Just realized I never really have posted on here.
My name's Dria, and I cam on Chaturbate. I'm thinking about trying other websites, but I've heard that while you're getting comfortable, it's best to just stick with one website. I'm a new cam model, and I honestly would have never seen myself doing anything in the adult entertainment industry considering that I'm one of the shyest and most socially awkward people I know of. When I'm not camming, I'm either working on school work for my college classes, out hiking if it's nice out, or cooking bomb ass vegan food in my kitchen.
My name's Dria, and I cam on Chaturbate. I'm thinking about trying other websites, but I've heard that while you're getting comfortable, it's best to just stick with one website. I'm a new cam model, and I honestly would have never seen myself doing anything in the adult entertainment industry considering that I'm one of the shyest and most socially awkward people I know of. When I'm not camming, I'm either working on school work for my college classes, out hiking if it's nice out, or cooking bomb ass vegan food in my kitchen.