amydeltoro said:
Hi! My name's Amy (ah-mee) and I'm completely new to the camming scene. I'm really excited to start out, but I've also never been involved in sex work before. I never thought I would, but idk, something about camming really appealed to me after I saw so many girls who did it and loved what they do. I wanna hear some of the best tips you guys have for someone like me, anything from the best toys or how to deal with assholes.. anything! Thank you guys!
I'm just chiming in because I've never seen Amy spelt phonetically!
Is it actually ahhhh-mee with a
long A? As opposed to the regular pronunciation of Amy which I guess I would spell phonetically as "eh-mi"? I've only met one other girl whose pronunciation was unique and her name was spelt Ami and I believe she was Taiwanese (and the constant unrelenting mispronunciation of her name by rural Canadian white folk drove her bonkers, poor gal!)