Firstly, I'll give Evelyn the benefit of the doubt because English isn't her first language and say her posts come across as blunter than they are meant to be. When you aren't using your native language you often don't have the nuances to express as subtly with words what you may be trying to say. So when expressing your opinion with the most common and prolific terms it can come across as harsher and blunter.
Also (and I am digressing here a bit) I've also found that European models often sound more angry/forceful/upset than they are, just because the emphasis on how words are pronounces are sometime different. I've heard what I thought were huge argument between cam models, and when asked 'what was that all about?' told, just saying goodbye, and working out where we are going to meet up later! (To me it was sounding like, 'and if I ever see you again I am going to pull all your hair out! - lol) So lets remember everything is relative.
Anyway, I don't think there is any one winning formula that works on MFCs, if there was all the girls would use it and everyone would be happy! Saying that camming isn't hard work though? Well maybe it isn't to all of the models, but that is a total insult to any career models here that take it seriously.
I know models who put as much work into planning things off cam as appearing on, and work insanely long shifts! As a member, I can't always even sit and watch an entire shift that some models do because I get to tired, or need a break from being in front of the screen. And I'm not having to host and moderate a room, entertain a crowd, anticipate what is going to be popular that shift, deal with directors, deal with pms that range from abuse to marriage proposals, have random emocons of dicks posted all over my wall, and all for an unguaranteed wage that really depends on so many outside factors, its totally beyond control.
Anyway Evelyn, going back to your original post with the quote that ,'says EVERYTHING', let me share with you as a member who has worked very closely with a model to try and improve her earnings, some of my thoughts.
Is there luck involved,? - well of course there is. But I agree with everyone saying you make your own luck. The vast majority of models that have made it - in my eyes as a member - all offer something a cut above the models that aren't quite there yet. Weather you can see what they offer is an entirely different thing. They aren't online for you to judge how they run their room, they are there to make the most of the shift they can. If that means typing away in PM to the 2 or 3 members that make their targets, while barely speaking to the rest of the room, that's targeting an audience. If that works for them, its not being lazy! That's exactly what advertisers do. And modeling is about good advertising as much as having a good body. From what I've heard straight from many models, being an online friend, lover, agony aunt, shoulder to cry on, marriage councilor, or any one of a thousand forms of therapist is just as hard or harder, and sometimes more emotionally tiring and scarier than setting targets and doing shows. It gets into your head in different ways. Those models may look boring or lazy in their room, but then devote as long as they were online, texting, yahooing, skyping and generally providing the 'not a model, but a friend' experience in their own time, to be able to act that way in their rooms.
I do believe that camaraderie in the room helps, and draws more tips, and off course members trying to beat each other is amazing for a model. But there must be something in the first place to make those members stay. 'I think most of them couldn't give a shit about the model.' - wow, there are jerks online who really don't give a shit about the model, but they don't last in any models room long. Even in the most cliquey rooms I've been in, it's obvious the members who are there for the long term love and adore the model. Liking other members is a bonus, but you want to see what you are talking about get an account and visit the lounge for a little. Lots of bragging and vile behavior and no need to tip at all. Popular rooms can work in reverse you know. If I enter a room and everyone knows each other and its full of in jokes, I might like the model, but its to hard to find an in, and in most cases I'll drift back out of the room.
All the other things in the post you quoted that are 'negative' - tipping wars, buying raffle tickets, paying high tokens for the model to write the name on their body, fast countdowns - aren't at all negative! They are negative because they aren't happening in the posters room! It they were she would probably be happy! Raffles remind her of old people so she doesn't like them? Ok, forget who you want to hang out with in your real life social circle, think of who is going to have the most disposable income to tip you. I'd run raffles, play 70's and 80's music in your room (The decades, not the age of the music!), be the online younger woman, offer a pension card discount on content! Cam smart. (cam S-mart)
Broke guys in the room can be annoying, but probably not as annoying as no one in your room at all. And you know what? Being honest to them helps. Don't give them guilt trips, but let them know you are there to work, and you have to give priority to members that may or are tipping. If they become propriatorial in your room and start asking for tips or giving unwanted advise, just let it be known you don't want that, most do it because they think they are helping. You know the tips you may find more meaningful down the track aren't the ones from rich members that throw tokens around, but from members that find it hard to tip, but when they can give you all they have. In my friends room there was a guy who didn't tip for nearly a year, but didn't make himself a nuisance either. Then at Christmas used his entire Christmas bonus on a tip for her, with a basic note saying sorry he couldn't do that more, he wished he could, and thanks for never sending him away. Lots of members are dicks, but some will surprise you in the future.
I have lots more I could say, but wont have the time to type it all. Just be a smart model, find a niche, try and be or provide what members want, work hard, work regular hours, don't work more than one site if you are on MFCs, watch other models and see how they work - don't judge them - learn from them. There are lots of lovely models here that share their thought and time, use them as a resource. Good luck!