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AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on MFC:(

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Sep 11, 2010
Hey Girls and Gentlemen :)

Just wanna make a quick announcement that AedanRayne had a little Oil accident last night while doing
a show on MFC. She spilled a lot on her Laptop and it immediately did power off. She did turn it over and
let it dry but since she can not open it herself she will have to send it in for repair.

I will send her some offline Tips to help her out while she can't cam. I imagine the cost for the repair
might be pretty bad aswell since it won't be covered under any warranty.

Maybe some of her fans on here want to join me :)

And apart from that: Do you know if there are good insurance plans to protect accidential damage for Laptops,
like they have for iPhones and so on? Might make sense for a lot of the models, especially those who do showershows
and take their computers to the bathroom a lot.

Take care everyone!

Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

I'll be offline tipping periodically as much as I can. I hate that this happened, this REALLY sucks! :cry:
Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

I just saw that SquareTrade sells laptop insurances that cover accidental spills and so on.

A $500-$699 Laptop insurance plan is around $150 for the whole three years. ... 5wodDWquLQ

If anyone know sth. better please post it here aswell!

And Thanks to Jebbaz, I know you're awesome :)
Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

A while ago I was on cam and spilled hair mousse on my keyboard, I had to use a borrowed one for a few weeks until I could get the keyboard replaced (cost me $120 total, ouch but I had the money). I'm lucky the motherboard wasn't ruined.

Oh, one important note if this happens to anyone else - always take out the battery after power off.

For now I use a sheet of plastic if I have any drinks near my laptop (I am kind of paranoid about it now) but I plan on getting one of these soon.
Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

I recommend that a model gets a dish-washable keyboard. Then you can back the laptop up from you further and all will be fine. Plus you don't have to hold back from typing when your hands are covered in paint or pussy.

I use the all in one wireless keyboard by SealSheilds.

Oh yeah; they're antibacterial too so you can touch yourself all you want and not worry about it only rinsing it off. Hell I take mine right into the shower when it needs to be cleaned!
Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

AlexLady said:
I recommend that a model gets a dish-washable keyboard. Then you can back the laptop up from you further and all will be fine. Plus you don't have to hold back from typing when your hands are covered in paint or pussy.

I use the all in one wireless keyboard by SealSheilds.

Oh yeah; they're antibacterial too so you can touch yourself all you want and not worry about it only rinsing it off. Hell I take mine right into the shower when it needs to be cleaned!

thank you SO much. I've busted 2 laptops now due to cum-tastic accidents. I am buying this asap.
Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

SidneyScarlet said:
AlexLady said:
I recommend that a model gets a dish-washable keyboard. Then you can back the laptop up from you further and all will be fine. Plus you don't have to hold back from typing when your hands are covered in paint or pussy.

I use the all in one wireless keyboard by SealSheilds.

Oh yeah; they're antibacterial too so you can touch yourself all you want and not worry about it only rinsing it off. Hell I take mine right into the shower when it needs to be cleaned!

thank you SO much. I've busted 2 laptops now due to cum-tastic accidents. I am buying this asap.

Alex's keyboard is pretty awesome, and she puts it through hell :p

It also has a touch pad, but it doesn't work well if your fingers are wet.
Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

Daniel, tell her to keep us all updated on twitter will you?
Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

Aedan has just tweeted from a friends house:

AedanRayne@ a friend's house. Laptop is completely dead. I can't cam on MFC until it's fixed. Can you help?

AedanRayneP.S. Thank you for any donations!!! I can't work until it's repaired. :( Ugh, this is driving me CRAZY!

and btw: I obviously got it wrong, it was orange juice not oil... which might be even worse :(
Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

:roll: what a load of baloney! Laptops are dirt cheap, just buy a new one
Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

Nzhere not every model who does this full time makes above minimal wage. That and when a model is forced to take time off, offline tips help her get back into gear when things start and can keep her from stressing out.
Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

AlexLady, thank you for backing me up as that was a tad upsetting to read.

nz, you talk as if everyone can afford an extra $100 per paycheck. I'm in a very bad place financially and this is a huge loss for me. Not only can I -not- afford to repair my laptop, but I'm also losing money everyday that I am away from MFC. :violin: I know this isn't your problem, but I thought it was worth a shot to ask for help from friends.

BTW - I bought a "dirt cheap" laptop about a month & half ago. It died two weeks later from an unknown cause. It shut off one night, and I was unable to turn it back on. Thankfully, I was able to return it and I decided to purchase a slightly more expensive one that would be reliable. Unfortunately, I destroyed that laptop Friday night. You can see why I'm reluctant to purchase a "dirt cheap" laptop though. I'd rather repair my expensive laptop that has A LOT of usable footage & photographs, and get back on MFC in order to make rent.

However, It seems you have some very useful information that I am not aware of. Please, refer to me to a "dirt cheap" laptop that will be reliable for my line of work as it will get quite a bit of use (dirty cheap will have to be around $50 since I'm broke). Thanks!

To people who are awesome: THANK YOU!! It means a lot to me that you guys are thinking about my situation, and other cam girls who lose their lovely lap babies to this biz. I will be investing in a waterproof keyboard when I have the money. You guys are so wonderful & I am truly thankful to know each and every one of you. Daniel, you're way too sweet and I really want to tackle you with hugs. Like, right now!
Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

Good Luck chicky!! Seems you have some good friends ;) sending out messages for ya. As for nz- some of us use MFC as a springboard to get us up to just about where bills are paid. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but if I depended on my "real life job" with a commute of 1 hour each way and working 8-15 hours a WEEK, spamming and beating feet to TRY and get another job in the current US economy, my elec would be off, would have to give away my dogs and depend on my friends to feed my family. This is also because in our area, even with this little amount of money NOT including MFC, I make TOO MUCH $ for any kind of assistance or food stamps. Luckily, a good friend from MFC hit a chipin in Sept and got me the last bit for my truck payment, 7 hours before the repo truck showed up again. I can't afford to loose my truck or I loose everything. :violin: SO, loosing my laptop would be CATASTROPHIC! We have sold off all of our football, baseball and NASCAR collectibles to pay for a huge heating bills earlier in the year and to fix said truck when the elec system got fried, so we are on bare bones ATM. You never can judge anyones finances or how they got there, unless your in their shoes. Stay strong all!!
Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

Pro Tip 39

Buy dishwasher safe equipment :lol:


Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

I dunno what your idea of dirt cheap is but I'd be destroyed if my laptop got broken, its got my entire life on it.
Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

Daniel, are you Miss Cleo now?! I swear, you can predict the future... this is creeping me out.

Email from insAedan on Thursday, 10-14-10 (night before I fucked up my laptop):

looked that up for sidney, maybe u can need one too‏


From: Daniel
Sent: Thu 10/14/10 11:49 PM
To: (

Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

i was in your room when it happened. heard the "fuck fuck fuck" and poof you were gone.

good luck getting a new pc. looking forward to seeing you back on.
Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

nzhere said:
:roll: what a load of baloney! Laptops are dirt cheap, just buy a new one

I too find that items costing upwards of several thousand dollars are dirt cheap.
Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

I am 4 months new to MFC and take my laptop in to the bath all the time, it is very helpful to know there is a washable keyboard out there!just in case. had no clue! thank you! :clap:
Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

Hmm now I am thinking of setting up a camgirl focused computer store with all waterproof stuffs.
Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

Oh hun I feel you! I just moved to Vegas and struggling with a dirt cheap laptop myself dell be precise I too have caused water damage on my keyboard and half of the keys no longer work so I use a wireless one now. Its difficult to take both anywhere and get comfortable the keyboard is bigger then the computer and ppl stare at me in public places in which makes me uncomfortable doing anything naughty since ppl already stare at the weirdo lugging around a really big keyboard and tiny computer. I pretty much have to sit the keyboard on top of my laptop which looks funny (the screen to small to put far away) and sometimes press the keys that still work and I get all flustered. Good luck with repairs or getting a new one. I hope to get a new one myself once I pay all my deposits and get more popular! Let me know if you find a good one. I;m hoping for a sony vaio or hptouch smart desktop ( i like to touch things hehe) hope santa brings me one I have been a good girl this year and I think it will help me get more friends on mfc :)

bitchnbooty/christy may

Sry new to all this i swwy if I talk to much :p
Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

Sorry to hear that hun, hope you get it sorted as soon as possible. Maybe you can sell pictures or panties or something for offline tips til you get something sorted.

Many hugs
Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

Keithy said:
nzhere said:
:roll: what a load of baloney! Laptops are dirt cheap, just buy a new one

I too find that items costing upwards of several thousand dollars are dirt cheap.

Well, laptops certainly aren't all upwards of several thousand dollars. But they aren't dirt cheap. $500-$1000 isn't dirt cheap, especially if you're having to take time away from the job that provides you the money in the first place.

nz that did come off as kinda douchey... :think: maybe we can just chalk it up to him having a bad day.
Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

nz was also having a bad day with his comments about FlirtyAsh's windfall too.
Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

:oops: sorry about that
Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

jebbaz said:
I dunno what your idea of dirt cheap is but I'd be destroyed if my laptop got broken, its got my entire life on it.

Data you don't back up is data you don't care about.

At least several percent of hard drives will fail in a couple of years.

At the least, you should backup the stuff you create yourself, that you may want in the future.

This is especially true for models, as they kill laptops in the most entertaining ways. :)
An external 1T drive is cheap.
Re: AedanRayne broke her Laptop while doing an Oil Show on M

Yep. Get in the habit of backing up stuff, wither you do it through emailing yourself or otherwise. Then once a year, format it.

I just finished formatting mine.

It keeps you from getting too attached and you'll find you don't need most of the stuff you think you do.

Spring; clean the house. Fall; clean the hard-drives.
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