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Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests muted?

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Feb 20, 2012
It doesnt take a rocket surgeon to realize that the guests are the basics of tomorrow and the basics are the premiums of tomorrow. It really rubs me the wrong way when models mute basics and guests without any other reason other than the fact that they are talking and hanging out.

You're right. It's your room. It's your store. It's at your discretion. I just dont know too many businesses that essentially kick out customers for the sole reason of the not having any money. It's not like they tried to buy with no money, steal, or be unruly, they were just hanging out. It also bugs me that models let their "regulars" practically do w/e they want and dont hold them to the same standard as a non-regular, guests, or basic.

If im a regular in your room I act no different than when I was not a regular. I think regulars who act like douche bags because you let them actually hurt your room as a whole especially if they are the type of "regular" who tips you big one week then never tips you again.

So why am I here? Because im a premium disguised as a basic. You'd be surprised how many girls try to mute me thinking that im a basic the moment I even type anything. I actually had one girl say "OMG you stupid basic STFU!!" before she muted the basics. This happened after I said "Wow, thats a nice painting there, did you paint it?" lol. Most girls are too stupid to even realize that im a premium which is why muting basics and guests doesnt work and that im just using the basic font.


Unless you have a storm of "open tits bb" or "how mch tks to fck ur cat" type basics and guests, you might wanna calm down on the muting and choose to ban instead. Encouraging basics and guests by allowing them to participate in your room helps everyone as a whole. They may not have tokens now, but tokens are just a few clicks away.
Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

I think they mute them, because most are stupid and never contribute anything useful to the conversation. I personally fail to see the difficulty in getting 20 dollars if they want to talk.
Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

Every time I unmute them I either recieve crickets or extremely rude comments. I've had maybe one or two decent basics (have never had anything decent said by a guest) speak to me in the whole time I've been camming. Eventually you just stop wanting to try. I wouldn't mind letting them speak if 1) they would speak and 2) when they do speak they speak like decent humans. As a naked girl on your computer screen I feel like I do not deserve silence or negativity. Just my :twocents-02cents:
Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

Unless you have a storm of "open tits bb" or "how mch tks to fck ur cat" type basics and guests
This is what most guests and basics are like, though. That's not a rare occurrence. There's a reason that most girls mute them and it's not because we're all horrible bitches.

I have never seen a reason to allow guests to talk - they have not taken the time to even register a free screen name, so it's difficult to carry on a conversation with them, and afaik they don't keep the same guest number attached to their IP so they can't really become regulars. If they are interested in testing the site out, they should just take a few minutes to make a basic account. I occasionally allow basics to talk, but it gets very annoying quickly. I generally just keep them muted for that reason. Not to mention, a lot of premiums are very irritated by guests and basics - why would I want to annoy the people who are tipping me?

The bottom line is that 95% of basics and guests are obnoxious trolls, and I'm not going to disrupt the flow of my chat room and interrupt my show to continually ban people. They can watch my shows but if they would like to interact with me, it's a 1 time $20 fee. I think that's more than fair for live interactive porn.
Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

i did let basics talk to keep my room's conversation going until i didn't need that to keep things lively anymore (a few weeks into MFC). It's hard enough to keep track of what the premiums are saying these days - i have a chatty room. Also, it's only $20 once to be able to talk to any girl on the site...forever. What is that, like, 3 coffees at Starbucks?

As a model, you want the guests and basics to have an incentive to finally pay something to the site. That incentive should be interaction. Live interaction is the thing that differentiates us from regular porn. As a talking guest or basic, why pay if you're getting that already?

i'll even let brain scientists in. ;)


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Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

SophiaLocke said:
As a model, you want the guests and basics to have an incentive to finally pay something to the site. That incentive should be interaction. Live interaction is the thing that differentiates us from regular porn. As a talking guest or basic, why pay if you're getting that already?

See, that's where we see differently. People are going to be douche bags whether they've paid their $20 or not. There are lots premiums who buy features and the "right to talk" and they act no differently than when they were a basic. I actually quit going to a girls room because every time I see her on, she has this one regular who constantly tries to "police" her room. There's just always this level of tension in there when hes on, sort if like coming over for dinner with your girlfriends parents for the first time. I'm sure you guys know what im talking about.

I'm no MFC expert but it does seem like the most successful girls here are the ones that interact with the chat room the most, whether they're speaking to basics or premium regulars is a moot point. I'm coming from the point of view that once a basic hangs out in a room full of premiums and enjoys themselves they have more than enough "incentive" to upgrade to tip or join a show.

I really think a bad premium kills your room more than bad basics. I cant tell you how many times ive bailed on a room once the e-lover/chat police show up and kills all the fun.

I concede that guests probably should be muted as someone serious would probably at least register to the site and become a basic.
Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

H_o_r_i_z_o_N said:
See, that's where we see differently. People are going to be douche bags whether they've paid their $20 or not. There are lots premiums who buy features and the "right to talk" and they act no differently than when they were a basic.
Yeah some premiums act like douchebags of course, but nowhere near the amount of begging, insulting and downright cruel guests and basics.

I've cancelled tips, and left rooms, several times because I just can't and don't want to deal with basics and guests running rampant, begging, filling up the chat with broken English, and insulting paying customers.

Models don't owe guests or basics a damn thing, and it's easy to sit on this side of the keyboard and say "they should do this" or "they'd make more money if they did that", but sometimes they just do what they have to do to get by and if that includes muting 300 nasty teenage trolls then who are we to tell them otherwise?
Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

I don't always mute basics because they've at least taken the time to register a screen name, but I do usually keep guests on mute since they annoy my regulars.

It is very disruptive to have to stop what I'm doing to search out that 1 guest in the list to ban them only to have them either come right back or they've been disruptive enough already to have gotten other guests in on the behavior.

Really though, I've had premiums ask why I let guests/basics talk and I used to say that they're premiums of the future. Their typical response: "Yeah, that's cool, but now you're paying all this attention to non-paying people when I'm here, with tokens, feeling ignored."

Rock? Meet hard place.
Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

H_o_r_i_z_o_N said:
I actually quit going to a girls room because every time I see her on, she has this one regular who constantly tries to "police" her room. There's just always this level of tension in there when hes on, sort if like coming over for dinner with your girlfriends parents for the first time. I'm sure you guys know what im talking about.

I know those kinds of guys, I'm sure we all do, but they don't really bother me. They certainly wouldn't keep me away from a girl's room. I try to get along with regulars, and mostly do, rather than looking at them as a me vs them kind of deal, which is what I pick up from your post.

The fact that these guys bother you suggests that either a) you're antagonising them or their model, b) just not fitting in with the room's "vibe" or c) feeling a bit left-out. My advice would be to not pay so much attention to them and what they're doing, and try to enjoy yourself in the room more.

H_o_r_i_z_o_N said:
I'm coming from the point of view that once a basic hangs out in a room full of premiums and enjoys themselves they have more than enough "incentive" to upgrade to tip or join a show.
So, getting to watch gorgeous women chatting, laughing, dancing, stripping, masturbating live isn't enough incentive? You want to give them more? Many people would argue that the signup rate would be higher if you didn't give them as much as they get now.
Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

Jupiter551 said:
Jupiter551 said:
I know those kinds of guys, I'm sure we all do, but they don't really bother me. They certainly wouldn't keep me away from a girl's room.
I've cancelled tips, and left rooms, several times because I just can't and don't want to deal with basics and guests running rampant, begging, filling up the chat with broken English, and insulting paying customers.

Wait. So, you're saying guests and basics that you can turn off make you leave rooms whereas "room heroes" dont?

Then you say...

Jupiter551 said:
The fact that these guys bother you suggests that either a) you're antagonising them or their model, b) just not fitting in with the room's "vibe" or c) feeling a bit left-out. My advice would be to not pay so much attention to them and what they're doing, and try to enjoy yourself in the room more.

You forgot D) None of the above.

My advice to you is to turn off basics and guests on your end if they bother you that much. Turning guests/basics off for you only is not the same as the model muting all of them, obviously, but for you its the same result. The only reason I can see a premium wanting all guests/basics to be muted by the model is so they can feel "special" as a premium.

Jupiter551 said:
So, getting to watch gorgeous women chatting, laughing, dancing, stripping, masturbating live isn't enough incentive? You want to give them more? Many people would argue that the signup rate would be higher if you didn't give them as much as they get now.

A poor and/or cheap premium is the same as a guest. They're both worth 0 tokens. If you want a free show... you can just lurk as a guest and see the same thing as a premium in a public show. You dont need to sign up for that.

You only sign up if you want to spend money. Plain and simple.

Jupiter551 said:
Models don't owe guests or basics a damn thing, and it's easy to sit on this side of the keyboard and say "they should do this" or "they'd make more money if they did that", but sometimes they just do what they have to do to get by and if that includes muting 300 nasty teenage trolls then who are we to tell them otherwise?

You're right. They owe us nothing! But all im saying is that this whole "VIP baller" method isnt the only way to make money. Someone who thinks like you doesnt see the value in giving away free porn for example. All you can see are the 99 misses per the 1 hit. What you dont realize is that the minor inconvenience of bandwidth (or not muting basics/guests) you've made $10.99 or w/e off the one hit.

I can tell you're one of the premiums who thinks they're above everyone else. You've forgotten that you were a basic once.
Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

Hey, we were all basics once, even I was. I am a premium and I think your posts are falling on deaf ears because A) Models are in control of how they run their rooms and they know what is best for their room.
B) I know as a model and from the premium perspective that 95% of all basics/guests are beggars and rude assholes who try to manipulate and figure out ways to get a girl to show for free.
C) I know, we as models shouldn't let a few rotten eggs spoil the whole bunch, but honestly, in order to understand why we do it, you would have to take a walk in our shoes.

I agree somewhat with what you are saying, but guests/basics hide behind their names and they disrespect models and troll rooms. I for one hate the annoying guests that keep spamming "show" "Do This". You have your heart in the right place, but can you see the whole entire picture? I spent the $20 for premium membership. so what makes all the basics and guests any better to not have to? If they can talk for free, why would they ever go prem.? It's 20 flippin' bucks, not that much damn money, and you don't ever have to get tokens again to keep the status. So anyway, Look at the BIG picture.
Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

While the 'we were all basics once' is a nice nostalgic bit to try and argue your point with, I know many many more, including myself, that blew right past 'Basic blue' and went straight to premium. It was done quite simply to be able to tip a beautiful lady that had impressed me. IMO, if you're here and are 'worth your salt,' trolling around as a basic really doesn't contribute to anything but the numbers of registered folks on site which is purely a marketing thing for MFC. :twocents-02cents:
Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

As a high-RP premium, I need to make the following points:

- 95% of basics are not completed fucktards. The percentage is closer to 99%.
- If I enter a model's room and see a wall of basic blue font, I immediately leave.
- I never spent a single second as a basic. I put a whopping $20 down from the get-go.
- Fuck basics.
Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

I believe ( correct me if I'm wrong, Models only) The models only have a set amount of space on their BAN lists. And it does no good to ban a guest as they can sign out and log back on under another GUEST account. And why use up the space on your list for non-paying douchebags/trolls. The models have enough assholes to BAN with PREMIUM dickheads that only try to disrupt the room or cause problems for the model. Thus muting all but Premium members reduces the aggravation the model has to deal with on a daily basis.
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Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

My regulars hate basics and guests. They actually tip me to mute them. I can get some pretty high room counts at times and the majority of people watching are guests and basics. When I don't mute them 90% of my chat room consists of:
"bb mmmm"
"fist ass please"
"open dat pussy"
"you fucking ugly bitch"
"no tits"
"hola muy caliente"
"doggy pls"
"hi daughter, this is dad."
When I do mute them, I only get those comments once every 20min. or so. I do not tolerate idiocy. The premium members in my room appreciate that greatly. I just had a member last week compliment my room and how great the guys are in it. He said how distracting it is when the room is filled with morons and the girls don't mute or ban them. My sanity is worth WAY more than a few guys becoming premium and tipping me because I let them talk as a basic. Just like you don't like when girls mute them, my guys don't like when girls don't. Everyone is going to like different things. That's okay. I do what's best for me and whoever doesn't appreciate that, can go to a different model. Can't please everyone, so I please myself and hope their are members that feel the same way I do about it.
Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

bud9752 said:
I believe ( correct me if I'm wrong, Models only) The models only have a set amount of space on their BAN lists. And it does no good to ban a guest as they can sign out and log back on under another GUEST account. And why use up the space on your list for non-paying douchebags/trolls. The models have enough assholes to BAN with PREMIUM dickheads that only try to disrupt the room or cause problems for the model. Thus muting all but Premium members reduces the aggravation the model has to deal with on a daily basis.
I banned over 300 basics one night, so I think you could be incorrect on that. But still.
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Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

The majority of basics and guests are rude. I mean that, majority. If you dont believe us, make a model account (Im guessing you're a guy, so you'd need to find a different site) and let everyone talk for an hour. I have had less premiums be rude, threaten me, and OMGBB OPEN UR TITZ RUB SHOW OK? . With a limited number of bans Id rather make them from a smaller pool.

Also, many guests and basics could be underage, and I dont feel comfortable interacting with teens/children in that environment.

Its just too much to put up with for the one or two sane people who might sign up. In order for me to provide a comfortable, fun environment for my members, it needs to be a comfortable fun environment for me too! Until I get an hourly wage, that's too much to expect from me. :lol: But I guess I'm stupid and just stuck up then.
Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

In my experience the ONLY people who complain about guests and basics being muted are guests and basics.

Have you ever even been in a room where they are allowed to chat? They are so incredibly annoying that other basics/guests will beg for them to be muted, thus surrendering their own ability to chat just so they don't have to read all the other bullshit. That says a lot, I think.
Also consider that with all the public shows and such around now, the only difference between a guest/basic and a premium is a fancy bold font and the ability to chat. Why should basics be given the same privileges as premiums? I don't really think they should. If a guy doesn't think it's worth 20 dollars to become a premium and be able to talk to models, why should he be worth my time?
This isn't even about being token hungry either, it's the principle of it.

When I start my shift I mute guests right off the bat, but basics are soon to follow because pretty much immediately I get a wall of nonsense. I'm sure there are some good ones, but when it comes down to it it's just not worth my time to leave them all on to weed out the 100s of bad ones, just to allow the one sweet respectful basic to talk. This is especially true for girls with high room counts.
It just doesn't make sense. The ratio of bad basics to good basics is way too high to make leaving them on a sensible thing to do. We would spend all of our time banning instead of being sexy and having fun.

Oh and one more thing, your suggestion for only premiums to mute guests/basics if they're annoying is kind of flawed. If a model is communicating with guests and basics as you feel she should, muting them as a premium would just make things extremely confusing as they would have no idea what the model was talking about anymore. Why should a model inconvenience a guy who HAS paid for these privileges in order to allow the guys who haven't to speak? Again, it makes no sense.
Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

PlayboyMegan said:
I banned over 300 basics one night, so I think you could be incorrect on that. But still.
I actually think he may be right.
When I use the web broadcaster I think I remember seeing something about a 500 person ban limit.
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Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

NoelleBright said:
PlayboyMegan said:
I banned over 300 basics one night, so I think you could be incorrect on that. But still.
I actually think he may be right.
When I use the web broadcaster I think I remember seeing something about a 500 person ban limit.
Oh okay. Well then that would make sense.
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Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

PlayboyMegan said:
NoelleBright said:
PlayboyMegan said:
I banned over 300 basics one night, so I think you could be incorrect on that. But still.
I actually think he may be right.
When I use the web broadcaster I think I remember seeing something about a 500 person ban limit.
Oh okay. Well then that would make sense.
I could definitely be wrong though. I use the ignore feature way more often than banning so I don't get to see that window too often.
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Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

I don't know about anyone else, but the reason I became a premium is because I found a girl I was genuinely interested in having a conversation with. If I'd had that ability as a basic and been treated the same way, maybe I never would have made the initial $20 leap.

The fact is though, too many basics and guests are assholes. That's the bottom line. If I were a model, I wouldn't want to deal with that aggrivation either. I don't know what the correlation is between being cheap and being a dick, but it's obviously there, and the guests and basics on MFC prove it.
Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

I will give basics a chance when I first log in. Usually, it's easily managed by a simple ban. Don't get me wrong, not every basic is a demanding troll. Most of the time though, what starts as polite chit chat turns into begging, so they end up being muted before too long.

Guests, however, are a different story. Creating a basic account is completely free. They have the time to sit in a model's room and watch a free show, but can't take a couple minutes to create an account? Shenanigans, I say.
Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Cheers to every model that mutes basics and guests. Yes, I started out as a basic. Unfortunately, as a basic, my comments could hardly be taken seriously because my peers were a bunch of douchebags. It appeared as though the only basics that ever spoke were always rude with misogynist tendencies. I could say "hello" and try to be cool, but I would be treated warily since I was one of the barbarians. Then I met Starz and her crew. They were having fun interactions and I wanted to be a part of that. I didn't want to be one of the douchebags, so I purchased my first token package. That's when I could truly experience how I was meant to experience MFC. If I was able to chat and hang out in any room as a basic, I probably would never have made my first token purchase. So I totally agree with muting basics. Hoozah!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

@OP: To be clear, I recognize that I do not know you and I am wise enough to not go flitting around the interwebs making ill informed snap judgements about strangers. But this statement made me :icon-eek:

H_o_r_i_z_o_N said:
So why am I here? Because im a premium disguised as a basic. You'd be surprised how many girls try to mute me thinking that im a basic the moment I even type anything. I actually had one girl say "OMG you stupid basic STFU!!" before she muted the basics. This happened after I said "Wow, thats a nice painting there, did you paint it?" lol. Most girls are too stupid to even realize that im a premium which is why muting basics and guests doesnt work and that im just using the basic font.

In made me think:

"Wow, changing your font size and colour to mimic that of a basic - that's pretty crafty. Do your balls get really twitchy when these scenarios play themselves out and you get to gleefully inform the young woman she's failed your ingenious test of character and intellectual capacity?"

But I'll go ahead and not make random assumptions about your emotional maturity or leanings towards passive aggression and manipulation. I'm sure your reasoning for mimicking a basic has a perfectly logical explanation and that your condemnation of models who then confuse you with a basic also makes perfect fucking sense in the proper context.

Models who have a genuine hate-on for guests and basics irk me too - I don't think it's good business to be rude to the entire potential client base based on the offensive actions of a few. It's easy enough to make the problem go away (mute 'em) therefore it's just not necessary to get so worked up and confrontational about it.

I mute Guests and Basics each and every shift but no one could ever accuse me of being condescending, confrontational or cunty about it. It's my job as a model to inspire guests and basics to sign up and keep the circle of life going on MFC. It's my prerogative as a model to choose to focus my attention on the dudes who fall into the Token Achievement Unlocked category. I could try and selectively ban the most vocal "undesirables" in the room but that would require I take my hands off my boobs and redirect my attention to clickity-clicking the underachievers away. Even guests and basics would agree that my time is better spent playing with my tits than playing with my keyboard.
Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

Marokite said:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Cheers to every model that mutes basics and guests. Yes, I started out as a basic. Unfortunately, as a basic, my comments could hardly be taken seriously because my peers were a bunch of douchebags. It appeared as though the only basics that ever spoke were always rude with misogynist tendencies. I could say "hello" and try to be cool, but I would be treated warily since I was one of the barbarians. Then I met Starz and her crew. They were having fun interactions and I wanted to be a part of that. I didn't want to be one of the douchebags, so I purchased my first token package. That's when I could truly experience how I was meant to experience MFC. If I was able to chat and hang out in any room as a basic, I probably would never have made my first token purchase. So I totally agree with muting basics. Hoozah!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Why would I throw 20$ toward the site when I can chat and watch as many free shows as I want? Until MFC cracks down on public shows, there's little incentive to go premium. Unless you're one of those decent guys who feels guilty about the freeloading. Getting unmuted seems to be the only thing a lot of guys are "buying" (look how many 20 pointers there are)
Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

MercyRain said:
C) I know, we as models shouldn't let a few rotten eggs spoil the whole bunch, but honestly, in order to understand why we do it, you would have to take a walk in our shoes.

A few maybe, but when 11 of your dozen are rotten, maybe that's not the box of eggs you should be buying. :mrgreen:
Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

H_o_r_i_z_o_N said:
It doesnt take a rocket surgeon to realize that the guests are the basics of tomorrow and the basics are the premiums of tomorrow. It really rubs me the wrong way when models mute basics and guests without any other reason other than the fact that they are talking and hanging out.

You're right. It's your room. It's your store. It's at your discretion. I just dont know too many businesses that essentially kick out customers for the sole reason of the not having any money. It's not like they tried to buy with no money, steal, or be unruly, they were just hanging out. It also bugs me that models let their "regulars" practically do w/e they want and dont hold them to the same standard as a non-regular, guests, or basic.

If im a regular in your room I act no different than when I was not a regular. I think regulars who act like douche bags because you let them actually hurt your room as a whole especially if they are the type of "regular" who tips you big one week then never tips you again.

So why am I here? Because im a premium disguised as a basic. You'd be surprised how many girls try to mute me thinking that im a basic the moment I even type anything. I actually had one girl say "OMG you stupid basic STFU!!" before she muted the basics. This happened after I said "Wow, thats a nice painting there, did you paint it?" lol. Most girls are too stupid to even realize that im a premium which is why muting basics and guests doesnt work and that im just using the basic font.


Unless you have a storm of "open tits bb" or "how mch tks to fck ur cat" type basics and guests, you might wanna calm down on the muting and choose to ban instead. Encouraging basics and guests by allowing them to participate in your room helps everyone as a whole. They may not have tokens now, but tokens are just a few clicks away.

If it bothers you that much, then maybe stop using basic font? LOL. You are a PREMIUM. You've made the commitment to become a premium for life (which I think is awesome), yet you choose to disguise yourself as a basic? And your "Models are too stupid to realize that I'm a premium" comment makes you sound like a jerk. Like I said, if the misunderstanding bothers you, why continue to pose as a basic?

Also, many of the guys on this forum have admitted that they are turned off by rooms where guest and basic conversation is taking up most of the screen. And I can understand that. You would THINK the guests and basics would be grateful to find a model who will actually let them talk, and that they would be good to that model. WRONG! They take advantage of that model's kindness, and they do the typical "pay her a compliment, and 10 secs. later ask her to show tits/pussy/ass/feet" routine. And I know that premiums sometimes do that shit too (but at least they've spent money on the site). But trust me, it's a lot worse in a room where guests and basics are talking.

I had a few basics who I considered my "favorite basics." Then one of them got bold enough to bug me on Twitter for my phone number several times (he tweeted the hell outta other models for their phone numbers too), and he acted like a baby when I refused. And the other "favorite basic" of mine finally upgraded AFTER I started muting guests and basics regularly. He HATED not being able to talk in the So he upgraded to become a 20-point premium, and he bragged about his new premium status, even though he never bought tokens again. He claimed that he couldn't buy tokens anymore because he was house-hunting, YET he'd frequently offer to take me out to lunch sometime, offer to pay my Sprint phone bill, and offer to have fruit shipped to my house...lmao. :lol: He was one of those basics who thought that shouting "RATE AND ADMIRE HER, GUYS! SUPPORT THE CAUSE!" made up for him not tipping.

Also, guests and basics shouldn't bitch when their silly requests to "Finger dat ass" aren't satisfied. They should be grateful that MFC allows them UNLIMITED amount of time in a model's room. If that model is on cam for 6 hours straight, those guys CAN remain in her room and watch the entire time. Other sites would've automatically booted them after x minutes.

I've said it before and I'll say it again...compared to all of the other cam sites, guys on MFC have got it made. You can buy token packages as small as ten tokens (for like $1.49, I believe?), you can go back to watch old private shows over and over again, you can hang out in a model's room for as long as you want, you can watch public cum shows all day/night, and you can even exchange contact info with models without her worrying about the site suspending (or banning) her.

Oh, one another thing.....Some of these guests and basics may very well be people that the models know in real life. They're in her room because they know her, and could you imagine how suckish that would be if one of them blurted out her real name (and other personal info) in public chat? This has happened to a cam girl buddy of mine who is a sweetheart. On her freaking birthday, some idiot basic decided to blurt out her real name, as well as other personal info of hers. FUCKED UP.....
Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

PlayboyMegan said:
"bb mmmm"
"fist ass please"
"open dat pussy"
"you fucking ugly bitch"
"no tits"
"hola muy caliente"
"doggy pls"
"hi daughter, this is dad."

this made me LOL- especially the 'hi daughter, this is dad'- because it's SO true.

but i agree with all the above. there's no reason to categorically hate all guests and basics, but for the most part, i think that that cheapness (not wanting to become a premium) goes hand in hand with being an asshole because a lot of those people feel some that they are somehow entitled to watch us work for free, and that can only come from lack of respect.
andddd a lot of them are probably about 14 years old, and therefore don't even have the maturity to participate meaningfully in my chat room. i'm not willing to keep guests and basics unmuted so i can encourage underage kids to participate in the site.
Re: Why do models feel the need to keep basics and guests mu

Why do members feel the need to keep trying to convince models to do things that would either frustrate them or make them lose money?

And LovelyLemon, a thanks is not enough. You made me LOL and I can't imagine you being more true about his motivation!

"How clever of me, looking all basic-like. How stupid of her not to know that I'm a premium. I r superior. Also I have a penis. Bow. Now."
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