AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Account still banned after almost 3 months. Please help.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
Jan 28, 2024
Chaturbate Username
Hi @punker barbie

My account is still banned. I have done all the explaining I could possibly do and my account is still banned and I got a mail back saying "Recently we were alerted you may be seeking content in serious violation of the Chaturbate Terms, including content containing minors.". I have never done, and never will, partake in such a deplorable behavior in my life. I have invested way too many years, money, and friendships that I made on the website to be doing something this incredibly stupid to ruin my life.

I had a user that claimed to be a minor in my private chat, and by the time I was gonna ban the user, I was already banned. I was looking at other models on the site and was not paying much attention to my own chat. Please help me get it back. It has been almost 3 months now and I have just submitted another request. I have never, and never will, entertain any age players and people lying about their age. I will be more careful in the future when talking to users on chaturbate from now on as I have never been careful before as I did not know I would get banned for not banning a problematic user in time. I acknowledge that I made the mistake of talking to a potential minor, and I guarantee that it will not happen again.


username - tocumortonot
email -
I raised another ticket after it though, I have not received a reply since then. I have been trying to explain the situation but nobody is trying to understand. Please help :(
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I raised another ticket after it though, I have not received a reply since then. I have been trying to explain the situation but nobody is trying to understand. Please help :(
Support confirmed they previously provided you with a detailed response. Unfortunately, support is unable to assist further.
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please try @punker barbie :(

it was a really stupid mistake on my part to not be more proactive in my chat, its really unfair that a person can just state themselves as minors and we get banned before we can react. I have always banned such users and the one time i was late, i got banned instead. i have never had a history of misbehavior on chaturbate in 7 years as well.
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Hi @punker barbie

My account is still banned. I have done all the explaining I could possibly do and my account is still banned and I got a mail back saying "Recently we were alerted you may be seeking content in serious violation of the Chaturbate Terms, including content containing minors.". I have never done, and never will, partake in such a deplorable behavior in my life. I have invested way too many years, money, and friendships that I made on the website to be doing something this incredibly stupid to ruin my life.

I had a user that claimed to be a minor in my private chat, and by the time I was gonna ban the user, I was already banned. I was looking at other models on the site and was not paying much attention to my own chat. Please help me get it back. It has been almost 3 months now and I have just submitted another request. I have never, and never will, entertain any age players and people lying about their age. I will be more careful in the future when talking to users on chaturbate from now on as I have never been careful before as I did not know I would get banned for not banning a problematic user in time. I acknowledge that I made the mistake of talking to a potential minor, and I guarantee that it will not happen again.


username - tocumortonot
email -
When chaturbate ban you that's usually it, they say you can appeal the decision but their admin really couldn't give a monkey's... as a user I have gave up on chaturbate.
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All I can say regarding chaturbate is good luck, usually when they ban someone broadcaster or user that's it, yeah they say contact support by e-mail but when I got banned as a purple user because of other users jealous of what I was tipping reporting me for whatever, that was december 31st 2023 and I'm still waiting for a reply from support / admins...

They just seem to not be bothering, I did contact them again end of january but still not a peep out of them... but chaturbate admin are corrupt and very lazy to do anything.
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