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Why we need sex education (AKA Todd Akin)

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Nordling said:
Plus how do we define a "strong woman?" Is it Ann Coulter, who more than once has RUED the fact that women have the vote, and she suggested we should return to the pre-suffrage era? Is it Ayn Rand who expostulated on the "virtues of selfishness" during her career but nevertheless took both social security and medicare in her old age?

I guess what I want to say is, caring about fellow human beings is NOT a sign of weakness, and not caring about fellow humans is NOT a sign of strength.

I would define a strong woman as a woman who stands by her convictions no matter how much abuse others hurl at them, without taking into account how she reacts to evidence that her views are wrong (thus, a woman who believes it through insults but changes in the face of contradictory evidence can still be a strong woman. A woman who believes it through insults AND in the face of contradictory evidence is a strong woman, although a misguided one.)
LadyLuna said:
Nordling said:
Plus how do we define a "strong woman?" Is it Ann Coulter, who more than once has RUED the fact that women have the vote, and she suggested we should return to the pre-suffrage era? Is it Ayn Rand who expostulated on the "virtues of selfishness" during her career but nevertheless took both social security and medicare in her old age?

I guess what I want to say is, caring about fellow human beings is NOT a sign of weakness, and not caring about fellow humans is NOT a sign of strength.

I would define a strong woman as a woman who stands by her convictions no matter how much abuse others hurl at them, without taking into account how she reacts to evidence that her views are wrong (thus, a woman who believes it through insults but changes in the face of contradictory evidence can still be a strong woman. A woman who believes it through insults AND in the face of contradictory evidence is a strong woman, although a misguided one.)
I agree in part, but not the final example. I don't consider stubbornness to be a facet of strength--in fact I'd consider it a weakness. Strength, in part is about result. Positive outcomes on a personal level; making decisions based on information and ethics, and in this, strength is equally defined in both men and women.

If someone sat on a hot stove and when they started screaming in pain but continued to sit there because they CHOSE to, is that strength? I call it kind of dumb. :)
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Nordling said:
If someone sat on a hot stove and when they started screaming in pain but continued to sit there because they CHOSE to, is that strength? I call it kind of dumb. :)

so would albert e....after pointing how relative it all is :happy8:
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Nordling said:
I agree in part, but not the final example. I don't consider stubbornness to be a facet of strength--in fact I'd consider it a weakness. Strength, in part is about result. Positive outcomes on a personal level; making decisions based on information and ethics, and in this, strength is equally defined in both men and women.

If someone sat on a hot stove and when they started screaming in pain but continued to sit there because they CHOSE to, is that strength? I call it kind of dumb. :)

Last time I checked, Strength and Intelligence were two different stats that had nothing to do with each other... How much weight a person can lift has no bearing on how well they'll be able to solve a problem. Strong people can be stupid, or smart. You asked for a definition of strength. It does not take intelligence into account, although some people say intelligence is a type of strength.
LadyLuna said:
Nordling said:
I agree in part, but not the final example. I don't consider stubbornness to be a facet of strength--in fact I'd consider it a weakness. Strength, in part is about result. Positive outcomes on a personal level; making decisions based on information and ethics, and in this, strength is equally defined in both men and women.

If someone sat on a hot stove and when they started screaming in pain but continued to sit there because they CHOSE to, is that strength? I call it kind of dumb. :)

Last time I checked, Strength and Intelligence were two different stats that had nothing to do with each other... How much weight a person can lift has no bearing on how well they'll be able to solve a problem. Strong people can be stupid, or smart. You asked for a definition of strength. It does not take intelligence into account, although some people say intelligence is a type of strength.
Well, yeah. But I had no idea we were talking about physical strength. I was under the impression we were talking about ... what? ... "moral strength?" "mental strength?" "strength of character?" Yeah, that's what I was thinking of. And stubbornness plays no role in either character or physical strength.
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Nordling said:
LadyLuna said:
Nordling said:
I agree in part, but not the final example. I don't consider stubbornness to be a facet of strength--in fact I'd consider it a weakness. Strength, in part is about result. Positive outcomes on a personal level; making decisions based on information and ethics, and in this, strength is equally defined in both men and women.

If someone sat on a hot stove and when they started screaming in pain but continued to sit there because they CHOSE to, is that strength? I call it kind of dumb. :)

Last time I checked, Strength and Intelligence were two different stats that had nothing to do with each other... How much weight a person can lift has no bearing on how well they'll be able to solve a problem. Strong people can be stupid, or smart. You asked for a definition of strength. It does not take intelligence into account, although some people say intelligence is a type of strength.
Well, yeah. But I had no idea we were talking about physical strength. I was under the impression we were talking about ... what? ... "moral strength?" "mental strength?" "strength of character?" Yeah, that's what I was thinking of. And stubbornness plays no role in either character or physical strength.

Moral strength is being able to stick to your beliefs under pressure. Moral intelligence is being able to change your beliefs based on evidence for or against them. Having both means that you will keep your beliefs in the face of anything except evidence against them. This is a good thing.

Mental strength is not losing your mind no matter what other people tell you about yourself. Mental intelligence is being able to solve problems based on the information at hand.

Strength of character is sticking to your morals no matter what happens around you. Intelligence of character is matching your morals to the situation. I believe that the best people have a mixture of strength and intelligence when it comes to their character- they have a good base of things that are morally good no matter what situation, and a decent handle on when things require that they put other morals aside.
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Agree. :)

I might add, once again about stubbornness, that if one's personal ethos (or morals) is such that it includes a certain amount of pragmatism, then it complements all one's other forms of strength. If one's ethos is based more on superstition than reason, or conversely, logic alone with no empathy, then in the long run it will weaken one. Strength = Balance. :)
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Nordling said:
Well, yeah. But I had no idea we were talking about physical strength. I was under the impression we were talking about ... what? ... "moral strength?" "mental strength?" "strength of character?" Yeah, that's what I was thinking of. And stubbornness plays no role in either character or physical strength.

just following along...definitely strength of embodies both the personal and social qualities we think of as valuable to the individual, imo
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SweepTheLeg said:
Because he came out and actually said it. While the rest of the GOP is voting on preventing abortions in any case no matter what. What counts more- them denouncing him, or their voting record?
Not only that, but if they truly thought what he said was heinous then why aren't they calling for him to resign from Congress?
You can get pregnant in a car.
You can get pregnant in a bar.
You can get pregnant on a hill.
You can get pregnant on the pill.

You can get pregnant near or far,
It doesn’t matter who you are.
You can get pregnant in a house.
You can get pregnant by a louse.

You can get pregnant here or there.
You can get pregnant anywhere.
In a plane or on a train,
in a box or with a fox.

Standing up or sitting down,
It matters not when sperm’s around.
You can get pregnant if you’re raped,
Science truths you can’t escape.

I do not like the awful lies
That hurt the ones whom it implies
Can control their conception
Through “legitimate rape” sperm detection.

You should not lead our sacred land,
If anti-science is your plan.
I do not like what you are sayin’,
I do not like it, Mr. Akin.
Hey, that other republitard had a great point...
Aspirin is a jim dandy contraceptive, ya put it between your knees.

I imagine it's a good rape prevention drug too, you just have to hold it tighter!

The scary thing is, more people than you realize think this way.
They probably don't know anyone who's been raped. The ones that do change their tunes real fast.
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