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Inactive Cam Model
Aug 3, 2012
So many have encountered them, but so few know their name.

A Mindfuck is "an idea or concept that shakes one's previously held beliefs or assumptions about the nature of reality." - Urban Dictionary.

In this thread I would like us all to share our greatest moments of mind-fuckery. Yours can be brought on by a book, song, quote, picture, movie, webpage, conversation, person, hallucination, dream, ect. Anything goes.

For example, when I first saw the movie 'Inception', I could not move from the theater for a bit. I stayed in my chair shaking. It ripped me apart. I had never considered that life was just a dream before. At least, not seriously. So that movie was most definitely a mindfuck.

This guy did it for me first, and still does it for me.

Alan Watts is the man. He died in the 70's, but he's got so many essays, books, and lectures online. I've been listening for 3 years, and I haven't touched the surface. He mind-fucks me every time.

I wanna hear what you people have to say! Do you remember the first time you got mindfucked? Do you actively seek, like I do, the things that will mindfuck you? Do you hold onto previously held beliefs for dear life, or do you accept change willingly? I wanna hear it all!
This comes to mind:

This also did but :lol:
Honestly, I like having my mind fucked more than my body :p

It's a thrill I search for on a daily basis.
My mind was most recently fucked by Isaac Asimov's 'The End of Eternity'
I very much recommend this book, it was an immediate favourite for me.

I also have taken some shroomies on occasion, which always results in some kind of mind fuckery.

I'm excited to see what others have to contribute to this thread!
I will definitely be back, - I think this is a great idea of a thread. I too love discovering new concepts/ideas/philosophies that are mind fucks. I actively seek them out, and sometimes they come from such an angle, they hit that spot,and cause such an awesome mind orgasm that you understand you've been fucked well. The internet is full of badly made inflatable dolls, and cheep rubber vaginas that can seriously sprain your mind bottoming out on their fuck holes, when they prove not as deep as the packaging promised. The internet also holds a huge treasure of ideas and information in its depths, and for me exploring those depths is a huge part of life's enjoyment. Learning how to find those treasures, those mind fucks, can lead to mind fuckery just in the process. An example of that might be discovering TED's, which can lead to treasures, and multiple mind-gasms.

Thank you Kate, there are at least a half a dozen mind fucks that are right at the surface that I could lay out, but I don't have the time now, to take my time. I want to slip back in when I can take the time to do you well, or with some that have done me well anyway. ;)
CarinaChateau: That Sagan talk is EXACTLY what I was talking about. I love that.

StephStellarMFC: Have you read Asimov's "The Last Question" or "The Last Answer" yet? They're just short little stories... and amazing. I haven't had a lot of experience with Shrooms specifically, mostly other hallucinogens. I'd love to hear about one of your trips though. Have you ever checked out They've got a collection of first-person stories, and you can search through people's experiences by a specific drug. Here's the mushroom page-->

camstory: I know this a loaded topic... and so I understand it takes time to say exactly what you want to. I can't wait to hear it!

I have another addition! I found it earlier on (Another really awesome website full of such insights.)


This sent me for a loop last night.
I shall return as well... I love to have my mind fucked and blown real good. LOL
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First one I can remember was reading "Stranger in a Strange Land". The idea that intimacy between two people could be shared with more than two people blew my mind. The idea that "love only grows bigger when it's shared" applied to physical love and not just emotional love, also blew my mind. (I was still Catholic at the time, I site that plus going to some Celtic Moon Rites as the two things that brought me out of the church.)

Most recently, GirlWritesWhat videos on youtube, which led me to ManWomanMyth, and TyphonBlue, and a whole host of other MRM vloggers. Holy shit, just how bad does it have to get before women will say "okay, we've trampled over men enough."?
StephStellarMFC and AwesomeKate, I think I love both of you now. :p (in a purely respectful non-stalking sort of way)
When I read the first article in this thread I was already racing ahead to what I would post. A mindfuck also from Isaac Asimov, only mine is more in the realms of mathematics. He wrote an essay on Pi.

We've developed algorithms that can calculate Pi to billions of digits. Mathematicians are constantly in competition to derive it to more and more numbers. Yet in his article he talked about how pointless it is. If you were to imagine lining up every single atom from everywhere in the entire known universe into a straight line. Then use that line as the diameter of an incredibly large circle, you would only need Pi to 22 digits to compute that circumference to within a few millimeters of accuracy. More than a dozen is just not needed in anything done by man.

Coming from a math background that essay has always stuck with me. Truth be told most of his essays were just profound. Arguably one of the smartest men of the 20th century. Almost 21 years after he died and I think he's still the only person in history to have a book published in every classification of the Dewey Decimal System.
Luna those sound like really interesting channels that I definitely want to watch. Could you maybe link me to a couple of your favorites... sort of as an introduction to the ideas? I just got overwhelmed when I went to check out the channels! lol
Please keep an open mind as you watch these. And don't try to do it all in one sitting, I've been watching all the videos by these three people for the past... uh... month I think.

From Girl Writes What

Feminism and the Disposable Male

Look out! It's a Nice Guy! Destroy Him!!11!

Those privileged blue bundles of joy

Then Man Woman Myth

Equality Playlist (mostly about the view of war and the view of the pay gap)

Misandry Playlist (highlights how women are valued above men, how misandry isn't recognized but misogyny is, and about rape issues)

Then Typhon Blue

Why Feminism is Wrong About Patriarchy

We're Not a Hate Movement

Vleaks1.0: Female Submission as Emotional Dominance (please note, she isn't talking about BDSM lifestyle)

V-leaks1.1: Domestication of the Human Male

I Doubt I'll Have Any Subscribers After This One... MAN CRACK!

The Threat Narrative Playlist
my most favorite mind fuck ever has to be fight club. yeah i know it is such a thing in the popular mainstream that it cant be a mindfuck right? nah. the first time i saw it i wasnt able to think right for days.(not that i could to begin with, but you get the idea.) i saw everything through the distorted lens of that experience.

which leads me to my favorite literary mindfuck. Chuck Pahlaniuk also wrote a little book called Haunted. the first chapter. OMMFG! not going to say why it is , or how intense it is because someone might read it for the first time and miss out on the horrible pleasure of reading it fresh.
I have found a few that really did me when I first came across them. Unfortunately I was not able to find a couple that I would really like to share. Before I post those I did find, I wanted to mention for me what has been as much, or even more of a mind fuck, than anything external has invoked, - that is the rare time when I mind fucked myself. What I mean by that is, there have been a few times that I have followed a random thought or curiosity through the knowledge I already had stored, and came to an answer, or realization that I did not consciously have before. I don't mean the thing that we all do all the time, of reasoning out what seems right given what we already know, along with some new stimuli. What I am talking about, has maybe only happened to me 5-10 times in my life, for sure less than 20, but it is different than just reasoning something out, and you know it when it happens. It is wondering about something and possessing that wonder in a way that you manage to pull all the needed info from what you already know, to solve the thing you are wondering about. (Different than reasoning which has gaps of information, where we reason how a thing is, - it is the realization that we now know this thing as fact, - that we had all the info all ready, and that we never knew we knew the answer, but there it is.) If this has never happened to you, than I am sure this sounds all whacked out, but if you have experienced this I think you understand what I'm saying. Why spend all the words on this? Because it is such a mind fuck when it does happen, but also because I am curious if others who have had this experience would comment on why they think it does not happen very much. The logical answer is because mostly we do not have all the info we need, (and not be aware of it) to solve something we wonder about. But I wonder if we really all have the info we need much of the time, yet lack the ability to process our thoughts and recall the info that is needed? OK....

The first one was a mind fuck, I think because I watch TED's because they stimulate my intellect, but I realized at the end of this TED, it was much more than my mind that was stimulated.
The next mind fuck is about 10 minutes, and all I can provide is a link because I could not find it at YouTube, but well worth the time and click, IMhO.

You have to see this, but if you want you can skip the first 1:50, as that is the artist explaining being only 1 year old at the time of the Chernobyl disaster, and that many of the children from the disaster area were sent to her home area for their health, which was not too successful

And I added this because it was the first mind fuck I can remember right now. I think I was in the third grade when I saw this and I remember being fascinated at how something could be so understandable with no dialog. Watching it this evening for the first time since maybe the fifth grade, I thought it was still very interesting, but it did not seem so long back then. Warning, don't start it if you don't have the time because it never reaches a good place to quit it, and you will prolly watch it through.
southsamurai said:
my most favorite mind fuck ever has to be fight club. yeah i know it is such a thing in the popular mainstream that it cant be a mindfuck right? nah. the first time i saw it i wasnt able to think right for days.(not that i could to begin with, but you get the idea.) i saw everything through the distorted lens of that experience.

which leads me to my favorite literary mindfuck. Chuck Pahlaniuk also wrote a little book called Haunted. the first chapter. OMMFG! not going to say why it is , or how intense it is because someone might read it for the first time and miss out on the horrible pleasure of reading it fresh.
If I remember correctly he did a live read of that one and people were vomiting in the audience.

The only real mind fucks I can think of for myself would be optical illusions, and how they're achieved; or reading about quantum mechanics (huh?!). And the first Harry Potter movie, actually. They constructed the story well. Any good sleight of hand, really.
Learning that most of the mass of the human body is made of microbes that aren't human was a pretty big one of recent memory.

And then there's this:
I am in love with this thread. Kate, you truly are awesome incarnate.

I live for mind fuckery and enjoy a good fucking regularly (mind and body ;)). Which one to start with for this post? Ah yes, I began a quest at a young age of recording my dreams. I have always been a dreamer and love to explore my mind - the dream world is a fantastic place for exploration. Around the age of 16 I discovered Lucid Dreaming. For those who are not familiar with Lucid Dreaming, it is the state of being aware that you are dreaming while you are dreaming.

Once I discovered this amazing feat (while reading), I began doing the tips and tricks to attempt to become lucid in my own dreams. After several months of practice, it finally happened - I became lucid within a dream. It occurred to me, in my dream, that I was in full control. I began to play with certain elements within my dream - the environment and my actions. The scene that was imagined was serene and what did I want to do first? Bounce. Not a normal itty-bitty bounce but bounce as high as possible after a lovely run through a field. Very quickly my exhilarating bounces were taking me to the clouds and I repeated this for quite a bit - until the lucidity wore off.

Upon waking up (in reality), I had a vivid memory of my dream and immediately wrote it down (apart of lucid dreaming practice & my hobby). My world was completely turned upside down. This was an incredibly empowering experience because the world as I previously knew it may not have been as I perceived. I had this deep realization, if I could have that sort of control over my mind and environment within a dream - what am I capable of in the waking world? The possibilities were endless and that began a wonderful journey into meditation and self exploration.

I owe a lot of who I am today to my dream exploration. I've taken my lucid dreams a step further and have learned how to fly, how to have sex in dreams with whomever I desire (once had sex with a being of light, words don't do that experience justice but it was truly mind blowing), and how to work through problems that I'm faced with in my waking state. We have more control over our minds, our current state, than most like to think. The mind fuckery that is lucid dreaming sure as hell woke me up!

I will be adding more of my mind fucked adventures, if ya'll would like to hear it. Lucid dreams & meditation later helped me through Sleep Paralysis with hallucinations - now that is a complete mind fuck!

P.S. I miss making out with you, Kate. Finding my kissing soul mate, you, was a wonderful mind fuck. ;)
Just saw this when I went to post,
Am I the only one who can hear Aedan laughing right now?
Do you think LordM? Aedan is definitely capable of such treachery. something I always forget cuz she is so sweet, too. I'm always the sap, Mr. Dupe'pree, but I'm buying it, cuz it's not that far beyond what I know is real. Then again, sex with the white light, you may be right. Aw well doesn't change my post...

AedanRayne said:
We have more control over our minds, our current state, than most like to think.
I agree we are, I am, capable of much more control over our minds, but as for myself, I am sure I am not tuned in to that very well at all.

I would like to hear more Aedan, it sounds fascinating. (And more than fascinating, but I can't find the right word right now, but that thing of being able to insert sex partners of your choice into your dream, that's fascinating and more. :mrgreen: )

I attended a HS for two years that was back then and probably would still be today, considered, new age learning. (which really means it was run and directed by mature, responsible, ex-hippies.) Twice a week, we would be lead on a guided meditation, that would last from 1/2 an hour to an hour. At first I just laid there with my eyes closed not really following along most of the time. As I got more comfortable with the idea of meditation, I started to really get into it.

What you describe as lucid dreaming sounds almost like the opposite of what I eventually learned to do. Not long after the leader of the meditation would start, (like in the first minute or two after I got good at it), You would move into a state in which you had no sense of your wake self. It was as if you were asleep as far as any sense of your body or sensory perception, like feeling the weight of your body, your head on the pillow, sounds other than that of the person leading the meditation, as if you were asleep, yet you were not and knew that under everything else, but were not aware of being awake. If that makes any sense?

Probably explaining the WOW factor that happened, the mind fuck, that was that moment of, Holly Shit, did that just happen? The first time I realized I had crossed that line down into a true meditative, yet awake state, was not going into it, but as I transitioned up out of it. I suddenly became aware of my awake self, and realized I had been unaware for the time before that. After the freak out wore off the next few times, it became so fun to go there and then always the second i would come back to the surface, was so cool. This happened as the person leading would bring you to the close of the journey. It was as if you had been on your back under water, and then all at once you would come up and break the surface. Suddenly your senses would kick back in and the sound of the birds, and the feel of your body,,, Well you were once more awake and aware, yet you had not come from sleep.

What you have described, lucid dreaming, seems like it would be harder to learn to do, but cooler I think. For sure different, I think? Maybe this is one of the times you really could apply the phrase, "exactly the same, only different" :lol: But yes Aedan I want to hear more and how you teach yourself. And thank you, it has been a long time since 9-10th grade, I had forgotten how special those meditations were. I also don't think I have ever really, til now grasped now cool they were. (The music from LordMagellan's scale site has been playing in the back ground which is perfect meditation music) So WOW this thread has supplied my most recent mind fuck, - thanks Aedan, Kate, LordM, it was very nice!
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camstory said:
Just saw this when I went to post,
Am I the only one who can hear Aedan laughing right now?
Do you think LordM? Aedan is definitely capable of such treachery. something I always forget cuz she is so sweet, too. I'm always the sap, Mr. Dupe'pree, but I'm buying it, cuz it's not that far beyond what I know is real. Then again, sex with the white light, you may be right. Aw well doesn't change my post...

No, no, Cam, you misunderstand. I don't mean to imply that Aedan is having a go at us. I mean I can hear her laughing in my mind and visualize her bouncing amongst the clouds. Her laugh is one of my favorite things about her, and on MFC, honestly. I wish I could pop into her room more often.

Now to go back and read the rest....
lordmagellan said:
camstory said:
Just saw this when I went to post,
Am I the only one who can hear Aedan laughing right now?
Do you think LordM? Aedan is definitely capable of such treachery. something I always forget cuz she is so sweet, too. I'm always the sap, Mr. Dupe'pree, but I'm buying it, cuz it's not that far beyond what I know is real. Then again, sex with the white light, you may be right. Aw well doesn't change my post...

No, no, Cam, you misunderstand. I don't mean to imply that Aedan is having a go at us. I mean I can hear her laughing in my mind and visualize her bouncing amongst the clouds. Her laugh is one of my favorite things about her, and on MFC, honestly. I wish I could pop into her room more often.

Now to go back and read the rest....
Oh sorry, I got ya. And, yea Aedan's laugh is super. I'm not big on videos, but I've ended up with a bunch, and prolly the one that is the most special is Aedan laughing and popping balloons and laughing and laughing...
I have a lot of catching up to do on this thread! I caught it when it first was presented but didn't have time to read/watch anything, but I've got it bookmarked now.

I bring goodies!

This is stuff that I discovered last year around the time I tried magic mushrooms. It helped me through a lot of weird and confusing times in my young life. This is just some of my favorites. If you like metaphysics, quantum physics, and where science and spirituality blur the line, these are great to watch.

First is the Spirit Science series. This is just the latest one. I recommend watching from the beginning. They're all free on Youtube, and are definitely interesting.

Next, is Teal Scott. I don't know how to describe her. You just kinda have to watch and listen and be open. She's helped me in the past personally with anxiety and panic attacks.

Lastly, I'll throw in some Bashar, because Bashar is badass and inspirational.

Some of this may seem crazy once you get into it. By no means should any of this be taken as truth, because none of it really is. It's just alternative ways of thinking about everything and how we relate to ourselves, other people, and reality as a whole. If anything, regard it more as entertainment and enlightenment than as a lesson or 'truth'
speaking on the topic of lucid dreaming iv'e been finding i get the opposite effect from binaural beats, recently iv'e been listening while i sleep and i'm finding that i don't remember anything for hours, not even the fact that i was dreaming there's just hours of empty ness like iv'e closed my eyes for a few moments then woken up hours later im yet to try the entire 8 hour audio but i will when i find i have 8 hours to sleep at once :lol:

0.9 hertz delta

8 hour audio
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Oh jeez, there's so much content in this thread. It's like a goldmine of self-searching. I love you guys. I haven't even BEGUN to read/watch everyone's posts, but I can't wait!

LadyLuna- About halfway through the "Look out! It's a Nice Guy! Destroy Him!!11!" video. At minute 14, when she started getting into the archaic brain vs. the newer fore-brain and explained how humans actually make one finger move at a time....and then she so eloquently showed why that causes a lack of communication between the conscious mind and the deeper, more animal-like mind...

My head exploded. I never heard of such a thing. She is freaking GOOD. I mean... so much original thought, and she builds it up well so that you're ready for some pretty advanced concepts.

The first video seemed to be a good primer for what she discusses throughout her entire channel, and then the second one dives right into specifics. I'm so happy you posted these. I was completely unaware I had misdirected, and severely undeserved, feelings toward the male population. This is so incredibly fascinating. Thank you.
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Not sure if this fits the theme of this thread, but my mind found this to be pretty fucked.

this has mind fucked me...
i have always lived with beeing unlucky, yes this sounds really whiny and spoiled
but it's just been like that.. so i'm not really emotional about it anymore..
not sure if i'm doing it wrong, but it didn't work for me
it did however made think and beeing really confused about it for a couple of days

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