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Camgirls who smoke...

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When I see a camgirl smoking...

  • I get turned off

    Votes: 36 44.4%
  • I get turned on

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • I don't care either way

    Votes: 31 38.3%

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I'm a pretty heavy smoker (about a pack a day) and I do smoke on cam. I'm trying to cut back on how often I smoke, but I don't feel any desire to quit completely. I can't really blame anyone for hitting "next model" if I'm lighting up and they don't want to watch that; I would do the same if I saw a model eating a cheeseburger for example. I don't care what others do, and I don't have anything against said model and might come back later, but this is entertainment, and it's supposed to be entertaining. If you aren't being entertained in a particular model's room, then you should be in another one.

I personally have a bit of a smoking fetish. I have cigarette burns on my boobs from bdsm play that, while faded, will probably never go away completely. It's a part of who I am. I tend to go for guys that smoke heavily. I also go for guys that drink heavily.

One thing that hasn't been mentioned really is the social aspect of smoking cigarettes. I've met a LOT of people and talked to a lot of people via smoking that I wouldn't have met otherwise. At social gatherings, the people I want to talk to are nearly always smokers, and I feel like the people that are inside and away from the smoke are missing out on really great networking and social connections, and some great sharing of ideas. I think it was Trey Parker (:h:!) that said that even though he doesn't smoke, in social situations he hangs out with the smokers because that's where all the good conversations are. At a bar, I'd rather be outside meeting CC from Poison just for the lolz as opposed to sitting inside at the bar where it's too noisy to hear anyone.

I really hate when people give me shit about it. Yes, I know it's bad for me. I don't really plan on living a super long life anyway, to be honest. I know the health risks, and if I'm ever going to quit, it's going to be on my own terms, not because some dude on the internet tells me it's gross.
I could understand if the girl was sat in your lap blowing smoke into your face but I find it a little hard to accept when they are on a computer screen. on a webcamsite. in another continent. :lol:

I was brought up around smokers, I don't smoke myself but have nowt against those who do. Its your life, Live it as you see fit!
VeronicaChaos said:
I'm a pretty heavy smoker (about a pack a day) and I do smoke on cam. I'm trying to cut back on how often I smoke, but I don't feel any desire to quit completely. I can't really blame anyone for hitting "next model" if I'm lighting up and they don't want to watch that; I would do the same if I saw a model eating a cheeseburger for example. I don't care what others do, and I don't have anything against said model and might come back later, but this is entertainment, and it's supposed to be entertaining. If you aren't being entertained in a particular model's room, then you should be in another one.

I personally have a bit of a smoking fetish. I have cigarette burns on my boobs from bdsm play that, while faded, will probably never go away completely. It's a part of who I am. I tend to go for guys that smoke heavily. I also go for guys that drink heavily.

One thing that hasn't been mentioned really is the social aspect of smoking cigarettes. I've met a LOT of people and talked to a lot of people via smoking that I wouldn't have met otherwise. At social gatherings, the people I want to talk to are nearly always smokers, and I feel like the people that are inside and away from the smoke are missing out on really great networking and social connections, and some great sharing of ideas. I think it was Trey Parker (:h:!) that said that even though he doesn't smoke, in social situations he hangs out with the smokers because that's where all the good conversations are. At a bar, I'd rather be outside meeting CC from Poison just for the lolz as opposed to sitting inside at the bar where it's too noisy to hear anyone.

I really hate when people give me shit about it. Yes, I know it's bad for me. I don't really plan on living a super long life anyway, to be honest. I know the health risks, and if I'm ever going to quit, it's going to be on my own terms, not because some dude on the internet tells me it's gross.
You know it funny you say that. I remember my mother telling me that back when she used to work at the Campbell's Soup factory she used to go hang out in the smoking break room as opposed to the non-smoking break room even though she hadn't smoked for many years all because she liked the atmosphere much better. Huh, totally forgot about that until reading your post just now.
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On those random memories, I remember Pubs, Clubs and Gigs being much better when people could smoke inside. much much better atmosphere! When I was in Germany last Summer they had smoking rooms in pubs which seems a much more common sense idea than letting people stand in the pouring rain!

Now most pubs are closing down due to the smoking ban and the price that supermarkets sell beer
sweetiebatman said:
On those random memories, I remember Pubs, Clubs and Gigs being much better when people could smoke inside. much much better atmosphere! When I was in Germany last Summer they had smoking rooms in pubs which seems a much more common sense idea than letting people stand in the pouring rain!

Now most pubs are closing down due to the smoking ban and the price that supermarkets sell beer

Thank you so much for saying this! A lot of states here in the U.S have banned smoking from bars now as well and it's RUINING the bar business! You would think in this economy that they would want to keep small business alive!
I myself don't feel the urge to go to a bar anymore unless I want lunch. I'm not a big drinker but I did love meeting friends for a few drinks. I would always stay WAY longer and buy WAY more than I planned on. Now I'm pretty ready to leave after maybe two pints, especially in the winter where even there outdoor smoking room with a heater is too fucking cold.
The owner states that almost over night since the ban business has gone down by about 40%! People who don't go to bars, who set the bill, were thinking all these magical non smokers would start having their dinner parties there... yeah right.
Bars are supposed to be smokey, always have been. Whether or not they want to allow smoking should be entirely up to the business owner.
I just feel like I'm gonna get hammered for this but hey.... We'll see...

Some Models do look good smoking: the way they smoke, the attitude, how it fits with their Persona...

On the other hand, some other Models just look trashy doing it... So my tolerance for it depends on the general
look of it...

Candy xxx
Poker_Babe said:
Premium members... How do you feel when you see a girl on cam smoking (cigarettes)?
Just curious... I have a few regulars that just love to see me smoke, have even taken me private many times just to watch me smoke (and nothing else).
I also have regulars who hate seeing me smoke. Even got tipped to put my cigarette out once before.
So anyways I was just curious, how do you guys feel about smokers on cam?

Well, I don't really like seeing anyone smoke, so I don't particularly want to watch camgirls smoke either.

But if they want to do so, that's not my problem. I'm not going to go around telling them not to smoke; it's not as if I'm going to say anything they haven't already heard a million times before. One of my favorite models smokes occasionally but I don't bother her about it. Sure, I'd prefer it if she stopped, but it's not going to stop me from visiting her room.
Candygirl3x said:
I just feel like I'm gonna get hammered for this but hey.... We'll see...

Some Models do look good smoking: the way they smoke, the attitude, how it fits with their Persona...

On the other hand, some other Models just look trashy doing it... So my tolerance for it depends on the general
look of it...

Candy xxx

...was listening to a model the other day.. she's a moderate to heavy smoker herself. She said she thinks the look of someone smoking is not at all attractive. When she sees anyone [particularly women] out on the street with a cig hanging out of their mouth or close to the face, it looks very trashy and cheap to her. This girl does smoke while working but tries to keep it off cam as much as possible. She also says she wishes she could quit but as of yet, hasn't found the motivation to do so successfully.
.....interesting how perceptions differ so widely.
....interesting how perceptions differ so widely.

Was thinking of something else when I saw this. Perception. Very powerful. All the pics posted earlier that were thought of as sexy smoking, were all of very attractive individuals. Would the perceived hotness change with the attractiveness of the individual? i tend to think so.
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RogueWarrior said:
....interesting how perceptions differ so widely.

Was thinking of something else when I saw this. Perception. Very powerful. All the pics posted earlier that were thought of as sexy smoking, were all of very attractive individuals. Would the perceived hotness change with the attractiveness of the individual? i tend to think so.
Well, yes, of course. But if someone were of average looks, but smoked in a very stylish, alluring manner might that not boost them into "attractive" for those of us who may be turned on by such?
Nordling said:
RogueWarrior said:
....interesting how perceptions differ so widely.

Was thinking of something else when I saw this. Perception. Very powerful. All the pics posted earlier that were thought of as sexy smoking, were all of very attractive individuals. Would the perceived hotness change with the attractiveness of the individual? i tend to think so.
Well, yes, of course. But if someone were of average looks, but smoked in a very stylish, alluring manner might that not boost them into "attractive" for those of us who may be turned on by such?

Nordling said:
RogueWarrior said:
....interesting how perceptions differ so widely.

Was thinking of something else when I saw this. Perception. Very powerful. All the pics posted earlier that were thought of as sexy smoking, were all of very attractive individuals. Would the perceived hotness change with the attractiveness of the individual? i tend to think so.
Well, yes, of course. But if someone were of average looks, but smoked in a very stylish, alluring manner might that not boost them into "attractive" for those of us who may be turned on by such?
Well of course being attractive has something to do with being attractive! Shall we discuss the pros and cons of spandex pants? :lol:
But I will say that attitude has a lot to do with peoples attraction to smoking, so a not grotesque person smoking in a certain way with that certain look about him could pull it off fer sure!
Think about the old film (not Eddie murphy) The nutty professor. Same man, same face... totally different! Well, except the teeth! lol.

Honestly, I had a hard time finding a decent pic of him not smoking!
In my quest for pictures I discovered... Jerry Lewis was HAWT!


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VeronicaChaos said:
the social aspect of smoking cigarettes. I've met a LOT of people and talked to a lot of people via smoking that I wouldn't have met otherwise.
Yes! There is an entire galaxy of social conventions around smoking: asking for a light, bumming or offering a smoke, suggesting we step outside for a smoke, etc. All of them have always been great icebreakers and starting points for moments of camaraderie.

Before I started traveling a lot, I always carried my trusty Zippo, whether or not I carried smokes. (Just one of the many reasons I hate the TSA. ;) )
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FYI: I didn't read most of the responses so I'm just posting in response to OP here.

I'd say that it could be unappealing, yeah. - but it's odd, 'cause hookah smoking can actually be pretty hot. Oh, and blowing smoke rings are hot too ;D
Hijacking the thread for a moment: What do you guys think of the e-cigs? Is it the same as watching someone smoke a real cigarette? (what about e-pipes?)

I'm sensitive to smoke (makes me ill!) and an asthmatic (*sexy wheeze*), so I dislike being around smoky smokers while they smoke. I'm actually happy so many places are smoke free now (like clubs!). But I do enjoy a little hit of nicotine now and again.
adorkabelle said:
Hijacking the thread for a moment: What do you guys think of the e-cigs? Is it the same as watching someone smoke a real cigarette? (what about e-pipes?)

I'm sensitive to smoke (makes me ill!) and an asthmatic (*sexy wheeze*), so I dislike being around smoky smokers while they smoke. I'm actually happy so many places are smoke free now (like clubs!). But I do enjoy a little hit of nicotine now and again.

Well here is a site for all things E-cig.

It a site for E-cig users by E- cig users.
The members there are very helpful.
E-cigs have gotten me off a two pack a day habit.
adorkabelle said:
Hijacking the thread for a moment: What do you guys think of the e-cigs? Is it the same as watching someone smoke a real cigarette? (what about e-pipes?)

I'm sensitive to smoke (makes me ill!) and an asthmatic (*sexy wheeze*), so I dislike being around smoky smokers while they smoke. I'm actually happy so many places are smoke free now (like clubs!). But I do enjoy a little hit of nicotine now and again.
for me, it's the same as watching someone with a real cigarette
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