Inactive Cam Model
hey i'm mina! i'm starting mfc this month with zero xp and am a little overwhelmed but this forum has been the shit so thank you nice users and hopefully we will become better acquainted 
Hey , im looking for a web designer i'm guessing since your on here its adult sites you do ?xHi im Ayumi
I am a webmaster / web designer and retired cam model.
Have a nice day and I hope someone gets you a cake
Omg not only do I love your avatar but the fact that you mentioned cats in your intro makes me want to be your friend hahahaHi, hello!I'm Jade, I'm preparing myself in every which way I can to become a cam model - super stoked. I enjoy cats, coffee, and video games, and (this just in) all of the emojis on this site
Hi Ana, I'm Ella! I Just turned 18 less than a month ago, and joined MFC about a week ago. So nice to see someone my age around. I have yet to see many teens on these sitesI'm Ana! At least that's the name I ~think~ I'll go by if I start camming. I have been thinking about becoming a cam girl since I turned 18 last October and have been lurking ACF and Stripperweb since.