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Made me think of this thread, lolz

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my two "children." Yeah, i'm on my way to being a crazy cat lady. You all have some cute kitties!!!


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HOLY EYES on the last one! They're adorable! I only have the one but I love him so much and feel like such a crazy cat lady when i miss him like crazy after 2 days away.
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I'm a big cat lover.

This is Tiger, a housecat, 4 years old. He still lives with my ex boyfriend. I miss him, but I visit both him and the ex now and then.

This is Freja, a housecat that I saved from a terrible home. She was just a kitten when I took her home. It took some time, and money, to get her back in shape. Unfortunately, her rough start had damaged her kidneys to much and I had to put her down a month ago, just 3 years old. I miss her everyday.

And this, ladies and gents, is my princess. The love of my life. My dream come true. This is Aini, a 4 year old Ragdoll. I cant describe in words what she means to me. She is my everything, she is the one I get up in the morning for when life is just miserable.


Evil lookin cats of mine, Butterball on the left, Lu-2 on the right


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EmelieSky said:

She's sooooo beautiful. I love Ragdoll kitties.

Here's my big dumb orange one.


Trying to cam for me while I was having a break. Thanks, bro. You always got my back.
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Lol. Now, I was looking for the picture of my Ragdoll as a kitten, the one I felled for, to post and ended up in the map of my dead grandfather :woops: Eum.. Yeah... I take pictures of my dead relatives if I get the chance :oops:

I'll keep looking tho.
These are my babies. :) Pepper (the black one) is a lot bigger now, she weighs about 20 - 25 pounds but I don't have any recent pics, although shes a total cam whore so you might see her on cam w/ me more than the others.


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Viani and Anera when they were babies (Viani is the one on the left and the one with her mouth open, Anera is the other one with the stripe on her face). They are sisters my SO and I adopted in 2010. They were born on Halloween (fitting, since they're black and orange).




I'm getting a new furbaby tomorrow afternoon; pretty excited. Pictures of baby Misa to come!
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^Cute! I have a tortoiseshell as well, she is such a smart cat. This is her and her babies, her name is Pandora:

This is Matt, my rescue, when I found him he was lying in the middle of the road, in the rain, and was so skinny he couldn't walk for two weeks.

And lastly, Cleocatra...I am 99 percent sure she has a second home lol. Oh and I can pile anything on top of this cat and she will just lay there :lol:


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new favorite thread EVAR. This is mah tribble, Victoria. :h: I haz another cat Luna, but she is scurred of mai camera. Unless I'm fucking myself on cam. Then she thinks it's JUST FUCKING DANDY! :laughing-rollingyellow:


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These are my favorite pics of my cats

Sleeping with me

Snuggling with my power drill

And the Tribble in my purse


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Lars and Marley sleeping! :lol:


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He's really not very smart and that makes it so much funnier! I just shot a video of him going to town licking the back of the couch... :shifty: I'll post it when I get it uploaded!
Marley the couch licker! I checked... nothing there. He's just a couch licker.
JoleneJolene said:
Marley the couch licker! I checked... nothing there. He's just a couch licker.

Kind of unrelated but the Cam Space Christmas video that pops up at the end of this one is the best thing ever in the history of all things :-D
If I didn't have work in the morning I would totally go watch Office Space now (or go smash something up and listen to some Geto Boys) :)
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These are my kittens,sorry for the poor quality of the pictures! Gotta say you all have supercute pussies :D


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This is my baby Lola. She is kind of a princess and always looks pissed off when I try and take a photo of her. I'm in all the pics because the only time I can take a pic of her is when I hold her still! I've had her for 5 years and she has lived with my mom for the past year since my last place didn't allow pets, but I get her back on Tuesday!! I'm so excited!! :D


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