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Camgirls who smoke...

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When I see a camgirl smoking...

  • I get turned off

    Votes: 36 44.4%
  • I get turned on

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • I don't care either way

    Votes: 31 38.3%

  • Total voters
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My PMs to camgirls pretty much read like this..

"Hey, I hear you smoke. It's unhealthy. I disapprove"
"Hey, I hear you eat fast food. It's unhealthy. I disapprove"
"Hey, I hear you drink alcohol. It's unhealthy. I disapprove"
"Hey, I hear you don't always look both ways before crossing the road. It's dangerous. I disapprove"

But it's all good, we understand one another :?

As for the smoking thang, I guess I'm indifferent. I'm certainly not gonna leave a room 'cos a model lights up a cigarette, but nor am I gonna uncontrollably fidget with my peen the second that cigarette touches her lips.
Although... that picture Poker Babe posted of Megan... :?
mynameisbob84 said:
"Hey, I hear you don't always look both ways before crossing the road. It's dangerous. I disapprove"

Not looking both ways is even more dangerous than smoking.

Shaun__ said:
mynameisbob84 said:
"Hey, I hear you don't always look both ways before crossing the road. It's dangerous. I disapprove"

Not looking both ways is even more dangerous than smoking.

OMG..!! :tongue9: Though I was expecting something like it that still made me jump..!!
KarmelKiss said:
Matt255 said:
Whenever I see a girl smoking it lowers her attractiveness for me personally. Probably because I hate cigarettes it does nothing but kill you. If my favorite model smokes I usually in a pm convo and I joke around about that the smoking putting emphasis on stopping. Always like your too beautiful too smoke and I would like you to live a long healthy life.
That really pisses of smokers. Smokers are well aware of these things, and they do not require this information. They have probably already heard it a million times before. A smoker will not stop because a well-meaning, if not irritating, person advises them to. They will stop when they are ready, in their own good time, after a lot of meditating on the subject. Unless you are wanting to annoy, patronise and alienate yourself from your favourite models, incite them to light up out of frustration and blow smoke in your face, I would advise you to stop this practise, for your own good. :twocents-02cents:


I love you Fluffy, for you are so wise... :mrgreen:
She never had a problem with it because I never gave her a lecture. I stated my opinion on the subject and we laugh about it. Actually your too beautiful too be smoking is usually what I think.
Matt255 said:
She never had a problem with it because I never gave her a lecture. I stated my opinion on the subject and we laugh about it. Actually your too beautiful too be smoking is usually what I think.

I never understood how the your too beautiful phrase is anything other than an insult. It is like saying their most important quality is their physical appearance.

I think everyone is beautiful anyways, you just have to know where to look. Some people try to hide it from view.
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Everyone is not beautiful physically or internally(personality). If I see a girl and I find her attractive and she smokes it lowers my opinion of her. Like the OP said some members have tipped for models to put out cigarettes. My favorite who I became friends with knows how I feel about smoking through the various convos we would have. At no point was I standing on a soap box complaining about her smoking in her room. I have come across smoking fetish porn so I understand where certain members and models are coming from. This is my :twocents-02cents: if you don't like it ignore it. If you gotten some insight on a different perspective :hello2: .
Matt255 said:
If I see a girl and I find her attractive and she smokes it lowers my opinion of her.

But... why, sir? I mean, it's your opinion and you're entitled to it, but I don't see why you'd think less of anyone for smoking. Everyone has their vices, ya know? Some people smoke, some people drink, some people eat fast food, some people fuck a lot... nobody is any less of a person for doing any of those things are they? :twocents-02cents:
I'm kinda surprised no-one's mentioned this, as I've seen models smoke them before on cam. What I'm talking about is hookah pipes. I reckon they're a much more cool, stylish and classy way of smoking than cigarettes. Although you gotta be careful with them, as they're a lot more harmful to your health than cigarettes. Also maybe it might be good for those who have quit or trying to quit cigarettes, smoke the hookah like a few times a week as a substitute.
sahi said:
I'm kinda surprised no-one's mentioned this, as I've seen models smoke them before on cam. What I'm talking about is hookah pipes. I reckon they're a much more cool, stylish and classy way of smoking than cigarettes. Although you gotta be careful with them, as they're a lot more harmful to your health than cigarettes. Also maybe it might be good for those who have quit or trying to quit cigarettes, smoke the hookah like a few times a week as a substitute.
I do not smoke my hookah pipe on cam at all, unless it's for a video, because too many people assume that it's a bong or crack pipe. The people who make these assumptions are often the ones who don't listen to reason either and I don't want a mass brainstorm that makes everyone in my room think I'm doing anything illegal on cam. :twocents-02cents: It's just easier for me this way.
sahi said:
I'm kinda surprised no-one's mentioned this, as I've seen models smoke them before on cam. What I'm talking about is hookah pipes. I reckon they're a much more cool, stylish and classy way of smoking than cigarettes. Although you gotta be careful with them, as they're a lot more harmful to your health than cigarettes. Also maybe it might be good for those who have quit or trying to quit cigarettes, smoke the hookah like a few times a week as a substitute.

They do seem to be the more "in vogue" thing right now.
I also know a couple of young lil Cali girls that will argue ad nauseam about them being harmful as ciggys. Their thoughts are not only is the "burnable" flavored but simply BC theres the water and the length of hose, its somehow less toxic. :lol: oki whatever.....
Lets see.... :think: maybe next the toxicity and density of crap in cigar smoke should be debated.... :whistle:
sahi said:
What I'm talking about is hookah pipes. I reckon they're a much more cool, stylish and classy way of smoking than cigarettes.
While I do find the smoking of cigarettes to gross me out, for some reason I find the smoking of a hooka to look somewhat cool and maybe sexy.

I think that I only hate cigarettes because of the burning paper/putting mouth on paper aspect. I've admitted to people a few times that I have a strong aversion to wet paper. It makes me nauseated to see someone put paper in their mouth, and I get grossed out when my paper napkin gets wet. Don't even get me started on spitballs.

So I am starting to realize that may be why I dislike cigarettes so much, and why the only way I've agreed to ever smoke weed was from a pipe/bong.

I know, I'm weird!!
For some reason, a model smoking doesn't bother me. I don't find it attractive- without some leather or latex, whips, chains, possibly a swastika, and screams from the background- but it doesn't bother me on cam. In person however, if I'm checking out a girl and she lights up, it can kill it for me. I just lose interest.

Now to contradict this, our past girlfriends have smoked and I still dig them, so long as I don't smell or taste it.

Hookahs, I'm cool with and have even smoked myself a couple of times. Maybe the flavor disguised the tobacco just enough; I don't know. I grew up around cigarettes and cigars and can't really stand either. I used to lock myself in my room to escape the smoke of my parents and their friends and working with my step-dad, I would always find a slimy cigar but lying somewhere. If you think wet paper is bad, Amber, try finding what looks like a half burned turd lying on the counter.
Poker_Babe said:
lordmagellan said:
possibly a swastika,
:naughty: :snooty:
Oh calm down you!
It's not that I care about them; they are a common occurrence in BDSM imagery.
Besides it's a peaceful symbol, if you look at pre-WWII history.
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True, but swastikas used in modern symbology are generally associated with the Third Reich--unless you live in India.
Nordling said:
True, but swastikas used in modern symbology are generally associated with the Third Reich--unless you live in India.
There are groups trying to reclaim it. I'm not one of them, I was just playing off the imagery. Symbols are fluid, they change according to time, place, and culture. They're kind of like religions: they unite, divide, are used to promote wars and death, are used to rally a crowd, and in the end they mean pretty much nothing.

Not that this needs to hijack a thread about hot, smoking women who smoke.
OK, ok, I'm calm. It just caught me off guard. I was raised by my older brother who is half black. So in a sense, I feel like my part black (on the inside) myself. LOL I know that probably sounds hella' cheesy, but it's the truth. So anyways, yeah sometimes I get a little sensitive about that stuff.
I only smoke cigarettes in privates/exclusives, and only light up once the show starts. I don't smoke off cam, save in social situations once in a while. I probably have maybe 10 cigarettes a year or so....not quite once a month, but almost lol and I never finish a full cig in shows [they usually leave before I can] so I just put that one out and light it up again for the next one.

I have been doing that social smoking thing since high school though [roughly around senior year? so 8 years?], yet I've never been addicted to them. I should be careful, since my father and sister are addicted, but it's never been a problem for me....
I quit the "analog" about a year ago and I do smoke one of those e-cigarettes on cam. I'm quite new to MFC and camming but since I've been on for a month already guys always asked what it is.
Some guys actually assumed that it is more than nicotine vaporizer and commented along the line of "stop puffing. you're high already!" LOL always cracks me up.

I wonder if some may have left my room because of it hmmmm
Me and Aisha were chuffing away on those e-cigs on cam last night and some guy came in our room saying something along the lines of "you're hot but you smoke so BYE."

And we were like "Goodbye loser"
Though I've never wanted to smoke cigarettes myself, I've always found it attractive. Women with cigarette holders a la holly golightly or cruella deville work for me. My first crush was George Burns actually. Hehehe. Most of the men I've dated have been smokers, and while I don't allow smoking indoors, I really love the smell on a man's clothing mixed with cologne. The negative aspects do kind of outweigh the positive when reality sets in though. It drives me nuts that my husband can't sit through a movie without leaving to smoke, and his snoring is over the top. :think: Tough call, but on a sexy or not sexy scale it lands in sexy for me.
Michael685 said:
I take health and fitness very seriously. Also, I hate second-hand smoke.

Anyone smoking is a turnoff, digital or IRL.

That digital second hand smoke is going to kill you one day. :lol:
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If someone doesn't watch me because I smoked an e-cig or did something else 'bad' then I'm glad! It makes me feel a little bit sick that there are people out there who are pedantic enough to care about that and I'm glad they're not watching me and telling me about it because I'd tell them to FO and feel a bit mean.
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