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Worst night...ever.... :(

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I haven't posted recently, hopefully will be back soon!
Inactive Cam Model
May 1, 2013
I was on cam last night and this awful jerk came into my room trolling hard. I have never had to deal with that before, I've only seen it happen in other girl's rooms. Anyway, I was keeping my cool and decided that smiling and banning was the best option I had.

Unfortunately, my computer screen (long story) wasn't letting me get to that part of the page, and I had to reload 3 times before I could finally get to the ban option. By that time, he was really starting to get to me.

Stupid, I know. I shouldn't let trolls actually get to me. But... He just really sucked and it started to hurt. I was so slow, I didn't make a single token all night, and that has NEVER happened to me... He was saying things like "you're ugly, you look like a little boy, go buy some tits you ugly skank," etc... I think some of it was really stupid (you smell like pee) and some of it actually stung because he was so HATEFUL.

I ended up logging off after I banned him and just sitting there staring at the comp, and I can't seem to get over it. It's just really in my head. I've been slowing down with traffic lately, and last night.... just.... sucked huge monkey balls. No tokens plus troll. Great. :( I feel like not going on. ever again. :/ But the show must go on.

I just hate that he actually got to me.
I'm sorry to hear about that. Some people are just naturally assholes.
Keep in mind that for every idiot like that, there are 100+ people who will respect you for who you are. Had I been in your room I certainly would have called him out as the asshole that he is.
There will always be good days and bad. I'm sure that your next time on cam will go much better. Stay positive!
emptiedglass said:
I'm sorry to hear about that. Some people are just naturally assholes.
Keep in mind that for every idiot like that, there are 100+ people who will respect you for who you are. Had I been in your room I certainly would have called him out as the asshole that he is.
There will always be good days and bad. I'm sure that your next time on cam will go much better. Stay positive!

Thank you. I love the fact that you are right.... If i had been on my usual time slot, my regulars would eated (lol) him alive. Thanks babe.
Just what in the hell do these bastards get out of such sociopathic behavior? Are they so downtrodden in real life that they have to hide behind an Internet handle and try to browbeat cam models to feel better about themselves? Really sorry you couldn't get the son of a bitch banned quicker and also sorry he got to you. Emptiedglass is right, of course. There are many more decent guys, but the unfortunate fact is it takes just one asshole to ruin a perfectly good night. Here's hoping it doesn't happen to you again soon -- and when it does that you're johnny on the spot with the ban button.
Aww I feel ya! I very rarely get trolls and when I do I am genuinely surprised there are such awful people out there. It's not the general run of the mill asshat, it's the incessent ones or the one you know has watched you for a good 10 mins before saying something awful . For me, sharing such intimacy is a really vunerable thing to do and for someone to intrude with such negativity makes me reel a little. I've just gone through this, but the good news is I just logged off having had a brilliant night with a room full of respectful guys with whom it was a pleasure to share my space with.

I dunno, sometimes you can roll with the punches and laugh it off. Sometimes it just gets at you. Remember that nothing about you has changed, you are still as sexy and lovely and smart and funny as you were before this dickhead came along.
Thanks guys. This makes me feel a lot better. Sometimes just hearing people vent the same experiences or being sympathetic is all that I need to re-energize. Tonight is a new night!! And trolls beware. Lol. I'll be on that ban button like white-on-rice. :D
I hate trolls.

Well.... Actually I find them pretty funny and usually make a big thing of them in the room just openly playing along and laughing about it. It's so rare you get to point and laugh at someone stupid and not feel any kind of guilt about it. Generally when I start doing this the troll dies down and gets bored. Sometimes throwing a few cheap shit shots, but yeah, I do also ban relatively quickly, and again make a big deal about it.

In a situation like yours where you for some reason cannot ban... urghhhh that would seriously suck! Especially with no regulars in your room and when you're not getting tokens.

Sometimes camming can make you feel seriously vulnerable. Sometimes when I don't get tipped much and people are freeloading I get close to tears with frustration. I doubt people ever know it because although I show a lot of emotion, I'm fairly good at hiding my real feelings when I need to. I really feel for you with this. Sorry the guy got to you. Now I just see trolls/people on the internet as random computerised robots. I try to forget they're real people and just assume they're random funny things turning up so I can laugh at them. When I first started camming I didn't get many trolls, but even so, the few I had it does just make me think of what sad pathetic lives they must have. To openly get joy out of a complete strangers pain... to go out of their way to try and ruin someone else's day... it's awful. What's worse is how many people I have met from real life who'd do it. Some people are just so short sighted. The worst thing is, these people for the most part don't see anything wrong with what they're doing. In their heads they believe they're good, kind people. It's ridiculous.
I swear, it seems like the nastiest trolls can smell when a model has lost her moderation tools and can no longer ban them. When I was still relatively new to MFC, I was in AngelicTexan's room and the same thing happened--lucky for her, she had a lot of supportive members in the room at the time, and was able to make light of his ignorant filth.
Nordling said:
I swear, it seems like the nastiest trolls can smell when a model has lost her moderation tools and can no longer ban them. When I was still relatively new to MFC, I was in AngelicTexan's room and the same thing happened--lucky for her, she had a lot of supportive members in the room at the time, and was able to make light of his ignorant filth.

They are also REALLY nasty right after a model does a big show so the room loads up with idiots, then she gets off cam. All those guests/basics can now speak freely. I've put more people on ignore in the few minutes after the lady goes off cam than any other times.
anessa_lamb said:
Thanks guys. This makes me feel a lot better. Sometimes just hearing people vent the same experiences or being sympathetic is all that I need to re-energize. Tonight is a new night!! And trolls beware. Lol. I'll be on that ban button like white-on-rice. :D

What time are you normally on at?
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LiLredhairedgrl said:
I must admit...

I have never encountered a troll whom I did not imagine to be like that guy.

The internet is where you go to be mean to people when you can't hack it in real life.

Once I realized that, my main emotion towards trolls now leans more towards pity and sympathy than anger or hurt. Especially when you begin to realize that they have no idea who you are and they just make wide swings ("you're fat/ugly/gross/look like a boy") that are likely to be hurtful to almost any woman.

I only ever get irritated or upset by trolls when I am already irate or stressed about something else, and just having to click a few buttons to get rid of them makes me grumpy. Or, sometimes when I am feeling insecure about something, and a troll randomly brings it up, it reminds me of the emotions that were already inside me.

When people have no idea who I am, their comments on me can literally have no value. All the harm they can do is taking a few seconds of my time to ban or to remind me to get rid of self-esteem issues :)
I think it would be a great idea for every camgirl to print out that pic and paste it up by your computer to remind yourself of whom it is that slanders us. And yeah Evvie, I feel sorry for them too. What a sad way to interact in the world...

edit: Now I am sitting here wondering about the guy in the pic, I mean who is he and maybe he is just some sweet lonely kid who is nothing but nice to the ladies and now I feel even more sad... :crybaby: :shifty:
anessa_lamb said:
I was on cam last night and this awful jerk came into my room trolling hard. I have never had to deal with that before, I've only seen it happen in other girl's rooms. Anyway, I was keeping my cool and decided that smiling and banning was the best option I had.

Unfortunately, my computer screen (long story) wasn't letting me get to that part of the page, and I had to reload 3 times before I could finally get to the ban option. By that time, he was really starting to get to me.

Stupid, I know. I shouldn't let trolls actually get to me. But... He just really sucked and it started to hurt. I was so slow, I didn't make a single token all night, and that has NEVER happened to me... He was saying things like "you're ugly, you look like a little boy, go buy some tits you ugly skank," etc... I think some of it was really stupid (you smell like pee) and some of it actually stung because he was so HATEFUL.

I ended up logging off after I banned him and just sitting there staring at the comp, and I can't seem to get over it. It's just really in my head. I've been slowing down with traffic lately, and last night.... just.... sucked huge monkey balls. No tokens plus troll. Great. :( I feel like not going on. ever again. :/ But the show must go on.

I just hate that he actually got to me.

Just to lighten the mood I thought I'd share a tale of being trolled myself.

About a half year ago now I get a private message from a troll who I had evidently upset to some degree. He goes in about how he's going to beat the hell out of me. Saying he is a police officer in England and he's trained in fighting.

I leave the PM window open because I'm laughing too hard.

It finally escalates to the point he tells me he's going to use his 'police resources' to track me down and come to America to cut off my nipples. Being a 43 year old male getting threatened with nipple decapitation was a new experience to me.

At this point I ask him if it's true the police in England don't carry firearms? He says yes, they don't need them. So I tell him I've been hunting since I was 10, I'm a crack shot at 600 yards, own 23 firearms I'll admit to on the internet, have a conceal carry permit, and keep a .40 Smith & Wesson on my person and in my car at all times. Then I gave him my real address and told him he'd probably get in the first punch with the element of surprise, but I'll get in the last bullet. Oh, and could you bring a Cornish pasty with you? Cause I'd like to try once while I wait for the police to come take your body away.

Strangely I've never heard from him again. :think:

Excuse the derogatory term but Trolls are pussy's through and through.
JerryBoBerry said:
Being a 43 year old male getting threatened with nipple decapitation was a new experience to me.

Oh dear, what an image this inspires....bahaha! Well Jerry, I sure am glad that you didn't end up needing these...

Evvie said:
LiLredhairedgrl said:
I must admit...

I have never encountered a troll whom I did not imagine to be like that guy.

The internet is where you go to be mean to people when you can't hack it in real life.

Once I realized that, my main emotion towards trolls now leans more towards pity and sympathy than anger or hurt. Especially when you begin to realize that they have no idea who you are and they just make wide swings ("you're fat/ugly/gross/look like a boy") that are likely to be hurtful to almost any woman.

I only ever get irritated or upset by trolls when I am already irate or stressed about something else, and just having to click a few buttons to get rid of them makes me grumpy. Or, sometimes when I am feeling insecure about something, and a troll randomly brings it up, it reminds me of the emotions that were already inside me.

When people have no idea who I am, their comments on me can literally have no value. All the harm they can do is taking a few seconds of my time to ban or to remind me to get rid of self-esteem issues :)

^This. I was already stressing hard because I sort of needed to meet a goal, and for the first time I didn't walk away with anything. Nothing was working for me, and I suddenly didn't care about the goal anymore. I was more concerned with why I wasn't being successful.

I sort of had hurt feelings before the troll ever showed up lol. He just set it off. I tried to be very convincing in that it wasn't bugging me. I laughed and called him an ass, etc. But yeah. It sucked. Lol...

Also. Nipple decapitation is a PHOBIA of mine. I gasped :eek: when I read that. Freaaakkkkoooooo
JerryBoBerry said:
Just to lighten the mood I thought I'd share a tale of being trolled myself.

About a half year ago now I get a private message from a troll who I had evidently upset to some degree. He goes in about how he's going to beat the hell out of me. Saying he is a police officer in England and he's trained in fighting.

I leave the PM window open because I'm laughing too hard.

It finally escalates to the point he tells me he's going to use his 'police resources' to track me down and come to America to cut off my nipples. Being a 43 year old male getting threatened with nipple decapitation was a new experience to me.

At this point I ask him if it's true the police in England don't carry firearms? He says yes, they don't need them. So I tell him I've been hunting since I was 10, I'm a crack shot at 600 yards, own 23 firearms I'll admit to on the internet, have a conceal carry permit, and keep a .40 Smith & Wesson on my person and in my car at all times. Then I gave him my real address and told him he'd probably get in the first punch with the element of surprise, but I'll get in the last bullet. Oh, and could you bring a Cornish pasty with you? Cause I'd like to try once while I wait for the police to come take your body away.

Strangely I've never heard from him again. :think:

Excuse the derogatory term but Trolls are pussy's through and through.

Jerry, let's be friends, because I sure as hell don't wanna be your enemy! :lol:
LiLredhairedgrl said:
JerryBoBerry said:
Being a 43 year old male getting threatened with nipple decapitation was a new experience to me.
Oh dear, what an image this inspires....bahaha! Well Jerry, I sure am glad that you didn't end up needing these...


Oh. Oh my god. Nope. Uh-uh. That is......... a joke right?!! :shock:

I love how horribly funny this has become. Now, when I get trolled, I'll think back to this shit and laugh my ass off. And maybe feel a little disturbed.

Anyone else's nipples tingling right now?! I refuse to look at sharp objects for the next year.
if you were on MFC the ignore function works nicely, I don't know exactly how it works from the models side (ie same page as banning ? ) but with ignore you don't have to renew every 60 days, once ignored they can no longer post in your room.
hope this helped.
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We can not always control how we feel when things like this happen. Catch you on a bad night and your reaction or feelings might have been different. While it is not always easy thing to do in the heat of the moment, I like to remind myself that this person had nothing better to do tonight than to throw insults and try to get a reaction from me. If they thought that was something that is fun and the best use of their time, why would I ever care what they had to say?
LiLredhairedgrl said:
JerryBoBerry said:
Being a 43 year old male getting threatened with nipple decapitation was a new experience to me.

Oh dear, what an image this inspires....bahaha! Well Jerry, I sure am glad that you didn't end up needing these...

I've been wondering for days. Did you have to do a google image search for those or did you actually have an image of spare nipple's handy? :think: :shifty: :lol:
JerryBoBerry said:
So the room loads up with idiots, then she gets off cam. All those guests/basics can now speak freely.

Yeah, I don't like that...or that they're unmuted after a private show. If it was my decision to mute them in the first place, it needs to stay that way until I decide to change it (and I won't change
JerryBoBerry said:
He goes in about how he's going to beat the hell out of me.

At this point I ask him if it's true the police in England don't carry firearms? He says yes, they don't need them. So I tell him I've been hunting since I was 10, I'm a crack shot at 600 yards, own 23 firearms I'll admit to on the internet, have a conceal carry permit, and keep a .40 Smith & Wesson on my person and in my car at all times. Then I gave him my real address and told him he'd probably get in the first punch with the element of surprise, but I'll get in the last bullet. Oh, and could you bring a Cornish pasty with you? Cause I'd like to try once while I wait for the police to come take your body away.

Strangely I've never heard from him again. :think:

Trolls are pussy's through and through

:love8: :bow-yellow:
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I have a hard time buying that any adult would say those type of comments. It might suck to hear but plenty of young kids visit camsites. So while it could be the comical looking fellow pictured above I think it's just as likely to be this type of guy.
PunkInDrublic said:
I have a hard time buying that any adult would say those type of comments. It might suck to hear but plenty of young kids visit camsites. So while it could be the comical looking fellow pictured above I think it's just as likely to be this type of guy.

God I so wish that were true. Unfortunately I have heard adults in real life saying crap like this. Some people do not grow up from school. You are right that this behaviour is pretty much playground bullying. I got a fair amount of it when I was younger, in fact, my old flatmate and her friends decided to harass me with real life trolling after I kicked her out just a year ago. It was surreal because well, you just don't expect that kind of behaviour from someone after they've turned 14.

Yes there are probably plenty of underage idiots lurking mfc. But, for the amount of premium members who are trolls, I seriously doubt they are all kids in possession of credit cards. These are fully grown men. They could be anywhere from 18 to god knows how old, but still, they are not children.

And Jerry, I know of a cornish pasty shop that does deliver... I will look into overseas deliveries for you... lol
Actually mental how people know about little things like that from all over! Just never go to Cornwall and eat a pasty. A seagull will attack you, you will get mugged of it, and forever live in fear...
Trolls are nothing.... nothing!
....compared to those birds!
JerryBoBerry said:
LiLredhairedgrl said:
JerryBoBerry said:
Being a 43 year old male getting threatened with nipple decapitation was a new experience to me.

Oh dear, what an image this inspires....bahaha! Well Jerry, I sure am glad that you didn't end up needing these...

I've been wondering for days. Did you have to do a google image search for those or did you actually have an image of spare nipple's handy? :think: :shifty: :lol:

Well Jerry, I like to be prepared you know? You never know when you will need another set of nipples....


The one time I had a troll that I couldn't ban using the usual method, I went to the options button at the bottom of the screen and added them to the ban-list that way, all the while a running commentary on how immature the dude was asking and how I feel so sorry for him. And yes, I wanted to cry inside. And yes, after I successfully banned, I waited ten minutes and then logged off.
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