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A browser that doesn't suck.

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I haven't posted recently, hopefully will be back soon!
Inactive Cam Model
Feb 12, 2012
I hate web browsers and they hate me.

Can anyone suggest a web browser that doesn't suck? Chrome is the worst thing ever in the world. Also Opera. Should I go back to Firefox? Also I heard IE doesn't suck any more, but I also feel that is a lie.

So... what is your favorite browser?
:eek: I use chrome! it lags.. but the only other one I've used is IE and yes! it's a lie.. it's way worse

keeping an eye on this thred
i use chrome's lost some of its edge lately, it seems....but it's still far and away the best, imo.
also's decent with camsites, and only gets wierd if you've got too many cutesy things you want it to do.
and dragon....a browser built on the chrome skeleton....pretty much a duplicate, 'cept that mfc doesn't seem to like it as much
and even ie once in a while.....seldom enough that i can't complain....not exactly sure what that says about falls short of a recommendation, tho it's definitely gotten better over the years :lol:
i had opera on my last laptop....don't remember it being particularly good or bad, but i never bothered to download it again....that's probably all that need be said about it :whistle:
Whenever I use Chrome, I have to refresh all new tabs before they will show the linked page. Chrome will also not work with any cam broadcasting for me, which is a pretty big issue. The flash problems with Chrome are ridiculous and I don't want to reverse-engineer my browser just to use common web applications. The only thing I like about Opera is the little loading bar telling you how many elements are left to load. It loads very slowly and the pages "stick" a lot.
Evvie said:
Whenever I use Chrome, I have to refresh all new tabs before they will show the linked page. Chrome will also not work with any cam broadcasting for me, which is a pretty big issue. The flash problems with Chrome are ridiculous and I don't want to reverse-engineer my browser just to use common web applications. The only thing I like about Opera is the little loading bar telling you how many elements are left to load. It loads very slowly and the pages "stick" a lot.

i think i read somewhere that chrome and either norton or mcaffee fight over stuff sometimes, with the browser usually coming up on the short end of the stick......not much of a tech guy, but if you've got one them running in the background, maybe that's part of the problem

off topic, but i'll pimp the free version of avast as the best anti-virus program i've found....
I personally like IE9 pretty well. It's probably my 3rd choice for browsers. My first and second choices are Chrome and Chrome Canary though so that may tell you that you wouldn't like it. :p

That said, disabling the pepper flash and using the standard flash plugin instead is pretty easy imho.

For anyone who cares, you just need to go to chrome://plugins/ and probably click the + next to details in the top right corner. Once you do that you should have a screen that looks similar to the one I've attached. Then you just find the entry for for flash that says "PepperFlash" and disable it. If that's the only entry for flash showing up, you'll need to install the Flash Plugin. I suggest Ninite for easily installing the latest version (plus it's an awesome site).


  • Chrome_Plugins.jpg
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I hadn't thought of Safari :think: Bob, I have AVG, not norton or mcaffee. Chrome was so awesome but then all of the sudden it got sad and depressing.
Google Chrome used to be my favorite browser. I remember telling my lil' sis "You need to start using Google Chrome!" And then a while back, it started acting retarded, and kept sitting there saying 'Waiting for page to open....." I mean, what's the world coming to when you can't even watch YouJizz porn on Chrome??? So I went back to using Firefox.

Also, for whatever reason, I can't access ImLive HD chat on Chrome (other ImLive models have said the same thing). It used to be kind of a pain anyway clicking back and forth from Chrome to Firefox when I was multi-tasking online. So for now...Firefox it is!
For basic internet browsing I use IE8 (my copy of Windows shat itself and won't let me download one of the components I need to download IE9 so I'm stuck with 8 :(). I only use IE cos I'm lazy and IE has all my bookmarked sites in a handy tab beneath the search bar.
For anything more demanding than regular net surfing (Napster, MFC, etc.) I use Opera.
Switched to Firefox many, many moons ago and have yet to find a browser that will make me switch. I don't understand why so many of you are still using Chrome when you say it sucks so bad?
I am wondering what is common to the people that have problems with Chrome? :think: I have been using Chrome almost exclusively and have never had a problem with pages loading or any flash problems. I definitely do not use Norton's or McAfee so maybe, as was mentioned, that could be an issue?

I do think IE9 is quite good these days but I have really only played around with the 64bit version.
I use firefox for three reasons:

video download helper
yahoo toolbar

yahoo toolbar has all my bookmarks, synced with my yahoo account so that I can access them across every computer

FF used to be my goto default. I started using Chrome when MFC picked it as the "recommended browser" and haven't had any issues other than random minor ones since. I have also loaded Iron and Comodo Dragon which are clean chrome clones and I use them pretty regularly. I like Comodo a bit better than Iron, but its just random, not issue based. I also still have FF just as a standby in case I need something else. What is the "official MFC line" on Chrome now? Seems since many of you have problems with it, it might warrant another look by them.
LadyLuna said:
I use firefox for three reasons:

video download helper
yahoo toolbar

yahoo toolbar has all my bookmarks, synced with my yahoo account so that I can access them across every computer

Firefox also has the ability to download virtually any image when no other browser recognizes the image.
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LadyLuna said:
I use firefox for three reasons:

video download helper
yahoo toolbar

yahoo toolbar has all my bookmarks, synced with my yahoo account so that I can access them across every computer

LOVE that Yahoo toolbar!!!
Also, FireFox is the browser that all the hackers use. You can do a lot of different things with their add ons.
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CallMeWilliam said:
Poker_Babe said:
Also, FireFox is the browser that all the hackers use.
I LOL'd when I read this... More like script kiddies, real hackers use headless browsers.
Evvie said:
Whenever I use Chrome, I have to refresh all new tabs before they will show the linked page. Chrome will also not work with any cam broadcasting for me, which is a pretty big issue. The flash problems with Chrome are ridiculous and I don't want to reverse-engineer my browser just to use common web applications. The only thing I like about Opera is the little loading bar telling you how many elements are left to load. It loads very slowly and the pages "stick" a lot.

I'd suggest you actually check the quality of your internet connection, check your security software, check all sorts of things including what your computer is currently doing at any one time.

In other words, it isn't likely to be the browser per se that's an issue... it may be a conflict somewhere or it may be something outside of where you've so far looked.
Poker_Babe said:
CallMeWilliam said:
Poker_Babe said:
Also, FireFox is the browser that all the hackers use.
I LOL'd when I read this... More like script kiddies, real hackers use headless browsers.
Already seen it, both versions. While the information on Gov. and Corp. is spot on (from what I remember) the fact that they only really focused on Adrian Lamo was disappointing, even more so since the whole WikiLeaks fiasco.
I generally use Chrome because it seems to load things more quickly than anything else. If I need Flash for certain things I'll use Firefox because for whatever reason they still haven't gotten Chrome and Flash playing nice together again in all situations. I also use Firefox for web design because it has much better plugin support and things like Firebug are indispensable. Coding in combination with Firefox makes things immensely easier. Any other browser I almost only use to check for display bugs in a website I'm working on. I have oodles of them installed... sometimes including multiple versions of the same browser. I've even been known to test in Lynx.

IE has put a lot of marketing effort into getting people to think that their browser is now AMAZING (see their super-hip Tumblr The Browser You Loved to Hate), but it's mostly a lot of hype. While it certainly has improved some, it's still so far behind the others as far as web standards and support for HTML5 etc., and with their release schedule it'll be a complete hunk of junk by the time the next one comes out. I do give them soooome credit for The Internet Explorer 6 Countdown, though. I used to code sites for large companies where every single employee in the office was running IE6 or WORSE. It ate up so much extra time (and their money!) to work around the bugs. But even their own celebration of the demise of IE6 is advertising. ANY old version of IE is a headache for designers and developers. Maybe to a slightly lesser extent, but still. Major a headache that holds back the entire web, unless you don't mind a broken site in IE, and many people simply don't upgrade IE until they toss their old computer.
I'm on Linux, so my browser experience may be different from others, but I still stick with Chrome. I switched to Chrome years age because it wasn't the memory hog that Firefox had become. Over the years, it's definitely gotten to be more memory intensive, but I can still have a ton of windows and tabs open without it slowing to a crawl (assuming there's sufficient RAM), whereas Firefox gets laggy and slow after about 7-8 windows with maybe two or three tabs each (compared to the 25-30 windows with 4-5 tabs (on avearge) each under chrome on the same computer).

I will say though that I discovered recently that some extensions will turn Chrome into the shittiest piece of crap ever. I had nearly given up on it until I turned off all but my most "needed" extensions, and it's back to behaving better. As others have mentioned, it does have a little ways to go to make flash rock-solid stable, but I don't see it crashing flash as much as I once did.

One other thing I figured out a while back was that, if you have a good enough internet connection, you're better off limiting the size of your local cache. Otherwise, if your local cache grows to like 1 Gig or more, it can take a long time for the browser to pick the needed items out of the cache, whereas it might take less than a second to pull it fresh from the web.
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inkydoo said:
I will say though that I discovered recently that some extensions will turn Chrome into the shittiest piece of crap ever.
This seems to me to be the most likely issue people have with Chrome. I run Chrome with Adblock and Ghostery and nothing else and never have an issue.

Funny to see people say they like Yahoo's toolbar. I hate 3rd party browser toolbars with a white hot passion. I will never, ever use Yahoo's; it's like an insidious virus attaching itself to other pieces of software I need to install periodically. Nothing irritates me more than installing something that also tries to install it, especially when sometimes they do not allow you *not* to install it.

Finally, the first questions that came to my mind when Evvie asked the question is, what OS? What version of that OS (Windows has 5 versions people could be using right now)? What else is installed? It's really difficult to recommend anything without that information.
Kradek said:
Funny to see people say they like Yahoo's toolbar. I hate 3rd party browser toolbars with a white hot passion. I will never, ever use Yahoo's; it's like an insidious virus attaching itself to other pieces of software I need to install periodically. Nothing irritates me more than installing something that also tries to install it, especially when sometimes they do not allow you *not* to install it.
:text-protest: yup :text-protest:

When I used to use Webcam Max, EVERY time I'd update it, I'd miss the little check box that tells me they're going to install the ASK toolbar. That shit made me rage so bad.
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I hate all other toolbars, and am very dilligent about keeping them away. But with the number of times I have to reformat my drive, or switch out computers for a better one, yahoo toolbar allows me to make sure I don't loose bookmarks that I need.

Of course, google chrome does the same thing now, but I can only be logged in to one email address, so I use that for my camming bookmarks.
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I use FireFox and Chrome.

Firefox is more for my general stuff, Chrome for all my pervin.

For awhile there I was having trouble with Chrome in regards to MFC. It would take me 3 or more tries to connect to the website.

I just recently moved to a new place, didn't change internet settings at all, same internet provider, but the problem seems to have cleared itself up.

I'm thinking there was maybe a problem with the quality of my connection at my last place.
Only problem I have with Chrome is gif pages. Switching tabs back and forth is a work around for that. Which works because I don't usually look at Gif pages.
LadyLuna said:
I hate all other toolbars, and am very dilligent about keeping them away. But with the number of times I have to reformat my drive, or switch out computers for a better one, yahoo toolbar allows me to make sure I don't loose bookmarks that I need.

Of course, google chrome does the same thing now, but I can only be logged in to one email address, so I use that for my camming bookmarks.
I just recently discovered that you can run more than one user profile at a time with Chrome. Each one has its own bookmarks, history, cookies, etc. I use this at work now so that I can have one profile logged into my work-related google account and another profile logged into my personal-related google account.

If you go to Chrome Settings, there's a section called Users, where you can "Add New User". It's actually pretty straightforward, and gives you different icons at the top left of each browser window to remind you which User each window is running as.
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