AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. deblackivory

    We-Vibe lawsuit result. If you own one, read this.

    It's now less from what I've read with the update. The downloaded app would get $103 and the device only would get $24. Their final court is happening on the 15th.
  2. deblackivory

    Need a space to randomly rant?

    I know I'm late but *HUGSSSS* She really suck and you're so sweet. You tried to be a bigger person and not be petty. You even cleaned and packed her room. You tried everything in your power to get your money back the nicest way you can. So again. *HUUUGSSS* You so got this. One day at a time.
  3. deblackivory

    Need a space to randomly rant?

    Had an intense argument with my husband about me continuing to be a sex worker instead of marketing. He told me that he thought I was just being a sex worker (I do maid themed escort) because I needed money. I'm just soooooooooo so so so so offended! Just needed to vent and scream because...
  4. deblackivory

    Reality check

    Oh gawd. MySpace. Cue the horror scream.
  5. deblackivory

    Revised version of previous 'looking to hire actor for crowdfunding project' thread

    I cringed when I saw this post with ANOTHER proposal and proceeded to read everything to see that my original question still wasn't answered. I feel like I'm running in a circle at this point. I'd also like to add my experience with this sort of proposal: I made the mistake of going along with...
  6. deblackivory

    Slang words that bug ya

    Drive me crazy. Drive me crazy. Drive me crazy.
  7. deblackivory

    Reality check

    I told my dad while he was driving. He closed his eyes and mumbled but he shrugged it off in the end. "You're not mad?" "Honey, was I mad when I caught you watching porn years ago? I raised you so I know that you have opportunities to be whatever you want to be. It also help that I had...
  8. deblackivory

    Do you believe that rape culture is real?

    Is rapey staring part of rape culture? Me when I try not to stare: I personally feel like it's rude not to check a person out when someone take the time to look gorgeous. I don't mean to be rude. They just catch my eyes like: But I smile if I get caught and I don't lick my lips while my...
  9. deblackivory

    Going to try to cam in the morning instead of noon so wish me luck!

    Going to try to cam in the morning instead of noon so wish me luck!
  10. deblackivory

    Do you believe that rape culture is real?

    Yes. Because people will grab every chance to deny rape exist. *edited spelling* No. I personally don't care if you stare but no one is asking to be approached inappropriately unless they invite you to. Clothes is not a way to communicate consent.
  11. deblackivory

    Things Members Say That Make You Go "WTF?"

    I think I'd prefer the sparkles. I've had a member who took screenshots during pvt and send me a drawing of one shot. I love to see a drawing of me. Preferably not with my legs open fapping while a member is paying for a show. Like wtf dude??? You're supposed to just fap.
  12. deblackivory

    Model acting request - Short (actually none pornographic) video required

    There's just so many informations that is missing and you wasn't really upfront about what you were using it for until asked repeatedly. The only thing I understood was you needing some clips to market your product. The vibe you're giving me is that you're hoping that we would be nice and say...
  13. deblackivory

    Do you believe that rape culture is real?

    Sorry Lexi, you're completely right.
  14. deblackivory

    Model acting request - Short (actually none pornographic) video required

    Please don't be sly and shady because you would probably end up in trouble. Especially when you seem to advestie your business using models. Producers generally have a contract about what they plan to do with the contents. You should have a list of what you want for your video and say upfront...
  15. deblackivory

    Do you believe that rape culture is real?

    You're right that it's not the same but it does not hurt any less. Maybe I'm way too emotional (I'm so blaming the Pisces horoscope) so I might not be getting it. I just think it'd hurt so much more because he's the person I know and trusted. I wouldn't be able to stay with him. Forgive him...
  16. deblackivory

    Do you believe that rape culture is real?

    I strongly disagree as soon as I read this. There's few things I disagree with your post but this... no. My husband is the man who I trust. He is the person who I choose to live my life with because I believe he will cherish me as much as I would cherish him. I trust that he would not take...
  17. deblackivory

    Do you believe that rape culture is real?

    This topic is a bit sensitive to me because there was a huge debate about Gallaudet University being a rape culture. And I believe it because our deaf community is so small that we are all somehow connected. I was almost raped off campus as a freshman. I went to a stranger's house with my...
  18. deblackivory

    Looking for a reliable girl to do couples shows with in Chicago

    I try not to judge male model whether or not they're a creep right off the bat. They rarely last long if that was the case. The perv smell is hard to miss. But I completely agree. I should of looked at his rank before I gave the first advice and now I cannot remove it. (I think I'm not allowed...
  19. deblackivory

    Camscore vs Direct Payment

    It sound like something you'd need to negotiate with her but how she wish to work is up to her. If it work then it work for her as long as she's happy with what she's doing. Me personally? I'd take tokens. Less risk of people somehow taking it back and less hassle of a client feeling entitled...
  20. deblackivory

    Things Members Say That Make You Go "WTF?"

    I... puked a bit in my mouth. I can find humor in pretty much everything but this. It's worse than me getting message like my recent one, "I'd love to slap that black tits and make you cry and beg." But this... *SHUDDER*