AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. BeaWithMe

    Should you let your cat outside?

    I know cats cause a huge amount of carnage, but I also guess it's kind of the circle-of-life effect. You can't blame a cat for being a cat. That said, I worry precisely zero about my cat ever catching or killing anything, because if he were actually capable of doing that, he wouldn't have...
  2. BeaWithMe

    Stolen Videos

    Okay, I'm cautious about stepping forward here as a relatively new model, and I'm definitely not speaking for everyone. BUT. Couldn't a huge compromise be reached by watermarking capped images/videos with the model's information? If that became the standard necessary for something to be...
  3. BeaWithMe

    What is the most annoying thing a model can do?

    Ahahaha, that is my absolute favourite song to dance around to on cam. Every time it comes on my playlist I'm like 'SHUT UP DON'T JUDGE ME' :lol:
  4. BeaWithMe

    Love and Hate

    Children :P
  5. BeaWithMe

    Members "gifting" in a model's chat room...

    :lol: Speak for yourself. When the guys start their little dick-measuring contests in the chat, all I read it as is 'I HAVE A PENIS!' 'NO, I HAVE A PENIS!' :lol: edit to note that my guys do not LITERALLY measure their dicks, lmao. Metaphorical willy-waving.
  6. BeaWithMe

    Members "gifting" in a model's chat room...

    THIS IS A GOOD POINT. Once or twice I've had another model in my room, and just knowing a woman was watching changed my whole jig. It makes me want to put my knickers back on and have a geeky, chatty conversation, and I feel... ugh, this is hard to explain - like, less comfortable being...
  7. BeaWithMe

    Members "gifting" in a model's chat room...

    I've actually never had any members presenting as obviously female, but I have been a tipping premium with a female-ish name i other rooms, and I've never felt like that's been a problem. Even when the model has known I've been there, or I've been talking to others, I've never had unsolicited...
  8. BeaWithMe

    Things models say that make you go 'lol'

    Reaaaallly? You're gonna pull the 'I'm a douche' card? Here? Reaaaally??
  9. BeaWithMe

    Once Upon a Time?

    YES!!! I swear this is just an American thing, I only started noticing it when I began following Supernatural and Glee in real time, rather than marathoning. WHY. Just, like, PLAN IN ADVANCE! Start filming earlier! Jeez.
  10. BeaWithMe

    Once Upon a Time?

    I really enjoy this show and I do watch it every week, but I can't get super invested in it for some reason. I think maybe all my emotions are too caught up in Supernatural :lol:. BUT, there is one absolute exception, and that is Mulan. Oh my GOD. She's not even been in it for ages recently...
  11. BeaWithMe

    Things members say that make you LOL

    What was going onnnn in my room tonight?!? :lol: WE HAVE NO NEED OF CONTEXT.
  12. BeaWithMe

    Pet Peeves, yo.

    I think it does depend on the person a lot, what's found offensive. But I also think you using the word retard and being aware of it is different to a non-disabled person using the word retard as their go-to insult. Particularly in a situation where you're unable to judge your audience and how...
  13. BeaWithMe

    Pet Peeves, yo.

    I totally agree with your first paragraph, but unfortunately non-disabled people deciding that a word isn't offensive doesn't erase the decades of history in which that word has been used against mentally disabled people. I mean, I understand what you mean, but in my group of Autistic friends...
  14. BeaWithMe

    Pet Peeves, yo.

    I have finally found my new home, here in this topic. Okay, anyone using the word 'retard'. If you're talking about people with developmental disabilities/special needs, then you're a douche for using that word. If you're NOT talking about someone with DD/SN, then you're a MEGA DOUCHE, because...
  15. BeaWithMe

    Daily Thoughts

    True story that you're probably not interested in: I've never actually tried weed (it was never really a thing in my circle of friends, and now I live in Japan where all drugs are No Good Very Bad things and they don't differentiate between like, weed and cocaine), but last night I had an epic...
  16. BeaWithMe

    is mfc down???

    I was on it for two hours before it went down and I ended up logging off cause the lag was so ridiculous. I'm talking up to a minute lag. UGH I'M MAD.
  17. BeaWithMe


    And by the way, if you even think about using anything I just wrote for your own purposes, I'll punch you in the dick.
  18. BeaWithMe


    Oh, get your head out of your ass. 'An artist interested in your world', for the love of fuck. We're not a group of mysterious, mythical creatures that you need to ingratiate yourself with. We're a group of smart, open-minded women, who are doing our jobs. In other news, it's super pretentious...