AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Who the F*$%# are you?! Introduce yourself here.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
zippypinhead said:
And please feel free to reach out to us via Private Message, Skype, or Email if you have any questions.
IP-Police said:
I didn't come in here with a pitch, I simply was introducing myself and that I can provide assistance to those who are interested and that for more information they can contact me directly, that's all dude. We will publicly announce what we do, but anyone with a half a brain would understand that the explaining "how we do it" publicly would be insanely stupid.

There was talk over at KK about a prominent FG capper building a DMCA like service for cam models, and the irony which surrounds it. I am not saying you are that dude, but you might be. :twocents-02cents:

...or I might be just a little paranoid

zippypinhead said:
... And please feel free to reach out to us via Private Message, Skype, or Email if you have any questions.
It's a catchy phrase isn't it? :-D
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PunkInDrublic said:
IP-Police said:
I didn't come in here with a pitch, I simply was introducing myself and that I can provide assistance to those who are interested and that for more information they can contact me directly, that's all dude. We will publicly announce what we do, but anyone with a half a brain would understand that the explaining "how we do it" publicly would be insanely stupid.
Anyone with half a brain would understand how important professionalism is when running a business. You have already embarrassed yourself and your silly business multiple times in this thread. Why would anyone want to hire you when you act like a 9th grader that failed his Intro to Business class?
IP-Police said:
Otherwise if you do not fit into this category please don't waste everyone's time on here with your comments, this is a thread for introductions and not for debates with trolls, in the end nobody cares about negative and pointless remarks :)
Pointless? Your whole business is pointless. Please stop embarrassing yourself and wasting time by pretending like you offer some great service. You could try hiring someone to represent you that won't just cry troll when someone questions you. Your business will still be a joke but at least you won't look like an immature crybaby with every post you make.

Kinda sounds like you might be a pirate yourself. You seem to have invested quite a large amount of your time trashing every single post I've made. So at this point logically it makes perfect sense for a pirate who actively rips off webcam girls to be creating such a stir.

But keep it up, your childish slander has been amusing to the webcam models that have been in contact with me privately since I made this post:)

So move along you worthless troll....
Nachos said:
IP-Police said:
I didn't come in here with a pitch, I simply was introducing myself and that I can provide assistance to those who are interested and that for more information they can contact me directly, that's all dude. We will publicly announce what we do, but anyone with a half a brain would understand that the explaining "how we do it" publicly would be insanely stupid.

There was talk over at KK about a prominent FG capper building a DMCA like service for cam models, and the irony which surrounds it. I am not saying you are that dude, but you might be. :twocents-02cents:

...or I might be just a little paranoid

Paranoia? Sounds more like Dementia... Then again, we do make a lot of pirates pretty paranoid :)
Hiiii, I'm Pawprints. I'm awkward as all Hell, love World of Warcraft and horror movies, and I am a complete and total hermit. Being social on the internet is the bees knees but going outdoors and encountering *gasp* real-life people is super scary. :oops: I love all things dark and creepy, and all things super cute and adorable. I'm always on one extreme side of the spectrum or the other and I'm a weirdo. :shock:
IP-Police said:
Kinda sounds like you might be a pirate yourself. You seem to have invested quite a large amount of your time trashing every single post I've made. So at this point logically it makes perfect sense for a pirate who actively rips off webcam girls to be creating such a stir.
No interest in random pornography. Wrong again junior.
IP-Police said:
But keep it up, your childish slander has been amusing to the webcam models that have been in contact with me privately since I made this post:)
Most models here can see that you are a complete joke. Your posts have all been childish and you've thoroughly embarrassed your product and yourself. If these imaginary models you mention would like to waste money by hiring you, that is their mistake.
IP-Police said:
So move along you worthless troll....
lol that ether i sent your way clearly got to you. All you can reply with is troll. How professional.
Okay, how about everyone agree to stop discussing piracy or other subjects in this thread now. Go create a new thread if you feel like continuing your arguing. I'm sure you all know how to copy and paste from here to a new one.

Meanwhile we can let this thread get back to its original subject. Letting fine looking women folk say howdy.
Hi, I'm Tessa : )

I have lurked here for a year or so now, but have only rarely posted. I have been so grateful for this community.

I've been wanting to cam for a long time, and a few months ago started dabbling a very little bit with Streamate. Now I have discovered Chaturbate, which I think is a much better fit - I want to cam on MFC eventually, but want to start exploring my art without camscore focus.

My signature links to my profiles - even though I don't cam on MFC yet, that's where you can find more "about me" sort of stuff if you're interested. Distilled to a couple lines: I'm a passionate creature, deeply and madly in love with this life and universe. I belong among wild woods and mossy rocks. I love books, wine, garnets, water, science, the internet, animals, and so much more.

So nice to "meet" you all :h:
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Hello, everyone! I am the ThunderWeasel. Yeah, I know, stupid job, but someone has to do it! :D Not my fault that the big blonde dude got the cool hammer, and all they gave me was this lousy pogo stick!

I am what you might call an unrepentant geek. I'm really into things of the sci-fi genre, and a lot of classic (pre-1960s) horror films. It could also be said that I never saw a Godzilla movie that I didn't like. (OK, maybe 1 or 2 of them REALLY sucked, but... :D ) I also have an interest in things paranormal & cryptozoological.

I also have a slightly odd sense of humor, which tends to get me into trouble at times. During those times, I tend to think of it as my "lack of sense" of humor. :mrgreen:
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Herrrro everyone! I am RaveMonstaQT and I cam on mfc! I am excited about joining these forums and learning more about the magical world of camming :) :hello2:
Hi there... I'm... the same name as my username, plus my birth name and a plethora of other usernames I use on other parts of the eenterwebz.

Anyway. I don't have much to say right now. I just joined MFC in January and not too long after stumble upon this forum. So seeing I've been browsing regularly since then I thought I'd jot a quick greeting here before barging in on any other thread discussions I may feel like contributing to.

Hey guys! I'm Dulce! I've been reading/lurking on here for a little while now absorbing the mass amount of information and figured it is time I say hello. :-D

I've been camming on MFC for a couple of months now, and like many, my camscore took a steep fall after losing my new girl status, mainly because I was inconsistent in the past. I plan on working my ass off and getting back up there this year because I know I can do it! :-D

Anyways, I look forward to continuing to read this forum and nice to meet you all!


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Hey there :) My name is Aja and I go by the name AjaAngora on everything :D
I'm 21 and I live in the Bahamas! I've been on this forum for about a week and there is sooooo much info here.
Very helpful. Thank you so very much!

I just broadcasted for the first time today and I was lucky to have a really good experience in my MFC room! I met some really nice people and I hope to meet more here :3 feel free to message me anytime or follow me on twitter by clicking my sig :3

I like film and music and learning about Japanese culture! Right now I watch Shingeki no Kyojin. My fave manga is Hareluya Boy; a 90s shounen (I like shounen) I also play YuGiOh. (Don't hate)

'Kay! I love to talk so I will go before this turns into an essay :p

Hellooooo I'm Voodoo =D
I love music and sex.....I don't think I do anything else than listening to music and having sex.
I'm in the process of becoming a camgirl on MFC and I'm REALLY looking forward to it. This forum seems like a welcoming and great community, so I'm looking forward to talking to some of you.

Bye =D
Hi! My name is Tulla Rae... I'm new to MFC! I am happy to be apart of this community. Can't wait to learn and explore new things about myself and MFC. :oops:
Hi, I'm SilentLurker and have read a lot here as guest. I'm not using the name of my MFC premium account here, because I don't know if I will stay that long here. Time will tell.
Contrary to what my username on here is, I usually go by Alex.

I am currently attending a university in the US for my masters, and I'd like to start modeling sometime after the current semester ends. I found this forum through facerolling on the keyboard while trying to find good information, and it's been the best I've found yet.

I also play WoW (Malestrom and Moonguard), and a fuck ton of other games.

I'm also working on a large technology project which will hopefully get some sort of funding for the future.

here i'm inzhener still one of my favourite nicks

i might also be know as ykink, enginenr9, realidiot, and currently i'm dnieper
im a premium on mfc for about 2 years know and just recently found this forum.

have to say its very helpfull
Hi everyone!!! My name is sexi shontel I am a webcam model on myfreecams and I am so excited to see what friends I can make and what kind of fun I can get in to..I am happy to be a part of this forum
Hello everyone.

I'm Alex. I love everything to do about sex, sexuality, and human interactions. I currently write erotica, and travel a bit teaching at BDSM events and conventions. I am using a different name for camming than I do for my BDSM life because I am open to my family and friends about that. I am not sure yet how open I want to be with the camming, so I decided to start a new persona. Besides, there is something fun about being someone else. In my vanilla life I bake, cook, read, swim, horseback ride, and write.

I am loving all the tips and opinions on this site. It is very informative and I'm really thankful I found it.
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:hello2: Welcome to ACF Alex!