AmberCutie's Forum
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Any rules about posting scam attempts by models here?

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Jul 17, 2011
Just wondering if there are any rules about posting that kind of information here. It appears the model is also a member here.
I'm not sure what you mean but I want to believe that all our girls here are angels. I don't think there is a rule against informing members of some sort of model scam as long as it's not a personal vendetta.
Well, it would be a warning to other members here. But I cant see anyway to talk about it without it being considered a personal vendetta since the attempted scam was against me. It was from someone that I considered a close personal friend until this happened.

We would all like to think everyone is an angel here, but sometimes there are some devils mixed in there :-D
Did you try messaging the model? Some of us just loose track cause we get lost in the floods of messages or IMs and such. I just realized that I owe someone a video from a while ago, and as soon as I stop with my monthly, will be taking care of that :woops:
Get posting :) people will add their opinion :) whether the opinions are what you want to hear depends upon what you say - and if the model posts, her view too :D
Hanlons's razor....I will have to remember that. In this case I think was both malice and stupidity. :lol:

Synopsis with no names. I have known the model in question for a year and half now. Just last week I get a strange MFC mail from an account listed as a friend on her profile page. Soliciting to send money to the models payoneer account to pay for something the model supposedly needed. Sensing something not right, I contact the other friends listed on models profile and find that I am the only one to receive this message. I confront the model because it is so obvious to me that she wrote the MFC mail in question. But she just keeps denying it. A little sleuthing on my part and help from some friends I find my suspicions are true.

Can certainly post the MFC mail in question here, redact the names if necessary and answer any questions people might have. I will go with the consensus on wether I should start naming names or not. I know this puts me up for some ridicule as well.
I don't get it. Why do you come to the conclusion she has anything to do with the scam? If I understand you correctly the mfc mail was not from her account... Was it really her payoneer account or just an account, that looks like it could be hers?
Unless you consider her not to be very bright iwould go with "in doubt unguilty".
Bocefish said:
Doesn't sound like much of a 18 month friendship to me, especially if you have to come here to question her motives. Motives seem rather clear to me.

You are right, certainly was not the friendship I thought it was. I am not questioning her motives at this point. Those are quite clear now. I just wondered if people care for these kind of posts here or not. I know it is certainly entertainment for some.

The more I think about it, the more it feels like I am just trying to get back at her for the betrayal of trust. While it would be a warning for others, I can not claim my motives a pure in this.
Traditio said:
I don't get it. Why do you come to the conclusion she has anything to do with the scam? If I understand you correctly the mfc mail was not from her account... Was it really her payoneer account or just an account, that looks like it could be hers?
Unless you consider her not to be very bright iwould go with "in doubt unguilty".

My amateur sleuthing showed she has access to this friends account. The mail specifically said to send to her payoneer account.
I don't understand why she would be so circumspect about asking for money - what benefit was there for her to ask for money while pretending to be someone else?

If she was going to scam you I don't get why she wouldn't just ask you herself for money for her dog to have an operation or whatever. Seems like less trouble to beg than to get on someone else's account, have their account beg on her own behalf, then lie about it.

If she'd had any brains at all she would have told all her regs why she so desperately needed money then made a series of videos or skype shows or other 'prizes' that don't cost anything out of her pocket to make, then had some kind of sale or promotion.
Not sure what other "sleuthing" you did but if none of her other regs got anything similar I'd say she's in the clear. Why does she have access to this other member's account? And did you confront him/her? Myself, if I got something like that in my mail, I'd just ignore it unless I had stronger evidence.
Jupiter551 said:
Bocefish said:
If they were really friends... by all means contribute your macaroon quasi-self-importance advice.
lolwat :think:
I love when Boce drinks. :lol:
I will just post the mfc mail here, hopefully it will answer some questions.

Jul 11th 2011, 9:39 PM PST [name redacted] Hi [name redacted] [Hide] [Respond] [Delete]

This MFC Mail is from a normal member, NOT an Administrator, and it has NOT been checked. You should NEVER enter your personal username and password on any links this message may contain.

remember me? i am a [name redacted]'s friend i know you are a great friend of her she talks a lot about you, i'm sorry if my english is not the best but im mexican jaja well the reason for this email is that i want to give [name redacted] the operation that she needs and i know you are noticed about her contition long time ago and u have been a great support to her but i need some help from the people that cares about her, i believe God put persons in our lifes for a reason and God put [name redacted] well [real name redacted] in my life for something, i have some friends doctors and one of them can help her i cant make the operation free but he own me a favor from long time and he wants to help so [name redacted] will only need 20,000 dollars instead of like 60,000 so this is a surprise for her and i want her to know only if i know people will help and i need to know who else know from here mfc.... my deal............. for every amount u chip in on Maryori's payoneer i will make it TWICE!!!! pls let me know hurry :) thank you very much for your time

As to the condition that is mentioned, I was told by her that it was a terminal brain tumor. I had no reason to doubt that was not true until the last few months. According to her and her boyfriend ,besides her family and best friend, we were the only ones to know about it. She is not sick.

Name names? Or just let it go as lesson learned?
I believe you accidentally left in the Models name towards the end. Just FYI :)

Personally, I would walk away and say "lesson learned" if you really feel upset by it or believe it was truly her/some shady business/etc. It may hurt if you felt you were truly friends, and I'd be damn sure about it before making the decision, but it seems easier to just let it go. You don't *have* to spend your time or money on anyone that you feel isn't worth it to you.
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Just Me said:
I will just post the mfc mail here, hopefully it will answer some questions.

Jul 11th 2011, 9:39 PM PST [name redacted] Hi [name redacted] [Hide] [Respond] [Delete]

This MFC Mail is from a normal member, NOT an Administrator, and it has NOT been checked. You should NEVER enter your personal username and password on any links this message may contain.

remember me? i am a [name redacted]'s friend i know you are a great friend of her she talks a lot about you, i'm sorry if my english is not the best but im mexican jaja well the reason for this email is that i want to give [name redacted] the operation that she needs and i know you are noticed about her contition long time ago and u have been a great support to her but i need some help from the people that cares about her, i believe God put persons in our lifes for a reason and God put [name redacted] well [real name redacted] in my life for something, i have some friends doctors and one of them can help her i cant make the operation free but he own me a favor from long time and he wants to help so [name redacted] will only need 20,000 dollars instead of like 60,000 so this is a surprise for her and i want her to know only if i know people will help and i need to know who else know from here mfc.... my deal............. for every amount u chip in on Maryori's payoneer i will make it TWICE!!!! pls let me know hurry :) thank you very much for your time

As to the condition that is mentioned, I was told by her that it was a terminal brain tumor. I had no reason to doubt that was not true until the last few months. According to her and her boyfriend ,besides her family and best friend, we were the only ones to know about it. She is not sick.

Name names? Or just let it go as lesson learned?

Allow me to summarize:

ScarletVixen said:
I believe you accidentally left in the Models name towards the end. Just FYI :)

Personally, I would walk away and say "lesson learned" if you really feel upset by it or believe it was truly her/some shady business/etc. It may hurt if you felt you were truly friends, and I'd be damn sure about it before making the decision, but it seems easier to just let it go. You don't *have* to spend your time or money on anyone that you feel isn't worth it to you.

I thought I was being so careful too. I guess I missed the edit window :(

I am really upset by it and there is no doubt that she was the one who sent this mail. I have been talking to her for too long to not know how she phrases things. The bit at the end was even worded like some of her contests. WTF, did she think I was stupid?

You are right lesson learned. Just upset me more than I thought it would to have my friendship taken advantage of.
pfff dear Maryori if you are reading this.. stop being so damn greedy.. obviously the guy isnt gonna give you 20 000 bucks.. your ruining it for the rest of us scammers trying to have a normal scamming schedule..
and as for you mr just me... hi how you doin... i wanna be friends :whistle: i dont need as much for my tumors diseases and sick pets.. i can handle them all with 50 tokens :lol:
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Thanks for the reality check. I know I am probably the only one that cares much about this since it was personal to me. As a final thought, would this be ironic? Or am I forever doomed ,due to whats her names song, to not know what is truly ironic or not? :lol:

I heard a model a while ago telling to the ussers that she need a lot of tokens for a new heart cos she was so sick

and after she got the tips she go for a holidays!! hahaha so mean

That was a post from the model in question on this board. :eek:
Just Me said:
Thanks for the reality check. I know I am probably the only one that cares much about this since it was personal to me. As a final thought, would this be ironic? Or am I forever doomed ,due to whats her names song, to not know what is truly ironic or not? :lol:

I heard a model a while ago telling to the ussers that she need a lot of tokens for a new heart cos she was so sick

and after she got the tips she go for a holidays!! hahaha so mean

That was a post from the model in question on this board. :eek:
lol wow
well since she used mfc email to try to sting you for cash maybe forward it to admin.
Dunno if they'll do anything, but they might give her a warning or something...or ask the premium if he wrote it, and if he says no they'll probly conclude his account was hacked and close it :lol:
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Jupiter551 said:
Just Me said:
Thanks for the reality check. I know I am probably the only one that cares much about this since it was personal to me. As a final thought, would this be ironic? Or am I forever doomed ,due to whats her names song, to not know what is truly ironic or not? :lol:

I heard a model a while ago telling to the ussers that she need a lot of tokens for a new heart cos she was so sick

and after she got the tips she go for a holidays!! hahaha so mean

That was a post from the model in question on this board. :eek:
lol wow
well since she used mfc email to try to sting you for cash maybe forward it to admin.
Dunno if they'll do anything, but they might give her a warning or something...or ask the premium if he wrote it, and if he says no they'll probly conclude his account was hacked and close it :lol:

I wonder if MFC would do anything? Possible since they were by passing the token system :think: If it was just tokens I seriously doubt they would do anything :lol:

I have talked to the premium account in question, he could not answer a single question, like what is the doctors name, what hospital, where is it going to be done etc, what is her exact condition? I even had him go to my profile and it showed he is not from where he was saying, just happened to be in the same city and country as the model :lol: The next time I talked to him it was obviously her trying to pretend she was him.

What is the worse that can happen if I report it to MFC, they just ignore like most messages to them :)
K first of all before I start, Im saying again that my english isnt perfect since Im french so if I sound rude or retarded, ..well.. maybe I am, maybe its the language barrier.

so, IF a girl is asking for money because shes dying sick... meh, its always your call to give or not but if youre so sick I know times can be rough but I dont think saying this is gonna help you make MORE money, well maybe, but idk for me its just, I wouldnt ask a girl to fuck her big dildo for me if I new she was really sick.. id feel really bad.

As for the girl youre talking about, I think too you put her name on purpose at the end haha and I loled.. but it doesnt seem like a big scam, IF she sent this maybe she just though well ..try and if it works good if not.. too bad Ill just say its not me. Since you dont plan on giving her that money just do like it didnt happend. She wont talk to you about it since shes not supposed to know.. and what doctor owe something to someone and say im gonna perform a free medical thingy for a cam girl on a site you go...weird.. anyways..

again, not drunk nor retarded.. sorry again.
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