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WoW acct Hacked!

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Mar 5, 2010
As some of you know, I have recently returned to WoW after a 2 month break. My reward for coming back was to have my acct HACKED and all of my high level character gear being VENDORED!
I went to log on just a while ago and my password wouldn't take. I already knew what that ment. I check my email and sure enough; a email from Blizz saying my acct has been frozen due to likely unauthorized access. Following that was a string of 5 emails of a list of EVERYTHING my high level characters had on them! Good thing though, this was a list of everythig Blizz was RESTORING to me! The thought of some jerkoff VENDORING my primordial saronites for 7G apice just bugs the shit out of me!
I just completed the recovery process, and I should have access to my account again sometime this weekend. There is no harm no foul as I will be getting everything back (and a little more i think) but I am still VERY pissed off! I haven't visited ANY shady websites, haven't shared my password with anyone, the only addon I have is recount and it was downloaded from a reliable site, have NEVER bought gold from said shady websites, and I thought my password was quite brilliant and virtually guess-proof! No doubt I have a trojan on my pc.......BUT I HAVE NO FREAKING CLUE where I could have gotten it! And the fact that whatever virus I have is still on my PC as I type this makes me feel like I am on that animal planet show "Monsters Inside Me!"
Any PC geeks have any advice on what to do without having to F-disk? I don't have any anti-virus software cuz I thought I was safer than a 3rd condom in my web browsing habits.. I guess it's time to finally get one! Which one though?!

very sad, very naked panda!
You should also invest in an authenticator. They sell them in the Blizzard store for pretty cheap.
Debater86 said:
You should also invest in an authenticator. They sell them in the Blizzard store for pretty cheap.

Can also get the app for free on iPhone.
AmberCutie said:
Debater86 said:
You should also invest in an authenticator. They sell them in the Blizzard store for pretty cheap.

Can also get the app for free on iPhone.
Or Android phones ;)
I use AVG Free on my laptop and NOD32 on my desktop. NOD32 requires purchasing a license, but it's a fantastic piece of software and totally worth it in my opinion. Also agreeing with the whole Authenticator thing. I have the Android app, and it's great. It's nice having that extra line of defense, even if I never end up needing it.
i never had my accounts hacked before, i do not know how people manage to have that happen really XD get a REALLY strong password and watch out where you download your programs and your fine imho
I switched from AVG to Avast! because AVG failed to catch a virus that put my computer out of commission for a couple days. So far so good. Also yeah... invest in an Authenticator or the mobile authenticator. Stupidly cheap for the security it will offer all your Blizzard games.

As far as scanning for what's on your computer now, I typically use a combination of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and SuperAntiSpyware. Ofcourse I also sometimes use HijackThis but it would probably be fairly useless if you aren't pretty familiar with what are legitimate entries and what aren't.
MonkeyPlanet2019 said:
What the fuck now? :hand:
Yeah, what the fuck now? :twisted:


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Note to self, leave distaste for WOW at the check in desk before entering site. :lol:
jebbaz said:
Note to self, leave distaste for WOW at the check in desk before entering site. :lol:

LOL no not at all... this guy has been pestering me both on the forum and on MFC for too long now.
It's not so much his distaste for WoW that got him banned but the fact he acted as if it was some personal vendetta of his to insult it in every thread he could.

Imagine if you will a thread on some band that you and several others like, Jebbaz. And I drop by and say "not a fan of this band." You guys probably don't care and continue on your discussion, yes? Now imagine that I keep returning to talk shit about the band in said thread and any place on the forums I see that band mentioned, I make a post there also dissing that band. Suddenly you're probably thinking me a pretty massive douchebag. This is where those of us who enjoy WoW and want to be able to discuss it with other people who enjoy WoW were feeling about Mr. MonkeyPlanetImAFuckingRetard.

Go ahead. Look at the Bullshit games thread and pay attention to his contributions there. Check the WoW Armory thread. Take into consideration his post here. Even if you don't like the game yourself, I think most reasonable people will see my point.
I had my account hacked a few months ago. That was before I installed AVG tho.

I happened to be in a guild with my sister and her boyfriend who both play a ton luckily. As soon as they saw my toon online but not responding to anyone, I received texts asking if I was logged in. Of course I wasn't and knocked them offline and then promptly changed my pw and etc. They didn't really get a chance to do anything with my account let alone take anything.

I haven't been playing much lately so I was thinking of getting an authenticator. Especially since ya get a pet (I collect them) for getting one. Hahaha.
salmaherrick said:
I had my account hacked a few months ago. That was before I installed AVG tho.

I happened to be in a guild with my sister and her boyfriend who both play a ton luckily. As soon as they saw my toon online but not responding to anyone, I received texts asking if I was logged in. Of course I wasn't and knocked them offline and then promptly changed my pw and etc. They didn't really get a chance to do anything with my account let alone take anything.

I haven't been playing much lately so I was thinking of getting an authenticator. Especially since ya get a pet (I collect them) for getting one. Hahaha.

That was my reasoning too... and why I got the collectors edition of Star Craft 2...
The authenticator is so stupidly cheap for the extra level of security it provides for your account. It may not be 100% uncompromisable but it's very good. I've had mine for a while now. It's a little frustrating when I don't have it with me and I want to check an account setting from work but I just know if I put it on my keys, it will get beat to shit till it is broken.
I haven't played any Starcraft but my sister is really into it....

Yes, the authenticator is stupid cheap and well worth it. I really need to get it! I keep telling myself to order it then I forget. Not sure if it's an age thing or what but I can't seem to remember a damn thing these days. Haha. Gonna start writing myself lil 'to do' lists.......
After having my account hacked twice in one week, I ordered the Authenticator and haven't had any more problems with my WoW account. Yes, its a bit of a pain having to put in the additional step when logging in, but the additional security is well worth it.

As for which AntiVirus? I'd recommend either AVG Free or Avira. I run AVG on my laptop and Avira on my desktop.
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