AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. kristyLIVE

    MFC Agent ??banned?

    Sent my email! Everyone take a minute to report please. If we keep bitching about it but we don't take 2 minutes to add to Leo's email inbox then we really can't bitch about nothing being done. Kris
  2. kristyLIVE

    MFC Agent ??banned?

    Thats what I'm saying! I just can't believe this is STILL going on as we type this. She's even announcing that she's banning people that are saying shes breaking the rules and I'm sure its cuz she's getting away with it. The tokens are flying, the room numbers, camscore, and MFC rankings are...
  3. kristyLIVE

    MFC Agent ??banned?

    This truly is an outrage. The fact this woman gets away with men on cam and even CHILDREN! I was on probation once for a week because I was giving my husband my McDonalds food order from the upstairs bedroom when he was downstairs. We'd all have higher cam scores if we did shit like this too and...
  4. kristyLIVE

    Happy Birthday KristyLIVE!!!!!!!

    OMGOSH :o thank you sooo much!!!!!! Wow.. I'm speechless!!! Its been an amazing week and month for sure!! Thank you everyone!! xoxo kris
  5. kristyLIVE

    Picture hosting site?

    As far as your .png file: You'll have to ask I think. Q. What type of files can I host? A. You can host JPG and GIF files. If you need support for other file types please contact us and we may be able to add support for them. Kristy
  6. kristyLIVE

    Picture hosting site?

    I have used since 2005 and I love it! They're owned by an adult company so they're 100% cool with xxx pics. Their customer service is rockin, and I think the most expensive monthly package is like 6.00 a month so its a win/win! Kristy
  7. kristyLIVE


    :text-lol: BEST. POST. EVER! :text-goodpost: KristyLIVE
  8. kristyLIVE

    I'm Getting Implants

    Right again. I love when people speak my language. I think I love you. LOL! kris
  9. kristyLIVE

    I'm Getting Implants

    Confirmed. :clap: And in fact, many surgeons here in Phoenix are switching to this method. You do not use fat from your breasts. You remove it from places like thighs, flanks, etc. Women are switching to this because it DOES include your own fat cells rather than artificial materials, and also...
  10. kristyLIVE

    Dat Ass

    LMAO !! I <3 you!
  11. kristyLIVE

    I'm Getting Implants

    Dr. Miachael Ciaravino. Houston, TX.
  12. kristyLIVE

    I'm Getting Implants

    Alls I can say, is do your research, FOLLOW DIRECTIONS (thats the most important) and voila. Perfect boobs! I started doing extensive research on cosmetic surgery 13 yrs ago and although its probably the most knowledge on any one subject I have, its not rocket science to the common...
  13. kristyLIVE

    Duck-face sightings

    I really look like a duck. LMAO
  14. kristyLIVE

    Duck-face sightings

    I took one on cam one day too when we were all talking about 'duckfaces' in the room. Put it as my default to annoy everyone. The look is meant to be silly though. "pouts" are sexy, but sometimes mistaken for one when they aren't. Milas is NOT a duckface. She looks smokin!!! LOL I named mine...
  15. kristyLIVE

    MFC Rules and warnings

    It just sucks. I have been in the adult business since 2004 and camming is 2nd nature to me. I come from another site that I devoted nearly 4 yrs of my life to. They were VERY strict. If you broke a rule, you were gone. No questions asked. Our privacy was always 100% protected from underage...
  16. kristyLIVE

    MFC Rules and warnings

    I truly hate this topic because I feel very strongly about it and I hate getting into it. But since I just can't resist... The whole thing is very black and white to me.. so I don't understand why so many people think there is a gray area. MFC has rules. MFC enforces rules. MFC is FREE. I...
  17. kristyLIVE

    MFC crashes again

    A 2 min chat lag followed by another crash. What the heck is going on here lately. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone :( le sigh...
  18. kristyLIVE

    MFC crashes again

    Thanks Amber :) It looks like mine is fixed finally. Yipee!!! For those that haven't seen, we just got this update on our "site updates" section when you log in as a model: Site problems There was a brief network outage which caused the site to go down for about 1 hour. It should be fixed...
  19. kristyLIVE

    MFC crashes again

    Well, that was a fail night! Not sure if anyone else is havin this issue, but I made tokens tonight, yet my payout doesn't show a single dollar. Did anyone else have this issue? I've seen it laggin behind before, but never like, GONE. I logged out, refreshed, cleared Cache, everything. Still...
  20. kristyLIVE

    Best Tits, Enhanced

    *blush* :oops: :dance: