AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

BRB images on Chaturbate?

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
Apr 21, 2024
I looked thru old threads but could not get clarity on a couple things.
1. I see more and more models using BRB images and video. What are the current rules for this on Chaturbate? Is it allowed?
2. What is the process to add them? Does lovense have an option? Is it done with the broadcasting software? Is it required to create something in canva?
Thanks for any input.
Mine is a picture of me with a rotating BRB that floats on the image. I created it in Visual Studio and it's a scene in OBS that I switch to. You're not supposed to have video but of course there are tons of models who get away with it because they make bank for the site.
It's ok to be a video as long as it's obviously a brb video
No it's not. I specifically asked CB about this and no per-recorded video is allowed to be used at any time. The only place there is allowed to be per-recorded video is in the bio's media section.

Also there is no fixed time, the amount of time you can be away is "a short time" there is no definition of what a short time is.
No it's not. I specifically asked CB about this and no per-recorded video is allowed to be used at any time. The only place there is allowed to be per-recorded video is in the bio's media section.
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I have never seen or heard of a model having a warning issued for an obvious brb video where the model wasn't away for more than 15 minutes.
I have never seen or heard of a model having a warning issued for an obvious brb video where the model wasn't away for more than 15 minutes.
Just because you havnt heard of it dosnt mean it hasnt happened or is allowed. When I pressed them on what is considered "a short time" it was a short time in comparison to the length of time a broadcast had been running before going to an away screen. So 10 mins in free chat cant then do 15 mins on a brb screen for example.
Just because you havnt heard of it dosnt mean it hasnt happened or is allowed. When I pressed them on what is considered "a short time" it was a short time in comparison to the length of time a broadcast had been running before going to an away screen. So 10 mins in free chat cant then do 15 mins on a brb screen for example.
It probably hasn't happened since no one has said anything but ur right it could just be a rule they aren't enforcing.

They said that? There's some models that start their broadcast with a starting soon screen and nothing happens to them and obviously they haven't broadcasted at all in free chat before putting up the message.

Anyway when obs first started on CB they were issuing warnings for 20 minute brb screens but occasionally it was slightly less so I always say 15.
I have never seen or heard of a model having a warning issued for an obvious brb video where the model wasn't away for more than 15 minutes.
I'd agree it's disingenuous for you to post that it's OK when support has replied to an ACTUAL cam model stating it isn't OK. Be warned, your posts here are fine so long as you aren't displaying incredibly inaccurate info to people coming here for help with CB issues.
It probably hasn't happened since no one has said anything but ur right it could just be a rule they aren't enforcing.

They said that? There's some models that start their broadcast with a starting soon screen and nothing happens to them and obviously they haven't broadcasted at all in free chat before putting up the message.

Anyway when obs first started on CB they were issuing warnings for 20 minute brb screens but occasionally it was slightly less so I always say 15.
Yep and according to cb using a starting soon screen and a show over screen risks a ban because the only screen they allow is brb. (I have a full email chain on it because I was going to put a fuck ton of time into animating the screens and wanted clarification on the times that are allowed...turns out only brb, only still images, and only "short time".
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I'd agree it's disingenuous for you to post that it's OK when support has replied to an ACTUAL cam model stating it isn't OK. Be warned, your posts here are fine so long as you aren't displaying incredibly inaccurate info to people coming here for help with CB issues.

How could I know what support writes to a person? its never been enforced. If literally hundreds and hundreds of models are doing something and no one has mentioned a single warning being issued how could i possibly know support wrote to someone that it isnt allowed. That would be like if support wrote to him that twerking wasnt allowed and i said twerking is allowed 🤷‍♂️
How could I know what support writes to a person? its never been enforced. If literally hundreds and hundreds of models are doing something and no one has mentioned a single warning being issued how could i possibly know support wrote to someone that it isnt allowed. That would be like if support wrote to him that twerking wasnt allowed and i said twerking is allowed 🤷‍♂️
Exactly, how could you know?!

That's why I say don't answer as if you know.
How could I know what support writes to a person? its never been enforced. If literally hundreds and hundreds of models are doing something and no one has mentioned a single warning being issued how could i possibly know support wrote to someone that it isnt allowed. That would be like if support wrote to him that twerking wasnt allowed and i said twerking is allowed 🤷‍♂️
Your expertise you bring to ACF (or other platforms) is just the data you scrape from the site. You are not an expert on TOS or what support will allow, etc.

So stick to your scraped stats about hours, public earnings, etc.

Stay out of support issues. Or other issues (like what broadcasters experience, etc.) that you are not able to corroborate 100%.
Your expertise you bring to ACF (or other platforms) is just the data you scrape from the sites. You are not an expert on TOS or what support will allow, etc.

So stick to your scraped stats about hours, public earnings, etc.

I don't scrape any data

Stay out of support issues. Or other issues (like what broadcasters experience, etc.) that you are not able to corroborate 100%.

Just because I run cbhours does not mean I don't participate in other factors of camming. I don't need to spend my time helping on ACF, if im not welcome here just tell me and I will simply not visit this forum anymore 🤷‍♂️
I don't scrape any data

Just because I run cbhours does not mean I don't participate in other factors of camming. I don't need to spend my time helping on ACF, if im not welcome here just tell me and I will simply not visit this forum anymore 🤷‍♂️
You're not welcome to post your opinions as if they're fact in matters you're not actually involved in.

I don't scrape any data
So, how does CB hours get its info? Sorry if "scrape" isn't the right wording for "take info from API stuff"

but it certainly isn't learned from being an IT guy at CB itself, right?
Just because I run cbhours does not mean I don't participate in other factors of camming

Have you ever physically been on cam, streaming and performing for an audience, as part of your job/a way to make an income to support you and your family?
You're not welcome to post your opinions as if they're fact in matters you're not actually involved in.

So, how does CB hours get its info? Sorry if "scrape" isn't the right wording for "take info from API stuff"

but it certainly isn't learned from being an IT guy at CB itself, right?
He didn't answer your question and scrape is precisely the term to use for precisely that activity : Javascript calls to CB's API/SDK framework.
He didn't answer your question and scrape is precisely the term to use for precisely that activity : Javascript calls to CB's API/SDK framework.
Using an API to receive information is not scraping, as APIs are designed to provide structured access to data. Scraping generally involves extracting data from web pages by parsing the HTML, which can be against the terms of service of a website.
Well if a model uses a BRB video as per your advice are you okay with being personally held accountable when she gets banned for taking your shit advice?
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Well if a model uses a BRB video as per your advice are you okay with being personally held accountable when she gets banned for taking your shit advice?

....if you aren't already aware which im sure you are and you are just exaggerating that would be a warning not a ban. At least thats what happens when they go over 20 minutes and get noticed (or whatever duration percentage it is based on what kingmarti said)

Kingmarti showed supports response, i cant edit that first post to change it.

So, you haven’t cammed before? Or you have, just not to support a family?

I’m going to guess you’ve never been an actual cam model before. The cam model advice you give is based on your experience as a viewer and from what cam models you visit tells you. I’m also guessing that you are not employed by Chaturbate and that you do not have any insider knowledge that only a W-2 employee would have.

And yet, pretty sure this isn’t the first time I’ve seen you give harmful advice and then argue that you’re right or get snarky and defensive when actual cam models correct your bad advice.

Perhaps realize that because of your site and your name having CB in it, there’s going to be naive models that believe you are directly employed by CB (something I suspect you already know and have used to your advantage) and will take what you say at face value. And, if they were to listen to your ill advice that you’ve garnered simply from your own experience as a third party or hearsay, they are risking getting a warning or even a ban by following that advice.
So, you haven’t cammed before? Or you have, just not to support a family?

I’m going to guess you’ve never been an actual cam model before. The cam model advice you give is based on your experience as a viewer and from what cam models you visit tells you. I’m also guessing that you are not employed by Chaturbate and that you do not have any insider knowledge that only a W-2 employee would have.

And yet, pretty sure this isn’t the first time I’ve seen you give harmful advice and then argue that you’re right or get snarky and defensive when actual cam models correct your bad advice.

Perhaps realize that because of your site and your name having CB in it, there’s going to be naive models that believe you are directly employed by CB (something I suspect you already know and have used to your advantage) and will take what you say at face value. And, if they were to listen to your ill advice that you’ve garnered simply from your own experience as a third party or hearsay, they are risking getting a warning or even a ban by following that advice.
It isn't? What was the other time I gave harmful advice? Im not arguing with King Marti I've got nothing but love for him, he was the only one that tried to help me argue that the new stripchat api listing region bans was a bad idea for model privacy.

My experience is not as a viewer. I doubt you have read many of my posts or paid attention to them. I think it's pretty obvious I'm not just a viewer. Why can't I just be judged on my contributions? Why do I make one mistake in a sea of providing accurate information and I get jumped on?
"I refuse to provide any evidence of my association with Chaturbate other than I run a site that tracks models online time but trust me I know I'm right," is not a good look. You argued with me tooth and nail that models MUST do as tipped and when I asked you to provide a warning message that proved a model was warned for not doing what she was tipped to do, you posted something adjacent but not exact to prove your point. You said it was unfair that a model showed her face on one site and not another when a user said he was angry that she got angry that he was angry at her.

That's just off the top of my head. If I cared to look through all of your posts I could find more.

If this were my site, I would put a permanent, non-editable signature on your name that states you are a viewer on CB and have zero authority to instruct models about TOS.
"I refuse to provide any evidence of my association with Chaturbate other than I run a site that tracks models online time but trust me I know I'm right," is not a good look. You argued with me tooth and nail that models MUST do as tipped and when I asked you to provide a warning message that proved a model was warned for not doing what she was tipped to do, you posted something adjacent but not exact to prove your point. You said it was unfair that a model showed her face on one site and not another when a user said he was angry that she got angry that he was angry at her.

That's just off the top of my head. If I cared to look through all of your posts I could find more.

If this were my site, I would put a permanent, non-editable signature on your name that states you are a viewer on CB and have zero authority to instruct models about TOS.

Incorrect vixxen, i never said as tipped, i said if they agreed to it in writing (edit: minus extenuating circumstances) and i showed you an example but it was the only example of a similar situation but this one left if I recall correctly but I have personally seen the situation happen with just refusing to do what was agreed to. In that situation it was you providing inaccurate information that could lead to a warning.

I never said it was unfair I said it was obvious the complaintant found it unfair.
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Incorrect vixxen, i never said as tipped, i said if they agreed to it in writing and i showed you an example but it was the only example of a similar situation but this one left if I recall correctly but I have personally seen the situation happen with just refusing to do what was agreed to. In that situation it was you providing inaccurate information that could lead to a warning.

I never said it was unfair I said it was obvious the complaintant found it unfair.
Wrong. So very very very wrong. No model has to do anything she is tipped for, period. It is expressly written in TOS. What you suggest removes consent and is disgusting.
Before the fight continues for pages, then inevitably turns into food chat: I've asked cbhours to please be careful with wording in future posts, so that readers do not mistake his posts as firm facts from a CB employee.

Now let's get back on subject or I can lock this if the original topic is settled.
You argued with me tooth and nail that models MUST do as tipped and when I asked you to provide a warning message that proved a model was warned for not doing what she was tipped to do, you posted something adjacent but not exact to prove your point. You said it was unfair that a model showed her face on one site and not another when a user said he was angry that she got angry that he was angry at her.

This was the exact situation I was also thinking of. I went ahead and found the thread:

Claims to know more than Vixxen, a veteran CB model, because he allegedly received screenshots from models and studios. Doesn't post those screenshots, but instead finds an image from Reddit to backup his claim.

My experience is not as a viewer.

If it's not as a viewer and it's not as a cammer, then what is your affiliation with CB aside from the site you run? Do you work for CB? Why should people find your advice credible, especially compared to that of seasoned cam models? I'm not even being snarky, I'm honestly curious.
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Wrong. So very very very wrong. No model has to do anything she is tipped for, period. It is expressly written in TOS. What you suggest removes consent and is disgusting.
Why are you arguing about something you have no knowledge of, it's confusing, you already know refund requests can lead to warnings I showed you a picture. If they agree to it in advance and they don't do it and the user complains and requests a refund they can receive that warning message. I'm confused why you keep insisting it doesnt happen, I showed you one.
Before the fight continues for pages, then inevitably turns into food chat: I've asked cbhours to please be careful with wording in future posts, so that readers do not mistake his posts as firm facts from a CB employee.

Now let's get back on subject or I can lock this if the original topic is settled.