No, the idea cannot be extended to other areas, because being taxed for roads and infrastructure is a far cry from being forced to pay for something so someone can ruin their livers from drinking, eating their way into obesity or using drugs until their brains have holes in them and their teeth fall out. If someone drove around with a jackhammer purposefully putting potholes on these roads you talk about, I'm fairly certain they would be arrested in short order. Roads decline from regular use over time, not conscious and purposeful misuse - as is the case with the majority of our present health issues in this country.
I see this argument often, and it sort of works, but only if taken all the way through. If we want to go this route, we need to actually have all the alcoholics, obese people and drug users die. Ideally quickly and in the most efficient manner possible that causes the minimum cost to society.
This is logical, but to most of us, not morally acceptable. So, we get what actually happens... These folks end up in the emergency room, receive very costly care, are billed, can't pay, and the cost is recouped by charging insurance companies a bit more for the other services, which raises our premiums. Now indigent and possibly disabled, the uninsured draw other services, and the cycle repeats.
One of the major goals of the ACA was to encourage preventative care and education so that these emergency room visits would happen less frequently, and thus care would be delivered more efficiently, costs would go down for all of us, and hopefully some of those folks would get back to being productive, tax paying members of society. No one will claim that the ACA was perfect in executing this, but given the massive amount of compromise involved, it did quite well.
Every other country on earth has found that going all the way to universal healthcare has worked for them. I see no reason it wouldn't work for us. ...or we can go with death camps / suicide booths.
So yeah, #1 is universal health care.
#2 is obviously the bald eagle beer on the doorstep. Gotta keep that healthcare system busy