AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. WynterRose

    The Funny Sign thread

    The babe with the power! I really liked As the World Falls Down too.
  2. WynterRose

    Diablo 2/3

    Melee are totally fucked in Inferno. S'why I rerolled to wizard from my barb. Had servers not been down today, I would have likely got to Hell. Another day though =/
  3. WynterRose

    The Funny Sign thread

    If I ever own a business, this sign will be posted.
  4. WynterRose


    Oh, don't forget, oh yanno, the best MMO out there right now IMO. Tera. :D
  5. WynterRose

    Diablo 2/3

    Got thru Normal on my barb today. Going solo on her and as soon as my other half has his new computer, I'm rolling up a wizard to play with his barb. Been watching him play through (he just reached Hell today) to kinda prepare myself for what I'll be up against. He's playing a monk solo, so he...
  6. WynterRose

    Show us your pussy!

    Update of baby Misa! She's such a spoiled brat...
  7. WynterRose

    Which Celebs Would You Most Like To Knock Boots With?

    God yes, please moar nao. (Chris Hemsworth) Just because she's a bad-ass (Eliza Dushku)
  8. WynterRose


  9. WynterRose

    Show us your pussy!

    Viani and Anera when they were babies (Viani is the one on the left and the one with her mouth open, Anera is the other one with the stripe on her face). They are sisters my SO and I adopted in 2010. They were born on Halloween (fitting, since they're black and orange). Nowadays I'm...
  10. WynterRose

    Pony Thread

    Thank me later.
  11. WynterRose

    Do models feel awkward knowing that some viewers are 50+?

    Re: Do models feel awkward knowing that some viewers are 50+ Color me greedy, but I don't care what age they are, whether it's 18 or 58. As long as teh tips are flowing, I'm game.
  12. WynterRose

    League of Legends

  13. WynterRose

    League of Legends

    Oooh oooh oooh! Pick me! I play! :hello2: I've been playing for a year and a half or so now (Lee Sin was the new champ when I started) with my SO. I main support (<3 Sona and Taric), but can squeak by with Ashe/Sivir/Morg/Lux. (In regards to that comment... Yah between the two of us, we've...