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zombies - do they scare you and why?

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Nov 14, 2010
do zombies scare you? they really scare me. the idea of disease turning people into zombies really makes me frightene about all the strange diseases in the world mutating.

I'm more fascinated by the concept of a zombie than frightened. When you start to realize a disease that reanimates dead tissue while still letting the body decompose at what appears to be a normal rate is less likely to happen than getting struck by lightning or winning a lottery you start to feel a tiny bit less fear about the whole situation. But then again still I own a copy of the Zombie Survival Guide so I have no room to talk.

EDIT: Also FYI, zombies who have already made a trip to the mortician are probably not going to get back up after being embalmed/gutted or cremated. Which means hands popping out of the ground is less likely to happen in countries that support pre-burial traditions besides just wrapping someone up in a blanket and throwing them in a ditch.

Sure if this disease were to exist it's totally possible it could still spread pretty rapidly through the still living population, but it always pisses me off when obviously embalmed zombies come back to life in movies. Part of that whole process includes removing the brain/other vital organs so it'd be pretty hard for anyone already residing in a coffin to pop back up, say hello & ask to eat your fucking brains.

ANOTHER EDIT: Yeah, I've put a lot of fucking thought into a zombie apocalypse. So what? We all have to have our hobbies.
To be honest, no they dont. If the zombie apocalypse goes down Im finding my last girlfriend and clinging to her side. Her and I already discussed this and she knows the what what on how to survive and thrive against the zombie take over. Though she scares me more than the zombies do because she told me many a times that she would not hesitate to kill me the second she thought I was turning into a zombie.
I can handle multiplayer Black Ops no problem, but the zombie missions make me piss my pants. So yeah, I guess you could say zombies scare me.
OK the bladder problem that I AM just finding about now.

Unless shes going to use the zombie excuse every time she wets herself now. points yells ah zombies! every one looks, turnsback around and theres amber and her wet pants self
Keithy said:
I am not afraid of zombies because I am an excellent gardener.
hmmm does that have to do with the Plant eating zombie game on xbox?lol
I've always feen more curious as to the inner zombie method then scared.

That is, until of all games, Plants Vs Zombies.

I know, right?! a campy zombie game scared me!! I became obsessed with it around the same time my hubbie and I (then fiance, not hubbed yet) went to NY to have him meet the family. All these houses I use to be in LOVE with I would look at and say "That's not zombie proof"
Now I am terrified of an actrual invasion!! Although I still love watching them in movies and tv!
:think: I have to say that I never really gave much thought to Zombies.... BEFORE I met FrankieChemical!! After MANY nights in her room listening to her talking about them, NOW when I think about them I think about HER.... and my pervy-ness overpowers any kind of fear!! :lol: :oops: :lol:
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