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Inactive Cam Model
Aug 24, 2012
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so I found out something interesting about the amazon wishlist that I would like to share. If you go onto someones wishlist and buy something but have it send to your own address, it will still say that the item has been purchase for that person even though they will never see it. So your wishlist might say that someone has bough something for you when really they bought it and sent it somewhere else. Does any one know if there is a way to see if stuff bought off your wishlist is actually being sent to the correct address, I would hate to get all excited about something that is never going to actually show up.
thanks for all the help lady's.
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As far as I know, no there isnt a way. There are a few loopholes to amazon, that is why you should always wait till you get the gifts/items/etc until you send them content or do a show for them
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They also could be just buying the item and then cancelling the order the next day. Sometimes, the item will still show as 'purchased' when they do this.
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This is a relatively unknown "loophole" that would have been better to have been kept hush-hush in the model's section in my opinion. :)

I've seen entire wishlists 'bought' by people with too much free time on their hands. They have to individually confirm each 'purchase' via email.

Also, in regards to cancelling a bought item, Amazon now returns it to your wishlist if the order is cancelled, so at least you know now.
DeviantDarla said:
As far as I know, no there isnt a way. There are a few loopholes to amazon, that is why you should always wait till you get the gifts/items/etc until you send them content or do a show for them

I never do anything unless I have the item in hand, but you are right. Thanks for the help.
skiphop90 said:
This is a relatively unknown "loophole" that would have been better to have been kept hush-hush in the model's section in my opinion. :)

Not sure why... They already do the cancel thing all the damn time.
there's a new way to do it, it's a lot of work, but it happens. i had made a thread about it in the models only section a while back.
the shipping thing is understandable - if you bought someone a wedding present off their wishlist you might not want them to know immediately who bought it (ie who it was shipped to), so is the showing as bought unless cancelled thing (prevents people from buying the same thing twice), but it should at least show the wishlist owner what stage each transaction is - pending, paid, shipped, etc.
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There is another loophole that some models may not know about.

It is a known fact that if you put 3rd party items on your wish-list your address may sometimes be given out to the purchaser. So, some models think it is a good idea to not put any third party items on their wish-list.

However, if you have a wish-list people can still send you things that are both on or not on your wish list (including third party items). All you need to do is add one item to your cart from the wish-list then add another item to your cart that was not on the wish-list (this can be third party or first party item). When you go to check out you select that you want to ship to the specific model and at that point you can then take off the item you originally added from the wish-list (if you want) and only send the non wish-list item.

I have had models addresses given to me on 3 different occasions because of third party sellers (NOT using the method above). Two out of the three times the model in question was not using a P.O. Box.
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One of these days I swear someone is going to publish some kind of statistical study that shows you're more likely to be murdered by a stalker from your own neighbourhood than one on the internet :p
secret1n said:
There is another loophole that some models may not know about.

It is a known fact that if you put 3rd party items on your wish-list your address may sometimes be given out to the purchaser. So, some models think it is a good idea to not put any third party items on their wish-list.

However, if you have a wish-list people can still send you things that are both on or not on your wish list (including third party items). All you need to do is add one item to your cart from the wish-list then add another item to your cart that was not on the wish-list (this can be third party or first party item). When you go to check out you select that you want to ship to the specific model and at that point you can then take off the item you originally added from the wish-list (if you want) and only send the non wish-list item.

I have had models addresses given to me on 3 different occasions because of third party sellers (NOT using the method above). Two out of the three times the model in question was not using a P.O. Box.

You can tell Amazon not to give your information to third parties.
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