AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. cupcakeattack

    Microsoft Retiring Windows Messenger

    Wait.... people still use messenger?
  2. cupcakeattack

    MFC chicken any one?

    Something awesome. I didn't know our birds came deep fried!
  3. cupcakeattack

    MFC chicken any one?

    I would love to see some leg :lol:
  4. cupcakeattack

    Daily Thoughts

    Ah yes, I believe this is called "Simism" (A pun on Maxis' "The Sims" series, and short of "Belief of the Simulation"), as seen in "The Matrix". I always enjoy actually questioning existence. If we're going to talk about possibility of the state of existence, we need to consider all the various...
  5. cupcakeattack

    Daily Thoughts

    If the world around us is a sensory construct, and the mind is the regulatory system for these senses, and can easily be upset and modified, as well as controlled through hypnotism and psychological trickery, and the only proof you exist in your own presence (if you are questioning your exists...
  6. cupcakeattack

    Pet Peeves, yo.

    Got another one for you: Those pricks that think because you can't count a woman's ribs from half a mile away, she's fat. It's incredibly frustrating. I know a few sites where some women like a post a few pictures (suggestive or explicet) purely for the fun of it. They get nothing for this, and...
  7. cupcakeattack

    Help me help a Friend

    I want to thank everyone for their input so far, If she does decide to give this a try, I'll make sure to show her these forums first, I also suggested talking to a few of you before she decided yes or no. I'm sorry if I sounded like I was pushing her in that direction, I more of mentioned it...
  8. cupcakeattack

    Help me help a Friend

    I'm sure she'll appreciate that. Also, she's IS a overweight, and she has very little self estiteem, part of the reason she wants to loose weight. I think loosing weight would really help her come into her own. But until then, taking criticism is going to be a hard thing.
  9. cupcakeattack

    Help me help a Friend

    Alright, I'll show her this thread if she interested. Really, I don't care if she's large or small, camming or not, she's my friend, and I really want to make her happy.
  10. cupcakeattack

    Help me help a Friend

    Hello, and thanks for your time! I mentioned to a friend the other day about MFC models and what they do. I explained a few of the basics to her, and she seemed interested. While not enchanted with the idea, or all that excited about it, there's potential. Wether she goes into this or not is...
  11. cupcakeattack

    Map of Sexuality

    Alright... well... it took me a few days to make this after I saw this thread, and a few more before I worked up the courage to post it. I blame this, and the reason the map is the way it is, on my anxiety disorder >_> So don't laugh... I'm trying.... I f***ing hate this thing... Oh, and take...
  12. cupcakeattack

    Sexy GIFs!!

  13. cupcakeattack

    Pet Peeves, yo.

    Kill him. Now. As an anxiety sufferer, I can say if it weren't for my medication I would be dead right now.
  14. cupcakeattack

    Pet Peeves, yo.

    I've got a few pet peeves... I'll stick with one for now: Arrogant Dickwads I acknowledge I can be a little arrogant at times, every is. That's not a bad things. What is those bastards that think they're better than everyone else; that think people are homeless by choice, people that think...
  15. cupcakeattack

    Map of Sexuality

    Why do I get the feelng there's a lot more pins in the top regions that no one wants anyone to know about XD
  16. cupcakeattack

    Don't We Have Things Backwards, or is it just me?

    This is a stigma created by the Greeks and Romans; they both defined what it means to be a "barbarian" and “civilised”: If you've ever looked at Greek art you'll notice that most, if not all, their women have short hair, small breasts, and their males all look quite feminine. This is because...
  17. cupcakeattack

    Who the F*$%# are you?! Introduce yourself here.

    Hello everyone! Cupcakeattack here! You can call me Cupcake, CC, Attack, or TSMFOT (That Strang Mother F***er Over There). I've been called a number of things in the past... Either way up: I'm a nerd and proud to be, I like anime, video games, computers, programming, but nothing is better that...