AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Amber Addicts!

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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In the name of letting Amber know how much we love her; if you are an Amber Addict, announce yourself here to let her and everyone know that you are one.

Remember, the first step in recovery is admitting you have the addiction. :)

With that said...

Hi, I'm Mikey and I'm an Amber Addict.
I'm Mirra... I'm male and I'm an Amber Addict. Yes I am sure I am male. Yes I know my name ends with an a.

Amber's also a stupid awesome friend. I can talk to her about things that people I don't refer to by a pseudonym would never be able to hear without passing judgement on me. :D
hi im ezeidler and im an amber addict and i will be becoming premium very soon so i can support amber
My name is Lacey, and I am completely addicted to Amber @_@
I'm Toto, I'm addicted to Amber and I'm damn proud of it. :blob3: :blob2: :blob4: :blob7: :blob5: :blob6: :blob8: :blob1:
Hello. My name is Jason, and I am a supporter of Amber. Am I addicted, though? Let me think...

My thoughts tend to swerve toward Amber on occasion. My user name on MFC is AmbersJason. I have an avatar with Amber in it. When looking at money, I take Amber into account above all other entertainment expenses. I only have one person on my friends list on MFC, and it is Amber. I have a secret diary which tends to refer to Amber in some way each time I write in it. I've tried WoW just because Amber has several high level characters in it. I feel super awesome when Amber says my name. I'm scaring Amber with this post. I may feel a slight depression when Amber is not on, although not to the extent that I mope around.

I guess there's a chance that I have an AmberCutie addiction.
Jason314 said:
Hello. My name is Jason, and I am a supporter of Amber. Am I addicted, though? Let me think...

My thoughts tend to swerve toward Amber on occasion. My user name on MFC is AmbersJason. I have an avatar with Amber in it. When looking at money, I take Amber into account above all other entertainment expenses. I only have one person on my friends list on MFC, and it is Amber. I have a secret diary which tends to refer to Amber in some way each time I write in it. I've tried WoW just because Amber has several high level characters in it. I feel super awesome when Amber says my name. I'm scaring Amber with this post. I may feel a slight depression when Amber is not on, although not to the extent that I mope around.

I guess there's a chance that I have an AmberCutie addiction.

You forgot that you brought Amber 3/4 of her Amazon wishlist for Christmas. You, sir, are more addicted than anyone here!
I am an Amber addict. Twitter, Forums, MFC, WOW and still need more. After my first month on MFC I hated group shows. 10 months later only Amber was able to pull me back in. AND I LIKED IT :O
Her power over me scares me.
Hi there, my name is Jebbaz, I'm one of the youngest among us, and I too am an Amber addict, more so now that even since Amber has begun referring too me as a regular.
Hi, I'm Ginge and I am absolutely addicted to Amber (the best body in the known universe). She's the business :clap:
Addicted? Hrm.... I'm not sure. If you'd say someone who, despite his knowledge of Amber's schedule, desperately clings to the hope that she may be on late when he gets home at 3 AM is addicted, then I suppose I am. Or perhaps someone who counts the days until every Monday night when he can finally watch and interact with her (and the room). Or maybe a guy who visits several model's rooms, trying to fill a void, only to lurk and quickly leave, most times saying nothing, because said model just doesn't have that....... Cutieness?

I don't know maybe I am addicted, slightly. I can live with that.
How did I never see this topic till now?

I am an Amber Addict and damn proud! But I am NOT admitting so that I can recover, I wanna stay Amber-sick fa evah!!
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