AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. Kyleigh

    What is the highest you have been ranked in Miss MFC?

    What is your highest rank ever? I think it was around #200 for a couple What are you currently ranked? #288 (Wish I could keep it there) Do you have an average rank each month? I'm usually around the 2k mark What is your goal for next month? I would love to be around 1000 or even...
  2. Kyleigh

    Bubblegum Fetish

    I've done it a few times for him. He's a really nice guy! I'm getting better at remembering to keep good bubble blowing gum on hand now!
  3. Kyleigh

    Microdermals or Surface Piercing

    I had 2 microdermals on my sternum. I miss them!! They looked amazing. I constantly hit them, or got them snagged on clothing. This resulted in the eventual rejection of them.
  4. Kyleigh

    Canadian models, Why u so block the entire country?

    I am also Canadian. I don't have the whole country blocked off from finding me. Only the few provinces in which I have lived have been blocked.
  5. Kyleigh

    What do you do with your money?

    Am I the only one who thinks this topic is funny? I don't think I have ever asked anyone, even close friends what they do with their money. Most people including myself work so they can afford a place to live, pay bills, pay off debt, take care of their family and save what they can.
  6. Kyleigh

    do you think my age will work for or against me?

    I don't think age really makes that much of a difference (especially when you have a youthful appearance). I find I get asked the age question so much! I have it on my profile, but I doubt anyone actually reads it. When they do, some won't believe it anyways.
  7. Kyleigh

    Pole Dancing

    I know Canada has a pole dancing competition. One of their rules is that "The candidate is not employed in the pornography industry." I don't know if all the competitions have this rule, but its something to look into if anyone would be planning to get into pole dance competitions. Some...
  8. Kyleigh


    Everyone can't tip every day. I have had regulars who have been in my room for weeks (or months) and only recently have contributed token wise. Yet they are there every day contributing to the conversation. If I didn't have these wonderful people who came into my room to have a chat, I would be...
  9. Kyleigh

    Tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs on Cam

    I don't smoke on or off cam. I don't do hard drugs at all either. I don't have anything against people doing what they want. I have been there and done those things, but now its just not part of my life. I love coffee! But I do not drink it on cam. Only reason is that I get on cam at night...
  10. Kyleigh


    I love this thread! For me when I first started becoming comfortable with my own fetishes, it was hard to open up about them (especially with a new partner). As time has passed I am now extremely comfortable, it helps to know that I'm not a freak :P I am submissive (but found my sub nature...
  11. Kyleigh

    Most embarrassing moment on cam?

    I love this thread! It's nice to know that we all have our "moments". hehe I was doing a public show.. getting right into it. I end up bashing my forehaed on my metal head board. I thought it was hilarious and started laughing uncontrollably, so much that I ended up snorting really loudly...