am online 3-4 times a week. Because there is less supply and therefore more demand. But I think maybe being online so infrequently also makes the camscore go down. Argh! So confusing!
Countessa said:
Also, if I am online more hours but I earn less per hour, is that going to negatively affect my camscore?

Yes. Camscore is based on tokens/time. You will probably make less money doing fewer hours, but your camscore will increase if you can get your members to spend more tokens per hour during the time you are on.
Contessa, same EXACT situation here. Like exactly. Nothing to add other than that, lol, sorry.
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