OP you are unfortunately living in a fantasy world. You have lost your ability to distinguish between what is real and what is fantasy, here are a few points that you need to understand:
- You can NOT buy friendship.
- You can NOT buy love.
- You can buy the illusion of friendship or love, please google GFE for more details.
- Giving money to someone does not give you any ownership of that person. (Slavery bad)
You are not the first person who has made these mistakes, around every 2 weeks someone posts a story similar to yours here, you are not special in this regard.
You can ignore everything that you have been told. You will then go on to repeat your mistakes and come back in 12 months time and entertain us with a new tail of doom and failed relationships or you can learn and grow. Personally I would enjoy reading about the tattoo you got on your back 12 months time, but that is just me. The choice is yours...