I know you meet strangers every day, hence why I said when meeting anyone always be safe. That goes for just a casual trip to the grocery store or mall too. You as a man Zoomer may not have the same thought process as a woman so yes when I go to the store alone and a man walks by me my thoughts do go to "he may hurt me." It does for a lot of women cause it's possible. It happens. Most men are harmless and arent gonna attack you but that doesn't mean you should have lax security and safety measure cause if it. All it takes is one and you being his target and that one life you have been given could be over. So as a man i'm sure it's great not to feel that danger when in public but as a woman that danger is a very real feeling and is in your thoughts. So you be diligent in knowing your surroundings, who is around you, if anyone is following you, etc. This should be done by everyone, male or female, at all times. It's basic safety I feel. By going in public you put yourself in a possibly dangerous situation. You put yourself out there and when doing that there is risk of harm coming to you from other people. Anything could happen. From rape to robbery to even just a drunk driver hitting you. So it's best just to be actively aware. There is nothing wrong with that.
Now being a model you have put yourself out there even more to potential dangers. You put yourself on display so to speak. So with doing that you should absolutely be aware when you go out of what is around you cause you not only opened yourself up to the public around you but to those of the world. That does invite even more danger potentially into your life. This is just a fact.
Now i'm not saying don't leave the house ever or walk around being paranoid freaking out every second but do protect yourself how you can. Look in the back seat before you get in the car, walk in pairs if possible, etc but this is all stuff people should be doing anyway, sex worker or not. And every person should be taking precautions when meeting a stranger whether it's from MFC or OkCupid or some random at the bar. There is never anything wrong with protecting yourself until someone proves themselves otherwise. The majority of people out there are not gonna hurt you but that does not mean trust is automatically given out.
Yeah, I think it's much different for women, as far as thought proccess go. I'll be honest, I don't leave my house alone much. Which I kind of like... I'm a homebody, but being alone out in the world is WEIRD. Everytime I step outside my house, I am sexually harassed at LEAST once. Every. Single. Time. I get catcalled, or I get seriously stared down, winked at, hollerd/yelled at, etc. It's annoying, && frustrating as shit. I honestly feel much MUCH safer when I go out, if I have someone with me. When I'm walking down the street, or out for a run, etc... If I see someone that looks creepy, or too threatening, I WILL CROSS THE FUCKING STREET. I ALWAYS make sure I am 100% sure of my surroundings, etc. Even though I wear earphones while out for a run, I make sure I am always looking at EVERYTHING, lol.
I grew up reading a SHIT TON of True Crime books, including Ann Rule, so I really feel that has helped keep my ass in check when it comes to these sorts of things. && yes, the things you listed are totally things EVERYONE should pay attention to, male or female, etc. To me, these things are habit now, like checking the backseat, etc. I have always been very OCD about making sure the car doors are locked at all times basically, because you never know who is gonna try to open your car door, etc.