AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. Charlotte_UK

    Good cam / shitty cam

    I was thinking of getting a 9000 & I panicked after reading this lol so I've just bought one! :-D
  2. Charlotte_UK

    MFC Agent ??banned?

    Ok, well I didn't know that lol. Edited to say, the majority of people replying to this thread may disagree with me, but if people agree, saying so is not going to make them popular lol...I nearly didn't reply to this thread cos no one wants to be the odd one out especially when people have...
  3. Charlotte_UK

    MFC Agent ??banned?

    I have to admit, (don't shoot me lol) I enjoy watching Agent99's cam, there is never a dull moment, BUT it's not fair for any girl to get away with having men on cam. I don't see why admin don't set up a standard (yet increasing) fine for girls who blatantly do so. For example, the first time...
  4. Charlotte_UK

    Emo Scam Score Sadness!

    Why don't you go online at the same time you used to?... I'm in the UK & am usually on late at night/early hours of the morning which is when a lot of Americans are awake & online. I don't plan it that way, I'm just a night owl lol.
  5. Charlotte_UK

    Good cam / shitty cam

    Same here! I've only just got my c910 but now I want a 9000! My *old* cam is a Panasonic camcorder... I wanted an HD cam (again with wireless zoom remote) & went down the road of thinking an HD camcorder would work...turns out they generally can't be used as webcams anymore :( I have tried (&...
  6. Charlotte_UK

    Setting Minimum Tip + On/Off User Images

    That's kinda what I thought tbh... I don't want to be the odd one out here lol but I am surprised at so many people dissagreeing the minimum tip feature. Personally, if someone tips me a single 1 token tip, (depending on how it was meant & especially if there is only 1 of them) I take offence...
  7. Charlotte_UK

    Don'tcha hate it when....?

    Don'tcha hate it when you can't find your sunglasses, then realise they're on your head...
  8. Charlotte_UK

    Member Rooms

    Does the premium who makes his room go on cam?? How does this benefit anyone, premium, model or mfc?? I don't get it!
  9. Charlotte_UK

    Alias jobs?

    That's what I will feel bad the first few times but then after that they will learn they have to call & actually check with you first that you are in & able to see them. They wont want to travel to see you without knowing for sure you are available after the first coupla times they...
  10. Charlotte_UK

    Alias jobs?

    I have the same problem. I used to make up jobs (bar work etc) but my parents kept asking too many questions & I hated having to make up stories to tell (& I'm crap at lying) so now I tell them I'm looking for work. I think they think I am currently living off benefits...I haven't said that...
  11. Charlotte_UK


    My thought it's possible he isn't actually dead & is infact captured. Surely they would want the chance to get out as much information as possible out of him without anyone trying to free him... But mad conspiricy theories aside, apparently he was killed infront of at least one of...
  12. Charlotte_UK

    Logging out of MFC and other technical questions

    Hiya, that has happened to me a few of times. One of the times guys told me it was logging in & out many times throughout the night but I most definately wasn't! The way I "log out" is to just close it down & make sure I'm not signed in on a regular webpage. It depends what your roommate is...
  13. Charlotte_UK

    WTF MFC - They're Changing For Once

    I agree! When I'm on cam it often varies what I do... I wouldn't fit into any category unless I updated it every couple of minutes. I'd probably just end up leaving it in "XXX" (even if I was fully clothed) so I wouldn't have to keep changing it! Guys would probably mainly look at the XXX...