AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. C

    Cam Girl Beta Testers Wanted

    All right let's see if I understand all of this feedback correctly. Without being thought of as 'running away'. 1) If a script isn't custom coded than it's no good... (mfc's open source dinasour has been around since 2003.) 2) Site templates are bad...(mfc still uses frames and is one of...
  2. C

    Cam Girl Beta Testers Wanted

    As this will be my last post here.... To Amber and all who at least attempted some objectivity....thanks for your input. To the rest....while I thought this forum appeared to have professionals, I found that it is far from it, only resembling a clique with no outsiders allowed. Good luck with...
  3. C

    Cam Girl Beta Testers Wanted

    SpexyAshleigh - Your review has been removed. Too bad you didn't respond to Twitter on Oct.24th @ 2:55pm when you were informed of the article being added to our site including a link to it. Nice grandstanding here though. If a model stays within the sites guidelines then there wouldn't ever...
  4. C

    Cam Girl Beta Testers Wanted

    Duly noted, Thank You Amber
  5. C

    Cam Girl Beta Testers Wanted

    Just remember, MFC didn't have 'anything' going when they started and I fully intend to complete this project. As any design or program is implemented there will be changes even though the core doesn't. This is part of the process. I've already acknowledged MFC as the 800 lb gorilla but this...
  6. C

    Cam Girl Beta Testers Wanted

    If you or any others would like any of the content removed...just contact me and I'll gladly remove it.
  7. C

    Cam Girl Beta Testers Wanted

    Alexlady, Thanks for you input, although I would have rather you contacted me about your concerns of which you've stated here. 1) This script has not been 'purchased' from anyone. It's been installed by the script author on a 30 day trial to see how it operates and performs before any...
  8. C

    Cam Girl Beta Testers Wanted

    Good point on the F.A.Q and token values are the norm per minute, once you are into a models room your token amount is suppose to change to minutes available in private so the member knows how far he/she can go.
  9. C

    Cam Girl Beta Testers Wanted

    Site is open to public scrutiny and opinion, Give us your feedback. FYI, While payment gateway is not in place members may purchase unlimited amounts of tokens.
  10. C

    Cam Girl Beta Testers Wanted

    New Question: How long should Guests be allowed to chat before required to become Basics? How long for Basics to Premiums?
  11. C

    Cam Girl Beta Testers Wanted

    Thank you for your kind words, much appreciated.
  12. C

    Cam Girl Beta Testers Wanted

    I will tell my wife and daughters your quote; I'm sure they'll get a kick out of it. Pick away at the site all you would like, I do want the feedback, whether good, bad or indifferent. I'm not worried about the site, it will stand on it's own record, I have faith in my own abilities to manage...
  13. C

    Cam Girl Beta Testers Wanted

    I agree AlexLady, I was referring to extreme banning cases; In the end Models have the control over their room.
  14. C

    Cam Girl Beta Testers Wanted

    Let's put to rest this word filter thing, The site has two types available to use: one would simply put an asterisk in place of the filtered word such as cu** which would be all astericked out in the chat window, that's all. the second could be established say if someone was threatened with...
  15. C

    Cam Girl Beta Testers Wanted

    The word filters are not a deal breaker, they are there if the model wants them, the model will have control of her room as to what she will or won't tolerate.
  16. C

    Cam Girl Beta Testers Wanted

    Yes I'm aware of the PayPal issues, I've used them for years and in one instance in the past even had 55k put on hold by them. That part should have been removed, rest assured it's GONE now. Here is a direct quote from an email I sent to a cam girl earlier yesterday, "You will also observe...
  17. C

    Cam Girl Beta Testers Wanted

    It can be set with free chat, whatever the models want to assure we all make bank.
  18. C

    Cam Girl Beta Testers Wanted

    You're right Frankie, and I don't blame you or anyone to be leery. The base site is UP and I apologize for not orating that correctly enough though. In contacting us I need to substantiate that the person is in fact a cam model, I will then email them the url of the base site to check out and...
  19. C

    Cam Girl Beta Testers Wanted

    Thanks for your honest input Sevrin, I'd like to reply to a few of your comments. 1) There isn't a cam girl anywhere that's making 80% unless it's a sweetheart deal, most are making only 35% - 50%. We never said 75% is cut in stone, that's why we want input from the cam models. 2) "Why would...
  20. C

    Cam Girl Beta Testers Wanted

    ATTN: is currently looking for Cam Models to Beta Test our new cam script. We would like to test the overall performance of the site with your input that will include: 1) Models ability to broadcast 2 camera's simultaneously. 2) Test models ability to set pricing for own...