I drive for Lyft & Uber as a side gig from time to time and have done my own personal polling... but I'm curious to hear more viewpoints on the subject.
Well that’s just not true. Of the well over 1 million miles the goodie self driving cars have tested, there have only been about 14 accidents and all but one were human error where either the car was not in autonomous mode and was being drivin...or it was wasSo far, driverless cars can't go a whole mile without crashing or a human taking over. 99% of people don't want them. It sounds convenient, but what if one day it's mandatory? To outlaw driving is to outlaw freedom.
I can see drunk drivers really liking it as a new technology. Can't get arrested for drunk driving if there's no steering wheel or pedals in the car.
Also, your family member can't get killed by a drunk driver that way.
I wanted to update that my information was pretty old, I guess, havent read on them in a while but accident wise... it’s still the same story only now the google car has been operating without a safety driver in Arizona for a while now!Well that’s just not true. Of the well over 1 million miles the goodie self driving cars have tested, there have only been about 14 accidents and all but one were human error where either the car was not in autonomous mode and was being drivin...or it was was
Hit by another vehicle.
So far, driverless cars can't go a whole mile without crashing or a human taking over.
I enjoy driving too much, and to me the autonomous cars remove that factor. I also think that for those of us who live in the climates where snow and ice are frequent it'll be very difficult to replace human natural instinct on said conditions.
I wanted to update that my information was pretty old, I guess, havent read on them in a while but accident wise... it’s still the same story only now the google car has been operating without a safety driver in Arizona for a while now!
This is moving very fast.
Yes, that’s all the same info I had too.Since 2014 Google's had a small fleet of what they call their 'Koala cars,' 34 of them now. They have no wheels or pedals. Fully autonomous with zero ability for a human to take control.
I believe out of the total 4 million miles the google fleet (all their self driving cars, not just Koala's) has driven on actual public roads, there's been one accident where the Google car was at fault. It thought it was going to pull around in front of a bus, it hit the side of the bus instead. And that was years ago. Pretty much every other accident report involving them since then has been other drivers rear ending their cars. Literally only one accident was determined to be the fault of the self driving cars.
Lots of people can't drive; Self Driving Cars could liberate thousands of people. Helping people retain their independence. Self Driving cars also gives people more of their day.
As in "waymo" creepy?Yes, that’s all the same info I had too.the cars are called Waymo officially, if anyone is curious. It’s a pretty darn impressive story
Self Driving cars also gives people more of their day.
Isn't that what rideshare companies like Uber & Lyft are doing now?
How are autonomous cars going to help an elderly or disabled person into the car, then put their wheelchair or walker in the trunk...?
Will it help load luggage for the little old lady or businesswoman in high heels?
How is an autonomous vehicle going to understand the limitless variables like a cop directing traffic after an accident?
Not to mention a mere computer glitch can be fatal.
Puters can be hacked.
A buddy of mine has a Tesla and if he didn't take over steering, it would have taken him off a steep cliff because it couldn't distinguish elevation and wanted to drive on the road below the off ramp.
Then you have the navigation issue...
Despite all the advances... rideshare satnav still has MAJOR problems like directing drivers to turn where there are no roads, useless illegal u-turns, depth perception, alleys, etc.
There's no doubt all the greedy cost/risk/profit bean counters have accounted for the acceptable deaths and lawsuits.
I think I'd be way more nervous being in an autonomous car and want to pay attention in case need to retake control due to safety issues. In a bus, I do enjoy not having to drive and use that time to get a quick nap, read, etc.
I love me a good bus nap. If you can sleep on a bus, you can sleep anywhere. People always ask if I'm worried that someone'll take my stuff or assault me in my sleep, but my roommate flicking a light switch in the next room wakes me up, I'll be fine.
Excellent point! That seems like it's going to be a tough one for them to overcome. Even more common, construction traffic. How's it going to understand what's going on? Might have to change the way we redirect traffic in a way autonomous cars can understand. Certainly a difficult problem, but probably not insurmountable either.
Have you ever used Waze? Waze is GPS and traffic data, If there an any kind of traffic slowdown, it just routes you around the issue. You don't even see the accident, because your taking a shortcut around it.
Have you ever used Waze? Waze is GPS and traffic data, If there an any kind of traffic slowdown, it just routes you around the issue. You don't even see the accident, because your taking a shortcut around it.
FYI , right now if some one tries to block a self driving car, it just routes itself around the obstruction. It will make a right, left, merge lanes. If appropriate, flip a U, perform a k turn. It really doesn't need to understand why the road is blocked, just that it is blocked.
where someone sitting behind a computer will take over driving your car for you.
Why couldn't I take over driving my car for me?
As long as those glitches are far less in an autonomous vehicle, then it's still improvement. Traffic deaths overall should decline. At least with computer glitches, it can be fixed. Can't fix stupid though.
Why aren't trains autonomous?