AmberCutie's Forum
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Any rules about posting scam attempts by models here?

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AlexiaRose said:
K first of all before I start, Im saying again that my english isnt perfect since Im french so if I sound rude or retarded, ..well.. maybe I am, maybe its the language barrier.

so, IF a girl is asking for money because shes dying sick... meh, its always your call to give or not but if youre so sick I know times can be rough but I dont think saying this is gonna help you make MORE money, well maybe, but idk for me its just, I wouldnt ask a girl to fuck her big dildo for me if I new she was really sick.. id feel really bad.

As for the girl youre talking about, I think too you put her name on purpose at the end haha and I loled.. but it doesnt seem like a big scam, IF she sent this maybe she just though well ..try and if it works good if not.. too bad Ill just say its not me. Since you dont plan on giving her that money just do like it didnt happend. She wont talk to you about it since shes not supposed to know.. and what doctor owe something to someone and say im gonna perform a free medical thingy for a cam girl on a site you go...weird.. anyways..

again, not drunk nor retarded.. sorry again.

I certainly did not leave her name in intentionally. The name wont help anyone to find her on MFC or anywhere else. Though there is enough information in what I did post that it would not be too difficult for someone to figure out who she is on MFC and here.

If this would have just been about tokens and telling me she was sick it would not have bothered me. This was a friend outside of MFC, or at least i thought so after 1.5 years, that through nefarious means hoped to get actual cash from me. Maybe I take friendship too serious.
Just Me said:
If this would have just been about tokens and telling me she was sick it would not have bothered me. This was a friend outside of MFC, or at least i thought so after 1.5 years, that through nefarious means hoped to get actual cash from me. Maybe I take friendship too serious.

A little too trusting perhaps, but there are worse flaws.

Like trying to take advantage of people who are trusting.
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ComicOzzie said:
Giving money to a dying model seems kinda silly, since they are , you know, dying.

I agree it would be silly to give money to a dying model. But to a dying friend? Apparently I was the only one close enough to her that she thought might even consider it, because I was the only person to receive the mfc mail. The whole idea of the operation was to give her more time, same with the chemo she was supposedly taking. They terminal angle must not have been too well thought out though. Because no country will give you a visa for treatment if you are terminal.
Jupiter551 said:
Just Me said:
If this would have just been about tokens and telling me she was sick it would not have bothered me. This was a friend outside of MFC, or at least i thought so after 1.5 years, that through nefarious means hoped to get actual cash from me. Maybe I take friendship too serious.

A little too trusting perhaps, but there are worse flaws.

Like trying to take advantage of people who are trusting.

Thanks for this thought. I agree I am a little too trusting and it has led to me being taken advantage of sometimes. But overall I would not change that flaw.

Never lie to someone you trust, never trust someone who lies.
So, I reported this to MFC. I actually received a reply from them which was more than I expected. The reply only said "Thanks" though :lol:

I did notice right after this that the premium account that sent me the MFC mail is gone, along with her other premium accounts. Whether MFC did this or was just a coincidence that it was right after I reported it, I don't know.

The model in question has not been banned, but my understanding is that MFC rarely bans models. They like to give them fines (inside info). Which makes sense from their end unless the model is not earning them anything. The almighty dollar and not customer service is the name of the game.
From the Bullshit thread

Courtney said:
Traditio said:
Just Me said:
Who knows if this was just a glitch on MFC or we are just not getting the full story.

And why would she post her lack of understanding of the camstore stuff if she already knew what raised her score?
Posting the link to a thread regarding scamming automatically puts a bad light on her - without you claiming anything directly.
Not the gentleman way and makes me suspicious about your personal interests here.
Are you doing a personal vendetta here, just me?
Get over your hurt feelings and grow up!

If you have some grudge going on with her solve it through personal mail.

He joined here just to put the "warning" to people? or just to find another way tell everyones my name?
He told me he will tell to all my friends what he thinks I did to him but that he wont do such a thing if I told him the true, but I told him many times I didnt try to scam him so I said go on and tell my friends... BUT he alson told everyone my real name and and I dont think it was good to tell... also i found him trying to talk with NEW people in my room... why? maybe to try and take me down in the page? my friends still with me even when you told then your storie... (all this problem has been a misunderstanding) but I also see it as a vendetta here!

If I wanted to tell everyone your name I could have posted your full name, address, phone number etc. I only sent the MFC mail to your "friends" and you were the one that wrote that from a fictional persons account. So, you were the one that actually told people your real name. My assumption was that MFC mail was sent to all your "friends" when I first received it. I dont know if I should feel special that you only sent it to me or mortified because you thought I was the only person that might fall for it?

I never intended to put your name here because I edited the MFC mail, and I missed an instance of your name. I was testing the waters and there was not much interest in hearing about the drama, otherwise I would have posted a screenshot. But when you posted in the Bullshit thread I could not help myself from replying since you stated something totally different than what you had told me about your camscore.

Misunderstanding? No, I think not. You betrayed our friendship by pretending to be sick and dying. Your "friends" that still go to your room say you look very healthy for someone that is on chemotherapy and has terminal cancer. Or was there some kind of miraculous cure since the last time we talked? Were you hoping for a big payday so you would not have to work on MFC anymore? Lord knows how many times you told me you hate working there.

I am an open book on this subject even though it might leave me open to ridicule. Feel free to refute anything I have said here on these forums. I have nothing to hide, can you say the same?
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