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Are you a cutthroat or a pussycat?

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May 6, 2011
humboldt county, CA
I tend to go to Dr.Google for 'validation & support' (er, ammo?) when dealing with the not so lovely attributes of my narcissistic "mansicle",
(woot hoo to Rosemary for the lovely manpet name!) :) and today I found so many fun facts to aid in my amateur 'psychogooglnalysis' of the beast of a man that I love/hate & hump...

Not only does "Narcissistic Personality Disorder" involve "arrogant behavior, a lack of empathy for other people, and a need for admiration-all of which must be consistently evident at work and in relationships.", it also includes the related personality traits of "psychopathy & machiavellianism."
I decided to ignore the possibility of psychopathy for now ( :shock: ) and instead focused my merry musings upon the idea of Machiavellianism...

Machiavellianism is one of the three personality traits referred to as the dark triad, along with narcissism and psychopathy. Some psychologists consider Machiavellianism to be essentially a subclinical form of psychopathy,[5] although recent research suggests that while Machiavellianism and psychopathy overlap, they are distinct personality constructs.[6]
In 2002, the Machiavellianism scale of Christie and Geis was applied by behavioral game theorists Anna Gunnthorsdottir, Kevin McCabe and Vernon L. Smith.[7] in their search for explanations for the spread of observed behavior in experimental games, in particular individual choices which do not correspond to assumptions of material self-interest captured by the standard Nash equilibrium prediction. It was found that in a trust game, those with high MACH-IV scores tended to follow homo economicus' equilibrium strategies while those with low MACH-IV scores tended to deviate from the equilibrium, and instead made choices that reflected widely accepted moral standards and social preferences.
Machiavellianism has been found to be negatively correlated with the Agreeableness (r = -.47) and Conscientiousness (r = -.34) dimensions of the Big Five personality model (NEO-PI-R).[6]

:eek: Then I found a quiz... :-D
the Machiavelli personality test
"Are you a cutthroat or a pussycat? Find out, if you dare."

:mrgreen:Anybody wanna play? And don't even think about lying, that would spoil all the fun... :lol:
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I do not understand how they chose the questions. Several of them are not views you would find in a manipulative person. Unless they were lying as they took the quiz.
I scored a 73.
(In my defense I was feeling pretty bitter and jaded last night... :lol:)

High Machs (80+) constitute a distinct type: charming, confident and glib, but also arrogant, calculating and cynical, prone to manipulate and exploit. (Think Rupert Murdoch, or if your politics permit it, Tony Blair.)

True low Machs (-40), however, can be kind of dependent, submissive and socially inept --so be sure to invite a high Mach or two to your next dinner party.

At least I will be invited to lots of parties?
LiLredhairedgrl said:
I scored a 73.
(In my defense I was feeling pretty bitter and jaded last night... :lol:)

High Machs (80+) constitute a distinct type: charming, confident and glib, but also arrogant, calculating and cynical, prone to manipulate and exploit. (Think Rupert Murdoch, or if your politics permit it, Tony Blair.)

True low Machs (-40), however, can be kind of dependent, submissive and socially inept --so be sure to invite a high Mach or two to your next dinner party.

At least I will be invited to lots of parties?

No. I'm thinking that "dependent, submissive and socially inept" people do not have parties.

So it looks like another night of Netflix...or some other kind of fun ;)
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65 for me. That puts me where I think I am: a cynical idealist. I want to believe the best in people, but have seen too much to blindly believe or trust.

I feel that this test may be flawed, because a lot of the questions were worded "do you believe x", rather than "do you do x". And a true Machiavellian character almost always acts on those thoughts.

And I am a totally different person at work, than off the clock.
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66, right there with schlmoe
Humm 60 split the difference, wonder what that means.
High Machs (80+) ...prone to manipulate and exploit
LiLredhairedgrl said:
I scored a 73. :shifty:

True low Machs (-40) ...dependent, submissive
ShelterLight said:

“I deal with temptation by yielding to it”
Mark Twain

(Don't worry bb, I won't exploit you too much...)
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I knew I fit in here.

(Then again, maybe I'm just Machiavellian enough to lie about my score.)
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These were so good, just had to show my like. :dance:


and this
(Then again, maybe I'm just Machiavellian enough to lie about my score.)
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51, safe to invite me for tea :lol:
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