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Why we need sex education (AKA Todd Akin)

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inkydoo said:
I honestly don't even know where to start with this:

Seriously, what the fuck is "legitimate rape" supposed to mean.

This ought to tell you everything you need to know about this guy:

"This month, Akin won the state's Republican U.S. Senate primary by a comfortable margin. During the primary, Akin enhanced his standing with TV ads in which former Arkansas governor and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee praised him as "a courageous conservative" and "a Bible-based Christian" who "supports traditional marriage" and "defends the unborn.""

Click "next candidate" :mrgreen:

I guess the most surprising thing is this guy has already won 6 elections! He's been in the House since he won the seat in 2000. If anyone has any doubts about this dude, here is a quote from a radio show in 2011 *from wikipedia* :

"Well, I think NBC has a long record of being very liberal, and at the heart of liberalism really is a hatred for God and a belief that government should replace God.... This is a systematic effort to try to separate our faith and God, which is a source in our belief in individual liberties, from our country. And when you do that you tear the heart out of our country."

Holy fucking jihad, Batman! There is so much WTF in there, I don't know where to start.
Gone are the days of taking pills and shots, applying irritating patches to our skin and inserting uncomfortable devices into our vaginas. If you don't want to get pregnant, just tell yourself that it was rape and you won't conceive! ;)
I don't know this Akin guy from Adam, just trying to explain what he meant. Legitimate rape? I thought WTF too, but then I realized it was a poor attempt at saying how many false rape accusations there are. Just a couple weeks ago here, a woman said she was pulled over by an unmarked car with a siren on the dash. She said a man posing as an officer pulled her over and sexually assaulted her. One week later, $60 thousand in police overtime, unknown panic caused to women and people in the area... all for nothing because she admittedly made it up.

It happens!

As for the women's body naturally defending against a rape pregnancy, that's news to me. I would guess there's probably some truth to that but another stupid comment indeed.
Bocefish said:
I don't know this Akin guy from Adam, just trying to explain what he meant. Legitimate rape? I thought WTF too, but then I realized it was a poor attempt at saying how many false rape accusations there are.
I don't think that's what he meant, since the chances of getting pregnant from a rape that you totally made up are (excluding miracles) 0%.

No, I think he's among that dumb-ass part of the population (like Whoopi) who thinks there's rape and then there's "rape-rape". Arrggh, must.. stop.. brain.. from.. exploding.
inkydoo said:
Bocefish said:
I don't know this Akin guy from Adam, just trying to explain what he meant. Legitimate rape? I thought WTF too, but then I realized it was a poor attempt at saying how many false rape accusations there are.
I don't think that's what he meant, since the chances of getting pregnant from a rape that you totally made up are (excluding miracles) 0%.

No, I think he's among that dumb-ass part of the population (like Whoopi) who thinks there's rape and then there's "rape-rape". Arrggh, must.. stop.. brain.. from.. exploding.

Simple scenario:

Man meets woman in bar/grocery store/church. Both are sober. They go to his hotel room and after a few drinks they have sex, cumming in whatever hole fits the story. The next day she cries rape for any reason you want to conjur up (mentally disturbed, gold digging, fame hound etc...).

She reports the rape and has a rape kit done etc... His DNA is found inside her.

Is it a legitimate rape?

Please remember that for this scenario it is a given that he did NOT actually rape her.

It seems that all the alleged victim has to do is state "it was not consensual" then the accused has to prove that it was. I'm guessing that's what he meant by legitimate. :dontknow:
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I think it was a conservative being stuck in a pro-life corner where abortion is never okay. But he didn't want to just come out and say that and risk losing any moderate or independent votes who may not agree with that sentiment so in return sounded completely fucking stupid.
Sure, there are cases where people LIE about being assaulted, but in the case of rape, it's very rare. We hear about it because when it DOES happen, it's particularly disgusting--that anyone would ruin someone else's life for purely selfish reasons. Akin throwing in that word--"legitimate"--as he did was him being a shithead and implying that women USUALLY lie about being raped.

He's a liar and a pig. He needs to PRODUCE the "doctors" he's talked to that said that women have a mechanism that automatically aborts a fetus that is the result of a rape, and said doctors needs to lose their licenses. Except I'm confident there are NO such doctors in Akin's putrid life.
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Just read the part that he's an avid evangelical christian... which explains a lot! It's probably from the scientific school of divine intervention that keeps some female rape victims from getting pregnant. :roll:
The whole theory sounds like it came from a deleted Clerks II scene. They left in the scene where Elias talks about how his "girlfriend" won't let him have sex with her because of Pillow Pants the Pussy Troll (Pussy Trolls are left in girl's vaginas until they're adults so that any man trying to have sex with them will have their penis bit off by the troll... or at least this is what this girl has told Elias) and that she can't kiss him because of Lister Fiend (Mouth Troll). Maybe they took out the scene where he spoke about the Pregnation Troll that prevents women from being impregnated through rape :?
Now he's claiming that he "misspoke." No, Todd, misspeaking is mispronouncing a word or using the wrong word and changing the meaning of a statement. This was a full-fledged review of his real thoughts, which is borne out by his voting record and bills he supports. In one bill, he wants to change the "definition of rape."
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He's far from the first to use terms like "legitimate rape." Ron Paul once, in a similar discussion, used “honest rape.” WTF?
In a country where FAR more rapes go unreported by women who are scared, embarrassed or ashamed than get reported by women who weren't raped, there can't be any reason to discuss false accusations as though they are the major problem. The blatant misogyny happening in American politics is terrifying. If women would just open their eyes and refuse to vote for these sort of pigs, things might get a little better.
JickyJuly said:
In a country where FAR more rapes go unreported by women who are scared, embarrassed or ashamed than get reported by women who weren't raped, there can't be any reason to discuss false accusations as though they are the major problem. The blatant misogyny happening in American politics is terrifying. If women would just open their eyes and refuse to vote for these sort of pigs, things might get a little better.
No kidding, when I first saw the headlines I thought it was a joke or something. I still can't believe he was serious when he made those comments. Here's someone who obviously only has sex in the missionary position with a wife who must hate sex and loathe him. He probably uses his tears as lube when he tries and fails to masturbate.
SweepTheLeg said:
HEY! I hate the guy too, but let's not bad mouth the using of tears for lube okay?
Fair enough, but this guy still has problems. Maybe he used hot sauce or acid instead of tears then. Whatever he's doing, he's doing it wrong and he sounds very ignorant in general. ... alone-770/

And scarily, this is not the first time we’ve heard that silly statement.
Rep. Stephen Freind from Delaware once said that the odds that a woman who is raped will get pregnant are “one in millions and millions and millions.” Why? Because the traumatic experience of rape causes a woman to “secrete a certain secretion” that tends to kill sperm. Of course! Why didn’t the 32,000 women who get pregnant each year from rape just think of that? Thankfully, two Philadelphia doctors specializing in human reproduction characterized Freind’s remark as scientifically baseless.

SweepTheLeg said:
My guess is he doesn't masturbate, and that's the problem. The only times he's ever ejaculated has been the times his wife has gotten pregnant.

They must have been occasions of "legitimate rape" as it appears he has no children


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Because nothing makes you feel more like a man than looking at a rape victim who got pregnant and saying, "You wanted it and it was your choice to have a child with him."
Akin said: "It seems to me, first of all, from what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."

When I first read this statement, I raged but when I googled him and realized he has no kids I put two and two together to figure this out. He's never had sex so he couldn't possibly understand how reproduction works. :whistle:

Also, he looks like the weird guy who begs you to open his cam only to be licking the air and typing 'mmmmm bb' in a PM when you do.


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AllisonWilder said:
Akin said: "It seems to me, first of all, from what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."

When I first read this statement, I raged but when I googled him and realized he has no kids I put two and two together to figure this out.
Or, in a much darker conclusion, perhaps he knows all this because he himself has "legitimately" raped women, and they've never gotten pregnant.
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