I am reshaping my entire sleep/life/work schedule yet AGAIN, trying to find a sustainable way to be a cam model as well as a content creator. I don't have the data yet to show whether it's sustainable or not, but I am changing my schedule this coming week to stream at night 5 days a week (6-8hrs a day), after spending 3hrs in the morning editing/scheduling content. I intend to take a day off stream to do content creation/potentially editing and scheduling as well, to split the monotony of the tasks. As well as one full day off work entirely.
The one day off per week has been the hardest rule for me to maintain, because I constantly feel behind.
I suppose I am just curious what others' work flow/typical week/month looks like, and perhaps gather some ideas.
The one day off per week has been the hardest rule for me to maintain, because I constantly feel behind.
I suppose I am just curious what others' work flow/typical week/month looks like, and perhaps gather some ideas.