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Aug 6, 2013
she is beautiful anyone have any pics or vids of her
I also met her and slept with her it was way to easy just tell her "I love u " even though I don't just wanted to fuck her
(p.s how am I heartbroken when we are still going out and moving in together in London very soon ) & shad up yossarian
LondonBoy said:
(p.s how am I heartbroken when we are still going out and moving in together in London very soon ) & shad up yossarian
Why would you be asking random strangers on the interwebz for pics etc of her if you're going to be "moving in together" soon??? Creepy stalkerish much?
Cause i wanted to watch and see her while we arent together right now and see what shes like before and now and to see what she can do
LondonBoy said:
(p.s how am I heartbroken when we are still going out and moving in together in London very soon ) & shad up yossarian
Okay, I'll bite.

This chick Adellyn is obviously just like a fuckpuppet to you (you lied about loving her, want to steal videos of her, et cetera) so why in the world would you move in with her? Sounds like, even if you were not obviously lying, that is just a silly situation for you to put yourself in.

I put forward a new hypothesis: A butthurt member is trying to get Adellyn's real boyfriend in trouble with her. These are not things a normal human man would be saying.
LondonBoy said:
she is beautiful anyone have any pics or vids of her
I also met her and slept with her it was way to easy just tell her "I love u " even though I don't just wanted to fuck her

LondonBoy said:
Cause i wanted to watch and see her while we arent together right now and see what shes like before and now and to see what she can do


Because if you were really "with" her, you wouldn't just ask HER for some videos.

And if you've "already slept with her" you would already know what she likes. Assuming you have a tiny bit of brain in your head.

You seem quite delusional dude.

Also, you have the wrong idea about this forum. We aren't a "Lets share videos from models" forum. :naughty:
I slept with her too.

I took her out to a TGI Friday's. She had the lobster Mac n Cheese, I had the Rib Eye. We shared a banana split for dessert and then my banana split HER after dessert HEYYOOOOOOO!!!

Seriously though I'm in love with her.

We have a child together.
Two children actually.

She dug one of my condoms out of the trash one night and accidentally put it in her vagina, that's how we had a 2nd baby.
It was an accident she told me, but it's ok because we're in love.

Don't talk about my girl
Hey, has anyone got any pics of every girl on this forum? They're all beautiful. Furthermore, I slept with each and every one of them. It was easy. All I did was tell them that I was Morgan Freeman and they all fell for it, even though I'm not Morgan Freeman and secretly just wanted to fuck them. I'm moving in with all of them next month. It's gonna be the best harem ever.

So I just wanted to ask for some pics of them. Because they're beautiful. On the surface, it might appear that I have no need to source pics of them from a third party as I'm already sleeping with them and moving in with them and as a result, all I'd have to do is ask them to send me a pic on my phone, but for reasons I won't get into, that's not the case. So please send me some pics.

Also, mentioning that I've slept with these women might seem irrelevant and it might appear that the only reason I've mentioned it is to big myself up, but that's not the case either.

It might also appear that I'm spouting bullshit, and that my claims and request don't make much sense, but if that's what you think... then fuck you!

Just send me some pics yeah? Don't question things and ignore the fact that I'm being slightly obnoxious. Pics please.
Next time you hang out with her maybe you should mention that her MFC profile has a TON of broken images on it, needs updating.
LondonBoy said:
Well what do you expect i am from london england and dont know any better on how to act
That's not true, everyone knows Londoners are all fancy. How could you not be fancy when you wear all those top hats and monocles.
Evvie said:
LondonBoy said:
Well what do you expect i am from london england and dont know any better on how to act
That's not true, everyone knows Londoners are all fancy. How could you not be fancy when you wear all those top hats and monocles.

she's my actual slutty girlfriend so I don't what all you are talking about and all I had to do was say nice words to her and she will sleep with you first day of meeting
Why did Amber have to ban our toy :(

Edit: nvm, it was slutty Adellyn's ACTUAL boyfriend that got banned
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