You could start a legit business that charges a small fee to be cam models online job cover story.
A small monthly fee gets you a legit customer service number, so if any parents call to "see if its legit" they get greeted with a friendly "Hello, OSW services, how may I help you?"
(OSW.. online sex worker... lol shhh we dont tell em what it stand for)
Part of the service can be.... monthly bogus employee paperwork in your mail. On official looking letterheads. Perhaps set up to look like a monthly calculation of your "online support time" or whatever.
All the individual cover story you'd ever need for only $19.99 a month.
Why we could even have an extensive bogus website packed full of nonsense and flashy code, all pretty much leading the reader to think its some sort of online temp agency for putting people to work from their home doing customer support.
Yeah.... this is a great idea. Too bad I have no free time to run with it.
Sign up this week and you get a free tee shirt and baseball cap with our spiffy (but totally bogus) business logo on it.
I could be rich. :thumbleft: