AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. ProTender

    Gears 3

    i cant stop playing this game!! and horde mode is sooooo much fun
  2. ProTender

    ME3 Demo

    just played it and i can honest say it looks and feels amazing cant wait for the release
  3. ProTender

    Gears 3

    well? what are our thoughts?
  4. ProTender

    R2D2 XBOX 360

    im definitely considering it I dont have connect so that would be a good time to pick it up. Especially with the bigger HD plus the r2 noises are cool :lol:
  5. ProTender

    Gears 3

    wow level 100!!! color me impressed! i did play the beta and it was awesome, the beta and battlefield bad co 2 have been my favorite multiplayers this yr. i cant wait for gears 3 and battlefield 3. my mfc time is going to suck after those 2 games come out
  6. ProTender


    follow request sent :-D
  7. ProTender

    Putting together a raffle prize pack ???

    damn you are sexy!! what about fansigns to the winner(s)?
  8. ProTender


    make sure you tell us when so we can come say hi
  9. ProTender

    Gears 3

    Gears 3!! okay i'm totally sold on the hype! the new horde looks sick! and the 4 player multi co op!!! SICK!!! anyone going to get it?
  10. ProTender

    How do you feel about married models?

    definitely no need to ever lie about it. truth be told if you lose a fan/follower because you are married ..good chance they are a little weird and creepy anyway lol
  11. ProTender


    congrats ... enjoy your new pad
  12. ProTender

    How do you feel about married models?

    shouldnt matter, but if i was a model i wouldnt announce it. then again almost all of my internet crushes are married! most of the girls do a great job of being sexy and know how to tease without having to pretend its more than that. does that make sense?
  13. ProTender

    Who the F*$%# are you?! Introduce yourself here.

    welcome you look familiar :liar:
  14. ProTender

    Battlefield 3

    2 more months ...arg i cant wait
  15. ProTender

    2 year C-Amber-Versary!

    Happy Anniversary Amber! heres to another great year and may 2012 season be your most profitable yet
  16. ProTender

    What are you waiting on?

    2012 GTA V GTA is coming out with a new one?
  17. ProTender

    What are you waiting on?

    So the end of the year seems to be packed full of games what will you be spending your hard earn dollars on? my top 5 1) Battlefield 3 2) Gears of War 3 3) Saints Row The Third 4) Batman Arkham City 5) Assassins Creed Revelations honorable mentions new Lara Croft, Resident Evil 6...
  18. ProTender

    Battlefield 3

    thanks for the videos oh man I cant wait so excited to finally use some modern weapons, so tired of all these WWll shooters
  19. ProTender

    Gaming for Achievements/Trophies

    okay i'll admit it i'm an achievement whore to me achievement has added a replay value to video games before once you beat the game there was nothing else to do, achievements when done right can add hours and hours of game play to a game. I dont understand people that say they dont like...